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since I'm an old fuck, how do people meet friends online


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On facebook have her check out local events. If she finds something that piques her interest then go check it out and socialize. Internet probably isn't the best place to look for friends, face to face interaction she will find people she connects with better.

we're old, the internet is how the kids do it now adays lol

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Thanks, did all that :)


She said I need help making new friends because she's not allowed to hang out with her co-workers (some rule about being a manager and not allowing to hang out with the people who report to you)


I've been caught by rules like that in the past. Are there any other managers/leaders she could socialize with?


I feel your pain. Wanting your kids to be happy is huge and seeing them struggle just sucks. You sound like an awesome father - good luck!!

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Sounds like she needs to pursue some of her hobbies. That is usually to find people that are into the same thing that she likes to do. Obviously she will learn a good life lesson that no-one is worth closing out their family/friends to the point that she did.


If she is on facebook, there is an events page on there for public events in the area, workshops, festivals, etc. She should look at doing some of those.

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I read the she has no interests part.


Before she tries to start meeting people she should probably find some interests. It's not very easy making real friends if you're the quiet tag along with no interests. She'll have trouble making any sort of real connection.


Have her start trying to find interests in the real world. With all the social media ways of meeting people, it's made it that much easier to meet people in real life at functions or events. Approaching strangers shows a huge sign of character and confidence that people appreciate more than ever these days.

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I meet all of my friends on this website called ColumbusRacing.com





Me too....:cry:



Hey, outside of college, the majority of my friends came from sites like this one and the vehicle-specific forums I used to spend everyday on.


This was my brother about 5 years ago. Moved back home after living in NYC for a decade. All of his friends had moved away so he really didn't have anyone except a few childhood friends. One of them got him into guns and from there, he's gone to shows, gun ranges, online forums and has built himself a small group of close friends from that one hobby.

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playing fortnite with her right now :)


Thumbs up dude. After going through a divorce 5 years ago, and trying to make up for lost time with my kids, I kept trying to set up crazy experiences with them—later realizing my they didn’t care about all that shit. They just wanted the time with me

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Thumbs up dude. After going through a divorce 5 years ago, and trying to make up for lost time with my kids, I kept trying to set up crazy experiences with them—later realizing my they didn’t care about all that shit. They just wanted the time with me


This seems to be the case. My son runs up to me as fast as he can when I see him with his arms out yelling "daddy!". We dont anything too crazy. Just hang out and find something fun to do.

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I appreciate the advice.. Her and I don't really do much together, she doesn't care when I come in the door from work (my youngest doesn't anymore either) But we do try to get some gaming time in. As soon as the youngest gets to bed, I think we'll be firing up some Fortnite or PUBG
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I appreciate the advice.. Her and I don't really do much together, she doesn't care when I come in the door from work (my youngest doesn't anymore either) But we do try to get some gaming time in. As soon as the youngest gets to bed, I think we'll be firing up some Fortnite or PUBG


I dont live with them, so that might have something to do with it.

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Thumbs up dude. After going through a divorce 5 years ago, and trying to make up for lost time with my kids, I kept trying to set up crazy experiences with them—later realizing my they didn’t care about all that shit. They just wanted the time with me


Saw one of those cheesy memes on FB one time that hit close to home. Non-parental units will lol but I don't care what they think. :lol:


It read, "Children spell 'love' t-i-m-e."

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I'm not asking to pry, I'm asking before I recommend anything.


Where is mom? Any mom figure in the picture?

Yes, she's in the picture... my daughter is actually closer to her mother than me. We just game with each other and I'm at a loss on what to do. Her and her mother aren't very out going people

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Yes, she's in the picture... my daughter is actually closer to her mother than me. We just game with each other and I'm at a loss on what to do. Her and her mother aren't very out going people


It happens. Ever thought of a cross country drive to spend time and get her appreciation of the outdoors going?

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Lack of interest in things is probably depression. Get some feel-good meds going first so she feels motivated to get out and do things. Once that happens, natural happiness should start kicking in and she can wean off the meds.


I know people hate meds, but they do work.

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wait... people actually meet friends online. like just platonic friends? I feel like that's a recipe to invite some crazy fucking people into your life.


Not that she'll necessarily take advice from her dad but you should suggest she pick up a new hobby. Sand volleyball, painting, bowling league, drinking heavily, something along those lines. Just ANYTHING to expose her to other people outside of her non-existent friend circle. I can't tell you how many people I've met and eventually became good friends with through hockey. All b/c we just shared something we enjoyed doing. Hell the newest girl on my Friday team just moved to cbus from Jersey with her GF, didn't know a soul but joined a league and she at least has some friends in a city they just moved to.

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