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My Camaro and my Corvette


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So let's start this thread by saying that I'm bored with my cars. They aren't doing it for me anymore. I don't know what else I would want, but I feel like these have run their course.


The Camaro I probably should've given up long ago, I just keep throwing money at it doing different things. I am however pretty attached to the car, I'm pretty centimental over it since I've had it since 03. I'm afraid if I get rid of it I'll regret it later, but it doesn't really do anything.


The Corvette I bought 3 years ago, I had just sold my Miata and this was the first thing that came along. I fixed a bunch of stuff and sorted it out, and thought I'd do more autocross but I really haven't. I really don't want to mod it to death like I did the Camaro so it's become pointless.


Maybe I'm just mental, but I'm not enjoying the car scene anymore. Nobody I want to hang out with meets, or races. The best things I did all year were hanging out with Doc and a couple CR track days, both are fun but it wasn't because I was excited about cars. (Although I did enjoy driving the Slingshot). My personal life used to revolve around friday and saturday night because of cars, and I'm still hung up on it but it's not there. I'm more annoyed then anything when I go into my garage.


So here's the point, anyone else feel like this?


I've never gotten rid of a modded car, what could I expect if I did? The Camaro is the first thing I really did much too. I suppose that's why a lot of people part them out?


What do you think they're worth?

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don't be in a rush list the camaro for a slightly higher than normal price post dyno and 1/4 mi times. it doesnt kill you to keep it so be stingy with the price.


The vette being more stock i'd see what they go for on craigslist within a few hundred miles and list towards the top of the price spectrum advertise it as gm master tech owned and maintained and get what you can get.



i got out of cars awhile ago after big headaches at the end of projects it just ruined me for a bit. I bought a boat and got back into fishing like i did when I was younger. I've had the boat 5 years now and this past year got a car to tinker with again. Next fun car I buy will be fast stock, comfy and stock mostly stock other than wheels/suspension/exhaust. c6 grand sport is where my mind is at but i'm a couple years off that financially so we'll see if that changes.



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Youd regret losing the Camaro. Ask any one of us who actually sold our sentimental car like that.


Ditch the vette and buy something new to tinker with. Probably not worth much, but you could probably have fun with not too much coin....its all about the hunt isn't it?

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Yep. 5 years ago when I got rid of the Turbo GT, I was just sick of the money, time, and the amount of time it was broke. I think I would have been happy with the Kenne Bell Mach 1, but it broke as well. The 69 filled in the gap this past year for me, but I am loosing interest in it as well. I've been to the track like 3 times in 5 years and I was religious about going every week. Just not that interested anymore. Still like reading, taking about cars lol.


As far as what they are worth, prepare yourself for disappointment and a fraction of what you have put into them. Being as you have 2 toys, Id either get rid of both and get something else, or just keep one of them and solider through it.

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If you plan to sell the vette wait until spring , winter and Ohio is the worst time to sell a sports car. The last thing you will want is some idiot thinking this is the perfect time to snag a cheap summer ride and slide off the road into a ditch
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I still regret selling my first toy car all the time. I stripped it down to a shell and gave it to a friend in Cleveland and he rebuilt the car from the ground up. If he ever sells that thing he knows I'm the first person to call.


I'd say keep the one with sentimental value and ditch the Corvette to get something you'd enjoy a little more (or not- pocket the money).

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If you plan to sell the vette wait until spring , winter and Ohio is the worst time to sell a sports car. The last thing you will want is some idiot thinking this is the perfect time to snag a cheap summer ride and slide off the road into a ditch


Not planning on trying hard to sell anything in the very near future, probably won't try very hard to sell in the spring either.


I still regret selling my first toy car all the time. I stripped it down to a shell and gave it to a friend in Cleveland and he rebuilt the car from the ground up. If he ever sells that thing he knows I'm the first person to call.


I'd say keep the one with sentimental value and ditch the Corvette to get something you'd enjoy a little more (or not- pocket the money).


Here's my issue the one with the sentiment is the worse car performance wise, and is why I've hung on to having both cars.

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2015 Impala LTZ, daily

1997 Corvette, toy

2002 Camaro Z28, toy


Sounds like you have a case of the pleb lyfe blues.


Sell the Impala, daily drive the corvette... Winter tires, have fun instead of being just another tater hating life in his tan accord.


I'll never understand the "fun" cars rotting away while some boring ass appliance gets all the use. Sounds like a recipe for..........well this.

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2015 Impala LTZ, daily

1997 Corvette, toy

2002 Camaro Z28, toy


Sounds like you have a case of the pleb lyfe blues.


Sell the Impala, daily drive the corvette... Winter tires, have fun instead of being just another tater hating life in his tan accord.


I'll never understand the "fun" cars rotting away while some boring ass appliance gets all the use. Sounds like a recipe for..........well this.


:fuckyeah: Fiberglass doesn't rust


Unless you need a backseat of course.

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So let's start this thread by saying that I'm bored with my cars. They aren't doing it for me anymore. I don't know what else I would want, but I feel like these have run their course....




...Maybe I'm just mental, but I'm not enjoying the car scene anymore. Nobody I want to hang out with meets, or races. The best things I did all year were hanging out with Doc and a couple CR track days, both are fun but it wasn't because I was excited about cars. (Although I did enjoy driving the Slingshot). My personal life used to revolve around friday and saturday night because of cars, and I'm still hung up on it but it's not there. I'm more annoyed then anything when I go into my garage.


So here's the point, anyone else feel like this?



I have been there, but with motorcycles. For a while I thought the problem was just I had the wrong kind of motorcycles and so I set out to get more of them. At one point I had a collection of roughly 35 motorcycles, which is kind of unmanageable for just one person. It didn't solve the problem so I tired to do some different things with them. I took up dirt riding again, I built a turbo honda cb450 to take land speed racing that blew up magnificently before I ever touched the salt or runway, A sidercar racer friend gave me some lessons on being the monkey, but while it all was fun for a short time it didn't make things better. At the time I was also working in the industry with Hell for Leather and working at Team Obsolete on their race bikes for a couple of nights a week. But I was still dissatisfied. The reality was, I was burnt out, I spent too much time around it that nothing impressed me anymore.


So I paired down some of the bikes. I'm down to about 9 now, most of them either historically significant or sentimental, and few of them projects. I found the solution wasn't to burn it to the ground but to go and find a new hobby, meet new people, and do other things. If the urge strikes I can go back to it any time and go ride, but I don't feel like my life revolves around it anymore. Instead, I got really interested in building my own guitars, I resurrected my old RC hobby, I have been thinking about flying lessons again, and I do more crafts projects with my kid. this caused me to get out and meet different people, have different experiences, and feel better about the things I spend my free time doing. And once in a while I go back to my bikes, or working on my jeep and feel great about that.


So here is my advice: before you sell of anything take a look around and see if there is something else out there not automotive that you have an interest in, and go do some of those things. If you like it, great! sell the vette (keep the camaro) and finance the new hobby. If not, look for something else, knowing that your cars are still there if you need them.

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If you have the means and storage. Pick one, Drain the fluids, put it on blocks, and forget about it for 20 years. I wish I had held on to several cars my family and I had over the years that we basically sold for scrap or donated.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Cordell, you're depressed. These cyclical posts about cars with sprinkles of passive attention-grabs for someone to reach out or hang out are dead giveaways.


Go talk to someone, get a seasonal depression happy light or go lay in a tanning bed for 5-8 minutes a couple of days a week. It's nothing to be ashamed of - we have schizophrenic weather and no sunshine 2/3 of our year. Maybe do a real life hack and put a happy light in the ceiling of the camaro rigged to the key-on and go for 10 minute drives a day. That'll really give ya kick in the pants.


It's not your cars fault (but sell the vette, keep your Camaro for sentiment).



My $.02

Edited by Miller
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Cordell, you're depressed. These cyclical posts about cars with sprinkles of passive attention-grabs for someone to reach out or hang out are dead giveaways.


Go talk to someone, get a seasonal depression happy light or go lay in a tanning bed for 5-8 minutes a couple of days a week. It's nothing to be ashamed of - we have schizophrenic weather and no sunshine 2/3 of our year. Maybe do a real life hack and put a happy light in the ceiling of the camaro rigged to the key-on and go for 10 minute drives a day. That'll really give ya kick in the pants.


It's not your cars fault (but sell the vette, keep your Camaro for sentiment).



My $.02


For the first time, I agree with you. These posts are clearly deeper than just the passion for your job or your car.

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2015 Impala LTZ, daily

1997 Corvette, toy

2002 Camaro Z28, toy


Sounds like you have a case of the pleb lyfe blues.


Sell the Impala, daily drive the corvette... Winter tires, have fun instead of being just another tater hating life in his tan accord.


I'll never understand the "fun" cars rotting away while some boring ass appliance gets all the use. Sounds like a recipe for..........well this.


I actually like driving the Impala, 300hp V6 that gets out of its own way, has a comfy seat, and doesn't have any stupid quirks. The other two, well I get your point, but hate driving either of them in any weather and they are full of stupid little quirks. Call it character or whatever, wouldn't bother most people, but after trying to fix stupid little squeaks and rattles all day making everyone else's car perfect mine annoy me.

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Sounds deeper-rooted than just your cars. Maybe get a gym membership or something that gets you generally excited about life. I need to do the same, especially with old man winter rolling in.


Been thinking about this thing for years, not sure what it would be for me.

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I'm guilty of changing hobbies almost as often as changing my underwear. I never truly master anything, but I get good enough at it to gain some respect by members of the community. You're there. You have the respect of most of us for what you have accomplished with your cars. You can either set other goals with your cars or move on to something else. I assume you're like me though. Once you reach a certain level with a hobby the next steps get exponentially expensive. Getting a car into the 10s is not terrible, but 9s gets much more expensive, 8s is ridiculous, etc... You make your goal with the Camaro, and the next step to go faster wasn't practical. So you changed your focus and you accomplished what you wanted to do there. The Corvette was the next step, but you're done with it now and ready to move on.


Keep the Camaro. While it is a beautiful car and has a lot of sentimental value it won't bring much of a price premium. The vette is worth more, but isn't sentimental. Use the money to fund the next hobby. So far over the years I've done all kinds of crazy things. Scuba Diving, Home Brewing, Shooting, RC Cars, Planes, Boats, Carpentry, Drag Racing, Golf, Model Rockets, etc... Learning the skills is the payoff for me. Once I've learned all the basics and have gotten decent at something I get bored and move on. Cars are your work, cars are your hobby. Take a welding class and learn to tig weld. It's a skill related to cars, but it isn't cars only. If you already know how to do that, then pick something else. Goals are what help me. Right now I'm trying to figure out if/how I can shoot something at 1 mile. Preferably with my own setup.

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What about selling one of your toys for a classic muscle car? Do you like the idea of participating in car shows? Any interest in motorcycles, boats, campers, etc? Maybe try something new to mess around with.


I approve of the notion of a classic. To me, and I know this isn't everyone's sentiment here, cruising in a truly vintage ride at any speed is relaxing and enjoyable. Going to shows and talking with generations both past and future who are into vintage rides for various reasons and hearing a multitude of memories told is great.


If I were you, and I'm not, I would sell the 'Vette since it literally means nothing to you and you have no reason to keep it since you don't autox it like you'd planned. Find something "different". Something not seen every day.


The 'maro has that sent value. Your world won't end if you sell it but you WILL miss it. Dearly.


Your DD? Meh. It's a DD.


I also agree about getting more fresh air and daylight. Go for a hike or seven. Works for me. I love strolling through the woods and hunting/fishing.

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