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Trump takes it in the ass from Korea?


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I think I cracked the code to the Trump strategy. If it hasn't been done before, or people thought it was crazy before - do it. I'm not making a joke, I literally believe that this is his strategy: Try something different without regard to whether it was a good idea or not, and esp without regard as to whether you were one of the people saying it was a bad idea as a way of taking pot shots at Obama. Rather than understand why people tell you something is bad, do the bad thing and see if they are right. Basically, fuck up the status quo and see what happens, who knows maybe he'll get lucky and something good will.


Maybe it's ok we don't have North Korea as an enemy for a while...I mean, there is always Canada...


I will say this, at some point we either had to recognize the Kim Regime or sponsor it's over throw. The long game wasn't working in our favor. However, if it is recognized on the world stage, then North Korea could potentially be held to the higher standard and be more vulnerable to public pressure from other nations. In other words, rather than a violent bloddy revolution, Kim could show up to the general assembly at the UN and find himself being lead into the Hague to stand trial for human rights violations.

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Recognizing the legitimacy of the Kim regime on a world stage?


Define giving him legitimacy. What, putting their flag next to ours and meeting with him grants him some special powers? No it doesn’t. He’s a turd and his country is a shit hole, nothing there changes.


The view of him by his people isn’t going to change. They are starving and most are living below the life of my dogs and the outdoor cats roaming the streets of any US City. Like them seeing him on stage is going to impact their lives for the better.....it’s not and they know it. Who gives a shit what his people think of him anyway.


The alternative is you have a guy backed into a corner and he knows there are only three choices.....stay in the hole you’re in and starve, fight and likely die before anything you fire hits their targets - no win for anyone, or come to the table. Bringing him to the table and offering him nothing but what we have already and insisting he kisses ass isn’t going to do anything to move the matter forward. If we want him to take control and make a move weather it’s war or not, then we can sit back and do nothing. That’s been the policy for pretty much decades and it’s done nothing to move things forward. TIme for a change.




Agreeing to halt joint military exercises in order to "save money"?



Does it really matter? It’s not like we need to continue to flex muscles and show off. That time is over. The next move is either forward to take real action and light the place up. My guess is if he dicks around, then the US Will deliver a throat punch and then offer another opportunity to step up or get put down.



What the hell is going on here?



Trump and his team are actually doing something vs holding their dicks and playing games.




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But hey, at least he's sticking it to our allies. #artofthedeal



Ever have a buddy who constantly comes over and drinks your beer, eats your food and never offers any money towards the good times or hosts good times of his own? Or when he does you’re eating pizza and drinking stale beer or cheap liquor?


That’s what he’s telling our “allies” is time to stop. level out the trade so it’s fair on both sides and keep your hands out of our piggy back and stop jerking off on our leg without giving us a fair reach around.



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Trump and his team are actually doing something vs holding their dicks and playing games.


Ah yes, the old "Give them everything they want and hope we get something out of it eventually" strategy. Brilliant.


I'm sure if Obama had done all of this you'd be singing his praises as well. After all, the Iran nuclear deal was a diplomatic tour de force compared to what we've gotten out of this summit and conservatives couldn't stop praising Obama over that one.

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That’s what he’s telling our “allies” is time to stop. level out the trade so it’s fair on both sides and keep your hands out of our piggy back and stop jerking off on our leg without giving us a fair reach around.


None of that is actually happening but you've never given a fuck about reality before, so why start.

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Ah yes, the old "Give them everything they want and hope we get something out of it eventually" strategy. Brilliant.


When someone who you want to deal with outside fighting and killing wants a free-be that doesn’t impact us at all, then who gives a shit.


I'm sure if Obama had done all of this you'd be singing his praises as well.


Iran deal and money.....LOL. Obama and Kerry couldn’t formulate a winning deal between the two of them against a starving puppy.




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None of that is actually happening but you've never given a fuck about reality before, so why start.



Sure....all the trades deals with our allies are nothing but win win deals for everyone. No problem at all.



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When someone who you want to deal with outside fighting and killing wants a free-be that doesn’t impact us at all, then who gives a shit.


Ah yes... global recognition, halting long-planned and essential military training, and ending sanctions -- negotiating "free-bes" [sic] in the Trump universe.

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Ah yes... global recognition, halting long-planned and essential military training, and ending sanctions -- negotiating "free-bes" [sic] in the Trump universe.



Again, define global recognition and how it changes anything? So Japan is going to say holy shit the US and Korea met....that Kim fellow is a GOD now right? No. Nothing has changed. Little boy ate at Grandpa’s table and got served the lime jello that no one else wants. Yeah for him. He and his people are still the same in the eyes of everyone even themselves. If you want a dog to behave and be trained you don’t kick him when he comes looking for a treat after doing what’s been asked.


Halting our military exercises....again, so what. They can be turned back on again with the same simplicity as ending them. Again, who cares. Do you really think we don’t already have plans A-B-C and D ready to execute?


If anything, it sends a strong message.....next time, Kim isn’t going to see “military exercises” he’s going to be feeling a real hit and he knows it.


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I absolutely detest Trump as a human being, and frankly, as a President.


However, he's making moves. I'll sit back and see what impact the moves have, but for now, I'm actually satisfied he's doing something. I just HATE how he goes about it...such a major opportunity to be more diplomatic, and FFS, stay off Twitter.


I don't see a whole lot wrong with what he's doing (that pains me to say), but the way he executes is all wrong.

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My hunch is Kim isn’t much like his Grandfather. he’s had a taste of the sweetness the rest of teh world has and he likes it. He wants that but has to balance getting that without his own military killing him. He has a military that knows the reality of the situation. IMO they likely know that they don’t stand a chance if the red button is pushed. Does it really matter to them if they have the ability to cause millions of deaths with conventional weapons when if they did that they would gone in minutes themselves? No.


The challenge he faces is he has an old-school military that likely doesn’t like him as a silver spoon millenial coming to power, yet he is the boss. He has. a group of people that are starving and brainwashed that no nothing different but offer him nothing really. Then he likely has a group that would love to escape and live in the real world.


So in essence he has nothing. Dogs with no chance and are injured can be dangerous but can also be saved and brought into the real world so long as they obey and play nice. To get their however, we have to actually do something.



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You're right, I've only got 16 years in the military, what do I know about training.




Evidently you must know more than our life-long military leaders yet haven’t been chosen to lead their team. Sad.



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And FWIW, none of these promises from NK are new. We've gotten nothing from NK but words, which we've gotten in the past.



True, but again, he’s not the same as his father or grand father. To assume he is would be incorrect and his actions thus far have shown he’s not either.



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Evidently you must know more than our life-long military leaders yet haven’t been chosen to lead their team. Sad.



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So the life-long military leaders have been wasting money on pointless military training exercises for decades?! What are you saying exactly? YOU know more than them?

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True, but again, he’s not the same as his father or grand father. To assume he is would be incorrect and his actions thus far have shown he’s not either.



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Nevertheless, it's incorrect to say that "something is happening" when nothing has happened that hasn't happened in the past, just because Kim Jong Un is not Kim Jong Il. It's a hopeful platitude, not a concrete happening. You can't deny that.

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Nevertheless, it's incorrect to say that "something is happening" when nothing has happened that hasn't happened in the past, just because Kim Jong Un is not Kim Jong Il. It's a hopeful platitude, not a concrete happening. You can't deny that.



Meeting one of any business deal usually is just a get to know one another session and one in which we figure out what success looks like on both sides. Way better than denying the meeting. Kinda hard to solve anything when you don’t know what the other side is looking for or willing to bargain with.


So in the end, those looking for a magic solution and rainbows clearly have never been in sales or worked out any type of deal before. Shit doesn’t happen overnight. But hey....keep saying it was a dick in Trump’s ass if that makes you feel better. Hate on.



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Didn’t this dude have his own brother killed with a deadly toxin? Seems trustworthy.


Agree. Trust no one. Even Trump stating he trust him is BS and Trump knows it. Just his way of pushing buttons of those around him including Kim.




And Tim, are you posting like Trump tweets? LOL


Waiting for IT to finish up with my laptop that a policy update fucked up.....Ugh......should have worked remote.







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