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Is there a structured vetting/panel-review process for Presidential cabinet appointees?


When Trump muses that there's great energy in the White House and there are thousands of people lining up for positions, why are we more than 1 year into a 4-year term and there are still a lot of spots left open?


For the most part, does Trump select his own cabinet members...and thus he just hasn't done so for many of the posts?


I'm thinking about the head of the FAA, and Trump suggesting his personal pilot, John Dunkin, possibly filling the role. Is there no one more qualified, or does Donald just not care?


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  zeitgeist57 said:
Is there a structured vetting/panel-review process for Presidential cabinet appointees?


Cokie Roberts explains:



I think the thing that ends up most surprising is how political the vetting process gets. Sure there are smaller groups that vet for things like ethics and the FBI does a background check and the military for security clearance, but they report to the legislators and the legislators make the ultimate decision. In this particular case, the vetting was poor because republicans basically just rubber stamped trumps appointments, and because the filibuster was phased out under Obama, the democrats have no power to object and just have to sit on their hands.


  zeitgeist57 said:

When Trump muses that there's great energy in the White House and there are thousands of people lining up for positions, why are we more than 1 year into a 4-year term and there are still a lot of spots left open?


because spin. There are probably people lining up for positions who are wildly unqualified, and don't meet other criteria.


  zeitgeist57 said:

For the most part, does Trump select his own cabinet members...and thus he just hasn't done so for many of the posts?


Nominated by the president and confirmed by the senate through a simple majority. So yes he picks them. And yes, there are a lot of posts open because he just hasn't picked anybody and hasn't delegated the authority to pick people to someone else for certain areas. He probably gets recommendations on some of these from his party, or the agency, or even his other cabinet members, but he makes the call in appointing them.


Let's make sure we are clear about something though: there are the "Executive department cabinet" positions which are only 15, and for the most part have been filled (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabinet_of_the_United_States), there are cabinet level positions that also have been filled, and then there are non-cabinet positions that require presidential appointment and confirmation by the senate (PAS positions) that aren't "cabinet" positions (e.g. diplomat to South Korea) <--these are the positions that have open slots. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_positions_filled_by_presidential_appointment_with_Senate_confirmation


There is speculation right now in government circles that he literally thinks that he is making government smaller by just not appointing people, thinking that if the position is vacant, reporting will just roll up to him. This is not correct thinking though because of how channels of communications in government work - an open post does not eliminate the post it just creates a dead end for the information that instead of going to it's whitehouse contact has to go through the general channels and gatekeepers (who probably don't have instructions on how to deal with this scenario). This is just speculation but it would explain a lot. Support for this theory comes from his quotes like this: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/11/03/561797675/im-the-only-one-that-matters-trump-says-of-state-dept-job-vacancies

  Donald Trump said:
Trump said, "So, we don't need all the people that they want. You know, don't forget, I'm a businessperson. I tell my people, 'Where you don't need to fill slots, don't fill them.' But we have some people that I'm not happy with their thinking process."



  zeitgeist57 said:

I'm thinking about the head of the FAA, and Trump suggesting his personal pilot, John Dunkin, possibly filling the role. Is there no one more qualified, or does Donald just not care?



There are tons more qualified, and he probably does care, but not about qualifications. Loyalty to him seems to be the over arching theme we are seeing out of the CIC - it doesn't matter if you are incompetent, so long as you back him and don't question his authority.


I don't think it will happen though, even other republicans think it's a bad idea:


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  BStowers023 said:
An anti-gun protest by students in California turns violent.


Can you find a "credible" news source reporting this? Because every site I can find that isn't some weirdo alt right agenda website is reporting that the violence was caused by students that were using the protest as a cover to skip school, and not the ones participating in the police escorted peaceful protest.




also...weak as wet toilet paper, and half as moral:


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  greg said:
I love when Wags shows up every few days to remind us how much better he is than the rest of us rubes.


Not better than anybody, just pointing out the insanity that grips this country.


I see it from both sides, the total bullshit that comes from some people on the left and right just blows my mind.


My current favorite are the right wing idiots that think the .gov is going to take all your guns away. Ain't going to happen modern America so people just need to calm their tits over that bullshit.

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  greg said:
And you just glide over all the BS on your high horse, don't you.


Not really, I just get tired of the total crap that is put out there.


My dad was over this past weekend and he loves to watch Fox News, it's obvious they have their own agenda.


My wife loves her some CNN so she can get her Trump bashing porn fix, it's just Fox News on a different side.


I'm over here just trying to watch cat videos and buy race car parts because shit is going to burn either way.


Care to pick at me anymore? My entire view on the "political system" of this country has soured greatly with this past election. It's turned into that Will Ferrel move "The Election"...

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  Wagner said:
It's turned into that Will Ferrel move "The Election"...

Except that movie was actually funny, and had a happy ending.


I think what Greg is pointing out, is that if you are so "over" or "above" the current state of political affairs in this country - then why come in here and crap all over people trying to have an actual conversation about it? If it is truly a waste of time then why waste your time?


A joke that only you find funny at everyone's expense is textbook you proving to yourself how much better you are than those having a dialog. But don't let me get in the way of you thinking you are some master internet puppet master.

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  Wagner said:
I'm over here just trying to watch cat videos and buy race car parts because shit is going to burn either way.


There's no cat videos or race car parts in the politics thread. If you're not interested in politics, it's easy enough not to click in here, and easier still not to post.

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  Wagner said:
Woah, didn't know this was some meet the press high level talk in here.


I'll let you guys get back to it...


It's better, it's people in your community with other shared interests and not some talking head on a TV screen a million miles away. People you have met, people you call neighbors, and people who vote in local elections that actually affect you in real life. Seems way more relevant to me.


But I get it, you are too good for us, so we will let you know when meet the press calls.

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  Geeto67 said:
Can you find a "credible" news source reporting this? Because every site I can find that isn't some weirdo alt right agenda website is reporting that the violence was caused by students that were using the protest as a cover to skip school, and not the ones participating in the police escorted peaceful protest.




also...weak as wet toilet paper, and half as moral:




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Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts




Right here in Hilliard. Why are students being forced to protest? If I were the parent of this kid I would be completely outraged. This student did the most mature thing out of everyone including the teachers and gets punished for it. Pathetic.

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  BStowers023 said:
Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts




Right here in Hilliard. Why are students being forced to protest?


Is reading comprehension that hard? It says right in the article that if he didn't want to protest there was an alternative study hall he could go to.


here let me help:


  the body of the article which Brandon didn said:
An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative' date=' a study hall.[/size']



If I were the parent of this kid I would be completely outraged. This student did the most mature thing out of everyone including the teachers and gets punished for it. Pathetic.


No, the most mature thing if he didn't want to participate would have been to go to the study hall they specifically set up for students who didn't want to participate. He chose to not do that, which would have actually also been the most responsible thing to do, he's either protesting the protest or he's just an idiot.


Edit: Also Fake news


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It’s how MSN decides to write it. With words like “joining the protest” and subtle “alternative study hall” leads most people to believe he was suspended because he didn’t join the protest.

This is exactly how mainstream media,and most media write these stories. Why not joining students in study hall, or alternative protest? Not quite as outrageous.

Shoemaker had the choice to either go to the protest,or go to study hall. He decided to stay in the classroom alone,which wasn’t a choice, an action that he was told by teachers he couldn’t do, because they had to leave the classrooms to supervise the study hall and protest where the rest of the students were. Shoemaker was suspended for staying in the classroom.


No outrage in the above paragraph, just the story as it happened. The MSN story is swayed towards their agenda, not really the facts, as much of the news is. Most people are already outraged when they read the headline, and most of these headlines again sway towards the agenda of the news company very liberal or whatever you would like to call it.


Given the correct facts, without bias would be helpful. Hopefully more people can understand that they need to question their news, and possibly the news will do their job, delivering the facts, clearly and unbiased.

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  BStowers023 said:
Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts




Right here in Hilliard. Why are students being forced to protest? If I were the parent of this kid I would be completely outraged. This student did the most mature thing out of everyone including the teachers and gets punished for it. Pathetic.


Or he should have got a pro-gun group of kids together like they did at my sons school and they all met in a classroom while the pussys were outside being brain washed by the media and used by the politicians who were hijacking school time to make their political statements.


My said they had more in their pro gun classroom than those that went outside for the anti gun walk. :lolguy:

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  TTQ B4U said:
....while the pussys were outside....:


I would think standing up to the bullying culture propagated of old men, like you, who think this is an appropriate way to talk about children makes them not Pussies.


You don’t have to agree with their opinion, but it shouldn’t be asking to much for you to be a decent human being about it, should it?

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  kickass said:


kids need to fucking stay in school and learn something instead of being a bunch of fucking know-it-all, self righteous assholes, which is exactly how we got into this mess.


Not really sure why you hate the young so much.


The youth culture (in every country) are usually the drivers of revolution and change. This isn't a new phenomenon, it goes back centuries. Protests during school aren't new either, they did them when I was in high school over 20 years ago, they did them when my uncle was in high school for the US involvement in Vietnam. The average age of the continental army was 20, which means there were a shit load of high school aged kids fighting the British. James Monroe (5th president of the united states) was 18 years old when he fought in the revolutionary war, as was Marquis de Lafyette. Andrew Jackson (who was 9 when the declaration was signed) became a courier during the revolution and was wounded by the British at age 14.


I don't know why you think them protesting something that squarely hits home for them makes them "know it all" or "self righteous" - they are literally just doing what kids their age have done since the beginning of time.


ad for some reason people have hated the young for it since the beginning of time:


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Sounds like you're saying we need to start allowing minors to go fight wars again. Ok, old enough to protest, old enough to ship off to wars. You know, back around the Vietnam era, 9 out of 10 doctors recommended Camels, so perhaps we should just give them all a pack of cigs while we're at it.


...and you say I'm the one who hates kids.


The world was a different place 50 years ago, let alone 200 years ago when Andrew Jackson was alive.



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  kickass said:
Sounds like you're saying we need to start allowing minors to go fight wars again. Ok, old enough to protest, old enough to ship off to wars. You know, back around the Vietnam era, 9 out of 10 doctors recommended Camels, so perhaps we should just give them all a pack of cigs while we're at it.


...and you say I'm the one who hates kids.


The world was a different place 50 years ago, let alone 200 years ago when Andrew Jackson was alive.




false equivalency much? I can't even comprehend the mental chasm you had to jump to link cigarette smoking to protests. I am not saying we should allow minors to go fight wars, what I am saying is that young people have always been and will always be politically involved - and this is a good thing. Protest is a form or political expression and whether you believe it or not it is mostly effective, esp over the long term. What good reason do you have to deny them something that has gone one since before either of us walked this planet?


The world may be a much different place, but some things never change - like the young people of this world being an engine for change and people looking to shit on the young for literally just being young.

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