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does obesity related issues cause higher covid rates?


per the cdc and can possibly tripple the chances of hospitalizations:






"Regular physical activity helps you feel better, sleep better, and reduce anxiety. It can also help with preventing weight gain and when combined with calorie reduction, helps with weight loss.14 It can also help boost immune function15,16 and help prevent diseases that also increase a person’s chances of having severe illness from COVID-19 such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes."

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does obesity related issues cause higher covid rates?


per the cdc and can possibly tripple the chances of hospitalizations:






"Regular physical activity helps you feel better, sleep better, and reduce anxiety. It can also help with preventing weight gain and when combined with calorie reduction, helps with weight loss.14 It can also help boost immune function15,16 and help prevent diseases that also increase a person’s chances of having severe illness from COVID-19 such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes."


That's the effects AFTER you have it....does nothing to limit the spread. That's done by not congregating and sharing space and/or equipment.

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17 pages about this huh?


This isn’t Columbus Racing, it’s Columbus Debates.


Here’s a fact. Nobody knows how Covid-19 will effect them until they have it. Kills some but provides minor flu-like symptoms to others.


Here’s my opinion. I will not live in fear of what I cannot control, I have no idea how it would effect me if I were to get it. I’m forced into these mandates like everyone else, otherwise I don’t care right now. I’ll cross that bridge if I get to it.


Carry on debating losers.

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Here’s my opinion. I will not live in fear of what I cannot control, I have no idea how it would effect me if I were to get it. I’m forced into these mandates like everyone else, otherwise I don’t care right now. I’ll cross that bridge if I get to it.


This is what I don't get... like I'm staying home, social distancing, and wearing a mask to protect the elderly, those at high risk, and the overwhelmed hospital staff. Public health experts say I need to do that stuff to help my community -- great, I'm all in. I like helping my community. I'm not doing it because of personal fear, or because of a mandate.


I understand there's a flipside to it, and I've been doing things like paying my housekeeper for the last 8 months even though she hasn't been coming in. I'm getting half as many haircuts but paying for all of them, plus extra. I tip 50-100% on carryout orders to help the local restaurant staff. If someone wants to raise my taxes to pay for unemployment or small business relief, by all means.


I don't know why being a good citizen is so controversial.

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This is what I don't get... like I'm staying home, social distancing, and wearing a mask to protect the elderly, those at high risk, and the overwhelmed hospital staff. Public health experts say I need to do that stuff to help my community -- great, I'm all in. I like helping my community. I'm not doing it because of personal fear, or because of a mandate.


I understand there's a flipside to it, and I've been doing things like paying my housekeeper for the last 8 months even though she hasn't been coming in. I'm getting half as many haircuts but paying for all of them, plus extra. I tip 50-100% on carryout orders to help the local restaurant staff. If someone wants to raise my taxes to pay for unemployment or small business relief, by all means.


I don't know why being a good citizen is so controversial.


Do you think our “leaders” know more then you do?


If you have changed your life around because of a virus, then you must be scared of what might possibly could happen.


A good citizen huh? My idea of a good citizen is respecting other people’s way of life. I’m glad you can afford to be so giving when you pay your housekeeper, or tip the people making your food, but I cannot. I must work, like so many other people who need their paycheck every week. Your lack of respect for us who wish to carry on our normal lives because we will not change everything due to a virus is being un-American. Making people rely on handouts from people like you or the government instead of their own hard work is un-American.


So no I will not do any more then I have to so I don’t get fined or loose my job, because I can’t afford that either. The second I don’t need this mask anymore you can bet I will never wear it again.

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Do you think our “leaders” know more then you do?




If you have changed your life around because of a virus, then you must be scared of what might possibly could happen.




A good citizen huh? My idea of a good citizen is respecting other people’s way of life. I’m glad you can afford to be so giving when you pay your housekeeper, or tip the people making your food, but I cannot. I must work, like so many other people who need their paycheck every week. Your lack of respect for us who wish to carry on our normal lives because we will not change everything due to a virus is being un-American. Making people rely on handouts from people like you or the government instead of their own hard work is un-American.




So no I will not do any more then I have to so I don’t get fined or loose my job, because I can’t afford that either. The second I don’t need this mask anymore you can bet I will never wear it again.

Our leaders have all the information available to them and access to advice from experts in any field (be it economic, medical, infectious disease, or whatever), should they choose to listen to any of it. So, yes, I expect them to be more informed on this than we are, the same as I do for things like national security. We can also look at the data available to us and use our own brains to form an opinion.


I think the point is that if wearing a mask and keeping distance from people allows us to carry on the rest of our lives as usual, or without disruption, keeps people working, keeps businesses open, etc, that's actually the most American/patriotic thing we can do.


No one wants to shut down the economy, but if wearing a mask everywhere keeps the numbers down enough so that businesses can remain open and people don't lose their jobs, then I see that as my civic duty.


It's not living in fear. It's risk management.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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This fear thing is most definitely silly.


- Why wear a seatbelt, what are you afraid of?


- Why check the air in your tires, what are you afraid of?


- Why verify what type of mushroom that is, what are you afraid of?


It's just the smart thing to do, based on all available science/data/whatever. Slightly annoying or not.

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Do you think our “leaders” know more then you do?


Yes but not because they are magically smarter, or have more education. They have more knowledge because they have a staff and that staff's job is to research things, and to know things, and to work collectively to see all sides of an issue.


The job of an elected official isn't just one person, being the mayor isn't just whomever got elected mayor -its the deputy mayor, and the mayor's aides, and the admins, and all those people. If they are halfway competent at their jobs then yes - their collective knowledge is more than what you know, esp since they get access to more information than you do, and get paid to read it, which you don't.


So do they "know more"? abso-fucking-lutley. To think they don't is the same thing as thinking my wife, who has never fixed more than a flat has as much knowledge at fixing a GM vehicle as you Cordell, a veteran GM tech. You see how crazy that is?


Do they have as much "intelligence" as us? eh, probably not. Intelligence is problem solving, but again they do have an advantage over us in that for every problem we are working on by ourselves they have 10 people working on the same thing. They may not be more intelligent, but they do have access to more resources than we do so they do have more advantages.


Does this mean you should trust your government blindly? Fuck no. the people should always hold their elected officials accountable. They do this by fact checking what their elected officials say, and doing real actual research on things they find questionable. Automatically disagreeing or being dismissive just because they are part of a different political party isn't holding anybody accountable. Being dismissive just because you don't think they know more than you in the face of actual knowledge to the contrary is just :dumb:

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I haven't seen any less mask use at all, so I'm starting to think the masks just don't work as well as people think they do. If the state shuts down again next week, I believe there's going to be some real push back from the citizens of Ohio. More businesses will probably close, more people out of work. :(


Also, if you don't get tested, our numbers won't go up. If the whole state decided to just stop getting tested, then our numbers would "go down". ;)

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Listen, you mother fuckers need to stop all this silly dancing and these damn games so we can get this under control!


I wear my mask and I already avoided being around the general public as much as possible because people are stupid so that's not an issue for me.


My life has been heavily impacted because of this shitshow, nearly lost my job, my industry is dying, wife lost her job, close friends have lost their jobs or businesses, and it has impacted members of my family.


I'm just going to keep ignoring all of the white noise coming from the news and the "leaders", follow the rules, do my job, and hope things get better. Don't hope for 2021 to be any better, because it's not from what I've been told.

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I only go to places that don't make an issue of me not wearing a mask. Mostly places contractors go and places that don't give a fuck and love their customers such as mexican restaurants. I work for myself and simply don't take jobs that require masks.


I almost never have an issue except when going to some place that employs white trash, they seem to get off on yelling at everyone to put on masks. I see many people telling them to fuck off and it works.

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I haven't seen any less mask use at all...


I just came from living in Japan for a little over a year, the part of the world that invented mask wearing to not spread or get germs and virus from others. Just so we are 100% crystal clear, the mask wearing in the US is abysmal, like dog shit dumpster fire bad. And it's not just mask wearing but the entire attitude that goes into it. I couldn't understand living there why things were so much worse here. Now it's easy to understand why. It's the selfish fuck everyone else attitude with a miss-trust of science as an excuse that is the blame for how bad things are here. Fuck everyone else, they don't matter so I can go about every part of my daily life including not wearing a mask. Then the excuse of the science isn't real layered on top as an excuse for their selfishness.

Edited by Trouble Maker
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I only go to places that don't make an issue of me not wearing a mask. Mostly places contractors go and places that don't give a fuck and love their customers such as mexican restaurants. I work for myself and simply don't take jobs that require masks.


I almost never have an issue except when going to some place that employs white trash, they seem to get off on yelling at everyone to put on masks. I see many people telling them to fuck off and it works.


Thanks for doing yer part, patriot!


And it's not just mask wearing but the entire attitude that goes into it. I couldn't understand living there why things were so much worse here. Now it's easy to understand why. It's the selfish fuck everyone else attitude with a miss-trust of science as an excuse that is the blame for how bad things are here.


See quote above.

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Interesting problem really, I'm not gonna change anyone's mind and no one's gonna change mine but I simply don't believe in the problem and I'm backed by my own science just like believers are backed by theirs. I believe the danger has been greatly overstated and the data proves this over the past 10 months. The masks didn't prevent anything it's simply not as dangerous as we were led to believe.


I also do not believe either side of the political spectrum has my best interest or safety in mind when making any decision.

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Interesting use of "believers". Wowie.


Hey, I guess on the upside?, you're choosing to primarily hang out with other people who don't believe masks work, so there's that. Do you guys operate your own peer-reviewed medical journals within these circles? The world needs access to this science bud!

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I just came from living in Japan for a little over a year, the part of the world that invented mask wearing to not spread or get germs and virus from others. Just so we are 100% crystal clear, the mask wearing in the US is abysmal, like dog shit dumpster fire bad.


Let me also be clear, the places that I've been in Franklin and Delaware county, everyone indoors has a mask. I haven't seen a non mask wearer in months. I believe most are doing their part in our nearby counties.


Interesting problem really, I'm not gonna change anyone's mind and no one's gonna change mine but I simply don't believe in the problem and I'm backed by my own science just like believers are backed by theirs. I believe the danger has been greatly overstated and the data proves this over the past 10 months. The masks didn't prevent anything it's simply not as dangerous as we were led to believe.


I also do not believe either side of the political spectrum has my best interest or safety in mind when making any decision.


This 100%. I haven't believed that it's as serious as "they" make it out to be since it started. And my relatives who are medical professionals also back me up on this. If you're high risk, then stay away from people. If you're not, then get on with your life.

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This 100%. I haven't believed that it's as serious as "they" make it out to be since it started. And my relatives who are medical professionals also back me up on this. If you're high risk, then stay away from people. If you're not, then get on with your life.


A family friend of ours and a members father on here weren't high risk, were in pretty good health, caught COVID, and passed away. YMMV.

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This 100%. I haven't believed that it's as serious as "they" make it out to be since it started. And my relatives who are medical professionals also back me up on this. If you're high risk, then stay away from people. If you're not, then get on with your life.


That makes way to much sense and will never work.


To reply about where I get my data. Reading data sets, charts, and risk factors is something I'm actually good at and the data from the very sources that are trying to scare us, once analyzed to factor in age etc proves that to the vast majority it's not dangerous. If anyone doesn't have the capacity to understand data sets then I can't help them and we'll just have to disagree.


I'm even ok with dying from it and don't expect the planet to protect me while destroying businesses and futures of millions.

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A family friend of ours and a members father on here weren't high risk, were in pretty good health, caught COVID, and passed away. YMMV.


Same thing with my uncle years ago who caught the flu. There's risk in the world no matter what you do.

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Interesting use of "believers". Wowie.


Hey, I guess on the upside?, you're choosing to primarily hang out with other people who don't believe masks work, so there's that. Do you guys operate your own peer-reviewed medical journals within these circles? The world needs access to this science bud!



Yep. Join us on Parler, it’s where the true geniuses hang out. PhD not required!

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Real eye opening stuff in these last few posts. It's like I'm able to see into another reality.


It's super frustrating. My wife and I are over here just keeping our heads down, doing the best we can to do our part. Regardless of peoples ideas of reality, we are all a big "team".


Even if masks help minimize the transmission to some "small" percentage, it's still not a inconvenience to wear one. Like, have ya'll ever worn a full face helmet? It's hardly any different.

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For all the "masks don't work" crowd suggesting they're ineffective at preventing the spread of disease. The entire medical community for the last century or so would argue with your logic.


Since you're passionate about this though, I'd invite you to request the mask delete discount on your next medical procedure:


Open heart surgery - Hey surgical staff, no need to wear a mask on this one, just sneeze right into the chest cavity. He's approved the use of other medical supplies we'll be using today and agrees that they're effective, but he's specifically argued that masks aren't effective so no need for that annoyance on this go round. I think he said "We all gotta die some time"?


Knee replacement - No need for masks on this procedure guys, yes you heard right. We're doing the blood thinners for sure, the patient believes the science behind their effectiveness, and the pain killers, yes definitely those too. Patient thinks those work GREAT. Also, the anti-rejection drugs, those as well. But masks, nah, cough away!

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