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question for the audience. does any one state or hospital get any financial gain for reporting any death as corona?


Well I heard that if you catch it then you won't have to pay for treatment so it's in the interest of all parties to get that diagnosis so it probably extends to deaths in some way.

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question for the audience. does any one state or hospital get any financial gain for reporting any death as corona?


Define "financial gain." Are hospitals turning a profit right now? Is there any evidence of false diagnoses? Have whistleblowers come forward with recordings of hospital administrators instructing their staff to inflate numbers?


Do you have ANY EVIDENCE that this is anything more than a conspiracy theory, or are you Just Asking Questions?

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No hospital would claim something inaccurately to get a medicare reimbursement when they could otherwise charge a private insurer.


1. If they get caught doing so medicare fraud has YUGE penalties.

2. Private insurers reimburse at a higher rate than medicare, by a ton.

3. See #2

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greg im not asking as a tinfoil hat question and not tied to any political party. Nothing more than follow the paper trail. thats all.


I get that. But the same argument can be made for ANY medical treatment. Do doctors get any financial gain for treating ingrown toenails? The answer is yes. Now what? "Follow the paper trail!" The paper trail says that hospitals get paid for providing treatments.


Anything beyond that at this point is pure conjecture, as far as I know. I've seen no evidence to suggest that anything is being inflated, and pretty much all experts, even Steve Jensen, agree that the opposite is true. COVID-19 cases and deaths are likely being underreported right now.

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So I think it's worth asking the question -- if all experts tend to agree that COVID-19 is being underreported, then why does Fox News and Gateway Pundit and other conservative media seem to be pushing stories suggesting the opposite? What interest do they have in downplaying the threat? If you want to put a tinfoil hat on, there you go. Follow that paper trail.
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So I think it's worth asking the question -- if all experts tend to agree that COVID-19 is being underreported, then why does Fox News and Gateway Pundit and other conservative media seem to be pushing stories suggesting the opposite? What interest do they have in downplaying the threat? If you want to put a tinfoil hat on, there you go. Follow that paper trail.


oh gregy. If cnn or any conservative media outlet that makes money of clicks is considered a valuable source of info come on. dare i said the dirty word to a republican outlet.

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So the Stay At Home is extended for another month. Restaurants, bars, gyms, etc. to remain closed. Fuck me. :mad:


yea I get it. mid daughter is 11 and this summer was suppose to be the time to spend alot of time working on her serve. Best case scenario working with 2-3 months of warm weather.

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yea I get it. mid daughter is 11 and this summer was suppose to be the time to spend alot of time working on her serve. Best case scenario working with 2-3 months of warm weather.


Tennis? You should be good to go, I've seen people on tennis courts now without issues.

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oh gregy. If cnn or any conservative media outlet that makes money of clicks is considered a valuable source of info come on. dare i said the dirty word to a republican outlet.


That's true, they're all in the pockets of Big Toenail anyway, that's why you never hear anything about the ingrown toenail scam doctors have been pulling for YEARS and costing us trillions.

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Yes this is a bad virus but you asked about all the over-whelmed hospitals.

If you watch the news, well cbs national, they seem to go to the same hospital(s) all the time, namely mt. sinal. Then where else do they go..the nusring homes where there are a ton of old people that because of many reasons are balancing life by a thread.

Is it a ct..thanks for clearing that up and letting me key less.. no as I said this is a bad ass virus, but are we in the throes of the hosptials being overloaded, I don't think so. Some are overloaded and others not so much.


Now for all the meat, milk, and veggies being thrown away or kiiled. I don't get it.

Tell the farmer to keep the livestock and when processing can begin then take them to market. Or give whatever milk and veggies to food banks and the poor.

Why are the farmers doing this? They have been bitching about the low prices of their commodities for years, and this is a way to get the prices up.


And now we come to the deficit, someone bitched about it, I forget who, BUT had the feds done nothing the same people would have bitched that the republicans don't want to help the common man..the middle class, while other bitch that not enough has been done. There is no winning.


As far as china going to the top of the economic ladder, this is the same country that didn't report the virus and most large industries have stolen ideas and is back by the communist government. Not the peeps you want to believe.

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Tennis? You should be good to go, I've seen people on tennis courts now without issues.


yea its been a big shit show tennis wise. many of the "public" teaching court pro's have been getting the boot. luckily we have a tucked away school court that isnt knon, but don't want to break out the big basket of balls to play it safe. Even current touring pro's from osu are having trouble finding places to hit.

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yea its been a big shit show tennis wise. many of the "public" teaching court pro's have been getting the boot. luckily we have a tucked away school court that isnt knon, but don't want to break out the big basket of balls to play it safe. Even current touring pro's from osu are having trouble finding places to hit.


The two courts near me have had people on them and no one is getting kicked off. I only know this because I wanted to go play some roller hockey on them, but they were way too busy... :lol:

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yea the osu student outdoor athletic areas have been ape shit packed. ironically while they are shut down. lol. Doesnt help that dublin and upper arlington have closed there courts mostly
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Now for all the meat, milk, and veggies being thrown away or kiiled.


When you plan to have 100 new head of cattle/hogs/sheep a year and they are all due in the spring, then you need barn space for all the new animals when they are due. normally you just take 100 head to the butcher and all is well.... Not so much anymore, now you have 100 babies and they need food/barn space and the older the old ones get the tougher the meat gets, so you want to keep the youngins over the older ones.

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Not to mention the extra cost of food, then the market flood when things open again and prices are super low. You got twice the work in, twice the food and make less than half your normal price.
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That shortage of meat processing employees...i understand, but damn...


If you're going to kill that many cows, I've got an 8ft bed on my truck...just tell me where I need to go and I'll take a cow carcass home. I'm no butcher, but I can figure out how to cut away some of the good stuff and dump the rest at SWACO :D


Call me. I can help. :)


A pig farm in Van Wert is letting you come and get a pig at $.50/pound. They are 268 pounds.


Every pig is the exact same weight? :wtf:


Now for all the meat, milk, and veggies being thrown away or kiiled. I don't get it.

Tell the farmer to keep the livestock and when processing can begin then take them to market. Or give whatever milk and veggies to food banks and the poor.

Why are the farmers doing this? They have been bitching about the low prices of their commodities for years, and this is a way to get the prices up.


Do you know how big food/farming works? Not being sarcastic.


yea the osu student outdoor athletic areas have been ape shit packed. ironically while they are shut down. lol. Doesnt help that dublin and upper arlington have closed there courts mostly


Free country. Shrug.jif

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Butchering a cow is a LOT of work. Pretty much beyond the capability/equipment of most people.

Some on CR may have the tractor or hoist to make it doable but still difficult.

Pigs are definitely feasible, similar to a deer in size.


Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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I may have had a breakthru tonight! My wife who gets all of her secondhand news thru her Mother that is a Trump supporter and Rush fan girl said to me:


"I knew someone (who knew someone) who died in 9/11, yet I dont know anyone who has/or died from Corona"


I told her thats a fallacy of an argument, and of course she yells foul.


I tell her I know 10+ people who have committed suicide, she knows none. How does that logic stand?


"Maybe I need to start thinking for myself"

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I may have had a breakthru tonight! My wife who gets all of her secondhand news thru her Mother that is a Trump supporter and Rush fan girl said to me:


"I knew someone (who knew someone) who died in 9/11, yet I dont know anyone who has/or died from Corona"


I told her thats a fallacy of an argument, and of course she yells foul.


I tell her I know 10+ people who have committed suicide, she knows none. How does that logic stand?


"Maybe I need to start thinking for myself"

This virus has been in the US what...about 2 months? We're still early in this thing. The odds say before this is over you're unfortunately going to know some people that pass away from it. At the beginning of all this I said hopefully the mitigation gets us to a point where people look at it as being an over reaction and it looks like that's where we're at. If you know anyone that works in a hospital I would urge you to talk to them about it. I know several and am married to one. This is real. It's not made up and it's not being over blown.

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Butchering a cow is a LOT of work. Pretty much beyond the capability/equipment of most people.

Some on CR may have the tractor or hoist to make it doable but still difficult.

Pigs are definitely feasible, similar to a deer in size.


Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk


I agree....I'd love to do a steer but the sheer size of that would be next level difficult. I do about 3 deer a year usually but that's not even the same ball park. Me and my daughter usually tackle it together and we can butcher a deer in just a couple hours which is pretty quick really. Now you're talking ~10x the meat and even just the waste seems overwhelming to me. Add to it that the temps are getting warmer so you won't have the option of just hanging it outside and working on it without risking it going bad. As much as I'd love to have a side of beef the work involved is probably more than I'd be able to do by myself. Geesh....even the size of the gut bag scares me haha....what do you even do with that?

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I do not know about farming at all. As a kid my grandparents had a farm but I was 4-5 years old and they sold it.

I see the thing about if you have 100 head and they are due to leave on a certain date so you can get the next 100, but and again I don't know anything about this, wouldn't that work up the supply chain. What I mean is the guy/corp selling you the 100 babies keeps them until such time you can move your 100 to the processing plant.

I understand it's a traffic jam kind of issue.

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