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Really only used LinkedIn. I'm old and have zero interest in social media gossip. I see the value in FB in terms of exposure to others with marketing and picking up ideas and seeing impact on various things. For example a FB Page on a product or vehicle that has users contributing information, etc. My wife uses it to communicate with her friends and family; I just call or text.
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I dropped FB about 18 months ago, great decision. Huge time suck and I got sick of the political bullshit posted nonstop. I only use IG now.


One of my new years resolution was to cut out FB and Twitter for a month, then reevalute after that. FB just seemed like such a time waster all the time. I would check without realizing, just to check it.


The only thing i really "miss" is Twitter but thats because i follow CBJ / NHL stuff through twitter. Now i just find myself reading The Athletic all the time.

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Doing my best to be on none of them. I have a Linkdin I barely use and nothing else. My only issue is the only way to buy/sell go kart parts is via Facebook it seems. Currently using my wife’s for that. Hahaha


I dropped FB about 18 months ago, great decision. Huge time suck and I got sick of the political bullshit posted nonstop. I only use IG now.


Dropped my fb long ago, never looked back. I have a linked in but it seems to be turning into fb.

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One of my new years resolution was to cut out FB and Twitter for a month, then reevalute after that. FB just seemed like such a time waster all the time. I would check without realizing, just to check it.


The only thing i really "miss" is Twitter but thats because i follow CBJ / NHL stuff through twitter. Now i just find myself reading The Athletic all the time.


Me too. I'd just jump on because it was a habit. I did miss it for a few months, because of the sports pages I'd follow, but I got over it.

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What are you trying to do? Grow the membership?


Yes... Also make it easier for people to keep up on events. I know FB gives event reminders which is nice.


In the middle of changing the way people are able to get on CR right now. We are opening up the forum a little more to make it more inviting.

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