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What's the most exotic you've spotted?


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“That car” has been updated to a new platform, but has the same overall theme. For a while the guy worked in my office building but I’ve either grown numb to it or he stopped working there.


Outside of the LaFerrari I also once shared the track with a Ferrari 333SP. Easily the best sounding car I’ve ever heard. Blew by me on the back straight at Mid Ohio without me needing to lift off the throttle.

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This thing has been hard parked on the street. Younger guy owns it. I presume that's his folks house. Cville exotic.


Stay classy.






"Send Nudes"



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Exactly why I shared this. I lol'd. Sits outside there under trees 24/7 with those tires just screaming at everyone who drives by.


I have to say, he's probably smarter than all of us. Without those tires it's just another white C7, but $40 in tire graphics and the thing is it's own social media promotion just sitting there. I'm not saying he's going to actually get more nudes from this, but I betcha that car is not hard to find on the twitbookgrams. #$40internetminorcelebrity

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As of late nothing really worth talking about but during the summer when I go back home. I will see one of these once or twice a year.



My roommate and I in college used to drool over the W8. I still dig em.

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