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Forrest Gump 9

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You're right. I didn't read that specific article and I should have. Most of what I have read or "heard" claimed a lab created it which was what my response was based on. So I concur with you.




I agree. Makes sense. I should have read further into it.


I was kidding in my most recent reply but you really "called nonsense" on articles you didn't even read? :wtf: :lolguy:


Honestly I'm not claiming or taking sides or anything else. I was just sharing information for the collective to READ and do with what they see fit. :)

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once all these careers start to go away, we will see more people killing themselves than this fucking virus.


That will be the 20-45 year olds. A group that is 99.8% safe from this virus.


You have anything to support this prediction of suicides, or is this your hypothesis? As I recall you're around my age and work in an industry being hit pretty hard, so if this stems from your own personal feelings and concerns don't let that get away from you. Truly, take care bud, and reach out if you need help.


This too shall pass. Whole bunch of people before us have gotten through much worse.

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once all these careers start to go away, we will see more people killing themselves than this fucking virus.


That will be the 20-45 year olds. A group that is 99.8% safe from this virus.


With all the shouting going on from every side this is something that is really being overlooked.


I'm a pretty strong person but I've hit my breaking point seeing everything going on around me in the industry and to my friends. I guess the only way to describe it is shell shock.


Good people in the industry that had no reason to think they're job would be at risk, boom screwed. I've had freelancers call me crying because there's no work, nobody is hiring, can't even get a non-industry professional job.


It's so scary to think everything you've ever worked for is about to go away and nobody even cares because it's for the greater good. By the time your suffering begins there's no hope or help.

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You have anything to support this prediction of suicides, or is this your hypothesis? As I recall you're around my age and work in an industry being hit pretty hard, so if this stems from your own personal feelings and concerns don't let that get away from you. Truly, take care bud, and reach out if you need help.


This too shall pass. Whole bunch of people before us have gotten through much worse.


ill be fine. I plan for the catastrophic financial events. At 19yo I watched my dads 30+ year wealth management business grind to a halt overnight and learned to cushion my life. With that said, it sucks not growing my income / not having income ATM (or periods of no money), but I have always bet on myself. I could imagine feeling differently if I built a cooperate job for the last 10 years and all the sudden my business is going away (and may not come back).


We have a country (and world) that struggles with depression / suicide at an exponential rate. Those numbers are only going to be amplified with this removing careers and income for the foreseeable future. I don't think its a leap to say thats a strong possibility.

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Because you are an infectous disease expert? or even listening to the experts? no you are not and you aren't listening. You are just repearing a bullshit political talking point that people from "your team" in OTHER states are saying (and are getting called out for there as well).


No more than you are Kerry. It would be nice however, to actually continue this discussion without the grade-school antics and sarcasm but I'm just saying....


Over the course of our connection on facebook I've literally watched your "friends" call obama "the magic N-word" in response to your posts. Should we judge you by the company you keep?
I've not seen a friend of mine ever use the N word on Facebook. Especially in anything I've posted on my feed. I wouldn't have that. if I saw that, I'd delete it and ask they don't post it in my thread. People I don't know, I have no control over and just like here, I also have no control over what you say elsewhere either. What you or others say outside my purview doesn't get brought to my attention so who knows.


you literally said "Locking everyone inside saved lives but wasn't necessary".
I've already addressed that in post 941 here. It's not a lie either but again with word games. :rolleyes: It's a point made with my own supporting point included and you just disagree with it and whether its just your point or points from others, if it's different than yours it's wrong, bad a lie or put forth by a racist.....yadda yadda. Oh....and that person should STFU because you're now the bigger Trump than Trump.



Tim, the chemo argument is one I continue to hear, and it's a bad one. The numbers aren't comparable, the risks of transmission aren't comparable. It's a poor comparison.



According to the CDC about 650,000 cancer patients receive chemotherapy in an outpatient oncology clinic in the United State in any given year and given we have about that many covid cases in the US right now, I'd say the numbers are pretty close for now.


My point is still, regardless of the numbers, these people are the most vulnerable health wise to any and all infections and viruses and yet the solution isn't to lock down the economy for them. There are other ways to protect individuals. Perhaps you disagree ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by TTQ B4U
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there are plenty of mutations of the flu that there are not vacination for. Obesity isn't a stretch since the arguement pushed is that people are dying and I already agreed that it isn't contagious. It's not about one particular death type, but more about goverment over-reach.
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once all these careers start to go away, we will see more people killing themselves than this fucking virus.


That will be the 20-45 year olds. A group that is 99.8% safe from this virus.



Suicide treatment and prevention saw an 800% increase in some areas at the start of this pandemic








so I am not sure what spike you are looking for that hasn't already happened. Will there be an increase? signs point to yes, but it seems like we are already in the throws of the increase and have been. How much worse it will get remains to be seen.


The other things not getting talked about (at least in the right way) is the increase in domestic violence. Most discussions has been on the temporary firearm restrictions to try and comnbat it and not the 24% increase in cases that has already been reported in some areas.

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there are plenty of mutations of the flu that there are not vacination for. Obesity isn't a stretch since the arguement pushed is that people are dying and I already agreed that it isn't contagious. It's not about one particular death type, but more about goverment over-reach.


Hypothetical, if CV-19 had a 90% death rate, would it be government overreach to step in and take drastic measures to prevent hundreds of millions of Americans from dying? Disregard the mechanism (state/federal), just in general would that be a proper role of government or is that an abrogation of freedom?

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good discussion topic. Sadly I do not have a great option for that. The gov should close borders to the country to those that are showing signs of some type of contagious sickness. Unfortunately due to our buy everything from stores approach, anyone that walks into a store is a risk and including police who are there to enforce laws which make them a carrier. At some point, people have to build tolerance to it. On the flip side, the hand santiser push years ago created strains of colds that were way sicker. As the current approach to cigs or alcohol, just take the approach of do what you see fit and face the music down the road if it comes.


To even add another layer to it, laws in a given area typically tend to lean towards one religious party which can create a vague seperation of church vs state.

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You literallty said "locking everyone inside saved lives but it wasn't necessary and it's the at the cost of the economy".


You literally once told Grant to kill himself, said you weren't kidding, and said we'd all be better off if he did.


Let's talk about quality of life now. :gabe:

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It would be nice however, to actually continue this discussion without the grade-school antics and sarcasm but I'm just saying....


You don't get it, I'm not interested in continuing this discussion with you. Not only do I find your "opinion" ignorant and ill concieved, but I think you are being reckless in a way that is harmfull to others.


But hey, there is an easy way to resolve this. Just go out and live your life like we aren't under shelter in place/social distance order, and see how you fare. If you really believe it was unnecessary prove it by living by example. Go ahead and forego your gloves and masks, hang out with as many people as you want, and make sure you shake a lot of hands. prove us all wrong.

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You literally once told Grant to kill himself, said you weren't kidding, and said we'd all be better off if he did.


Let's talk about quality of life now. :gabe:


I also apologized to him, he and I talked it out, and everything is fine now. He even bought girl scout cookies from my kid last year. But apparently that's worthless to you. Fuck anybody doing the right thing - it's only about the immediate dig you can take at a person when it suits you, amirite? so you want to talk about quality of life?

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If you really believe it was unnecessary prove it by living by example. Go ahead and forego your gloves and masks, hang out with as many people as you want, and make sure you shake a lot of hands. prove us all wrong.



I intend to live and work and prosper yes. Prolly will only wear a mask if it's required and it may be for my job and would comply. I do shake hands, but let's see how that custom progresses. I am a bit OCD thus I usually do more than enough sanitizer and hand washing. I do plan on being and have been most conscious about touching my face. It's a habit many have and I've been noticing it more and more on people.


Likewise, if you wish to stay home and are lucky enough not to get furloughed then carry on and enjoy the family. Be safe and all the best.

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Hypothetical, if CV-19 had a 90% death rate, would it be government overreach to step in and take drastic measures to prevent hundreds of millions of Americans from dying? Disregard the mechanism (state/federal), just in general would that be a proper role of government or is that an abrogation of freedom?


Short non nuanced answer?


yes it would be overreach

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You have anything to support this prediction of suicides, or is this your hypothesis? As I recall you're around my age and work in an industry being hit pretty hard, so if this stems from your own personal feelings and concerns don't let that get away from you. Truly, take care bud, and reach out if you need help.


This too shall pass. Whole bunch of people before us have gotten through much worse.


Common sense.

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Damn, depressing reading the last two pages. I don’t believe in suicide because imho it’s weak. Tomorrow the sun will rise even if the human race cease to exist.


On another note, if you die first there will be people to bury you. If you the last one to die, no one will bury you

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