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...which based on current guidance, UA is starting out hybrid. My kiddos will be home Mon-Tues. Crazy how much they will be home, based on next year’s schedule. They’ll be in school Dec 18th, and then not again until Jan 7th.


Hope we can get past COVID for everyone’s health...but the data isn’t looking good.

It's such a tough call. Pickeringtons schedule/options is the same, but what makes more sense? I really want the kids to have the socialization, but would it be safer to just stay home the extra two days?

The online learning isn't easy either, I feel like so many kids are going to be way behind in this setup. I would say my 6 yr old is above average when it comes to learning, she's always been ahead of the curve. We really had to crackdown at home to get her reading at a good level, and grasp basic arithmetic skills.

I can't imagine a child that struggles to learn, and know that a lot of parents out there aren't going to put in the work.


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First off, I’m sensitive to CR Bros That are personally affected by COVID.


Secondly, I’m a GOP’er but still wear a mask in public, avoid going out if I don’t need to, and I go along with our Local leaders.




Scioto County has had 13 cases since March, and 0 deaths....yet, they are classified as RED. Under UA Schools, their kids would be essentially study-from-home.


It’s a really tough decision that school administration has to review: K through 2nd graders are going to be masked all day long??? Kids playing outside have to maintain social distancing...what are they going to do, run around in tiny circles more than 6 feet apart? It’s going to look like a terrible OK Go music video. :lol:

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It’s a really tough decision that school administration has to review: K through 2nd graders are going to be masked all day long??? Kids playing outside have to maintain social distancing...what are they going to do, run around in tiny circles more than 6 feet apart? It’s going to look like a terrible OK Go music video. :lol:


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa WHOA! What do you have against OK Go music videos?!

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How are you COVID patients doing? Survive the weekend?
I'm feeling much better, just the same sinus issues and easily fatigued from physical activity. My wife still feels pretty crappy, cough, chest tightness, exhaustion, but her temp and pulse ox are good, so I think she's heading in the right direction. I still think anxiety of Covid is hurting her almost as much as the virus.

Overall we're ok, thanks for asking.


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I'm feeling much better, just the same sinus issues and easily fatigued from physical activity. My wife still feels pretty crappy, cough, chest tightness, exhaustion, but her temp and pulse ox are good, so I think she's heading in the right direction. I still think anxiety of Covid is hurting her almost as much as the virus.

Overall we're ok, thanks for asking.


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that's great to hear. I wish both you a continued sucessful recovery.

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My test just came back negative so I just have some other stupid shit
Hopefully good news for you, glad to hear. The good thing is that treatment is the same at home as any other flu.

For what it's worth, I took vitamins C, D, and zinc on top of my multi. My bad symptoms were limited to a few days for some reason .[emoji2369]



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Record day in Ohio in terms of new cases/new hospitalizations. Drs. Fauci and Birx have recently said that Ohio (and surrounding states) are looking to be future CV19 hotspots based on our high test positivity rate. UA schools are going to be distance learning until at least 18 Sep, and other districts are now saying 2021 before students set foot in classrooms.


At the same time, 10 counties have gone from level 3 to level 2 in the last week.


Herman Cain dies of CV19 after most likely catching it over 6 weeks ago at Trump's Tulsa rally. He was in the hospital for nearly a month. Stark reminder of how the uptick in deaths we've seen in the last week is just the beginning if people dying today caught the damn thing 6 weeks ago when cases were just starting to climb again.


Texas is storing bodies in refrigerated trucks. Florida ICUs are at like 156% capacity with covid patients.


In my house we've really had to recalibrate what we consider risky behavior. Like Shaun (hope you're still doing well buddy) we had started doing a lot of outdoor visits with friends/family, strictly outdoors and masking up when we get close to each other. That all seemed reasonable in May. Seems less reasonable now.


Stay safe CR.

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Record day in Ohio in terms of new cases/new hospitalizations.



Do you leverage the dashboards which are simply "reported cases" or do you use the .csv file? The latter is the accurate one but the data there will lag and change for 2-3 weeks due to delays in reporting coming in.


Actually, cases are up in July but overall, Ohio and Franklin County are doing great.


June-July Comparison


  • Cases are up 63% per day but the the highest age group at 25% is still the 20-29yr old.
  • Kids under 19 are only up 1% or 54 cases Statewide
  • Hospitalizations per day overall are only up 41% so the rate of hospitalizations vs cases is slowing despite elective procedures being in full-swing. Noted because hospitalizations WITH Covid vs because of covid are counted the same.
  • The GREAT News is Deaths per day are DOWN 20% to only 15 per day. Ohioans below the age of 50 still remain at near no risk of dying from Covid.
  • The elderly in 70+ age group continue to make up 73%+ of all deaths with and related to covid.

Unlike regular influenza or even the common cold, this disease is most harmful to the elderly and those especially with comorbidities.


School is about to start in some way but for the parents out there, please don't freak out if school-age kids get it. They aren't at any real risk. They are by far at more risk of long term issues or death driving to school than going to school and getting something as a result of Covid.

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Do you leverage the dashboards which are simply "reported cases" or do you use the .csv file? The latter is the accurate one but the data there will lag and change for 2-3 weeks due to delays in reporting coming in.


I'm just relaying what was reported at today's press conference by ODH. I have not had a chance to look any deeper, but all trends bar deaths have been going in the wrong direction. Given the lag in the effects of the virus + the reporting, I would bet good money that deaths will not continue to decline. YMMV.


Schools were supposed to reopen on a condition of cases going down for a continuous 4 weeks -- that they haven't is why my kids aren't going to be back in school on the 19th. Really don't see this as us "doing great" but you're free to interpret it as you see fit. I don't see the next month being particularly cheerful.

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Do you leverage the dashboards which are simply "reported cases" or do you use the .csv file? The latter is the accurate one but the data there will lag and change for 2-3 weeks due to delays in reporting coming in.


Actually, cases are up in July but overall, Ohio and Franklin County are doing great.


June-July Comparison


  • Cases are up 63% per day but the the highest age group at 25% is still the 20-29yr old.
  • Kids under 19 are only up 1% or 54 cases Statewide
  • Hospitalizations per day overall are only up 41% so the rate of hospitalizations vs cases is slowing despite elective procedures being in full-swing. Noted because hospitalizations WITH Covid vs because of covid are counted the same.
  • The GREAT News is Deaths per day are DOWN 20% to only 15 per day. Ohioans below the age of 50 still remain at near no risk of dying from Covid.
  • The elderly in 70+ age group continue to make up 73%+ of all deaths with and related to covid.

Unlike regular influenza or even the common cold, this disease is most harmful to the elderly and those especially with comorbidities.


School is about to start in some way but for the parents out there, please don't freak out if school-age kids get it. They aren't at any real risk. They are by far at more risk of long term issues or death driving to school than going to school and getting something as a result of Covid.


I pulled the CSV file down and threw a quick pivot table on it for franklin county. This is what i got.



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Texas is storing bodies in refrigerated trucks. Florida ICUs are at like 156% capacity with covid patients.


My cousins wife works in an ICU in FL. Must be a diff part because when all this crap went down she was furloughed for 6 weeks because there weren't many patients and now is just working normal hours and says it's not that bad. Shrug.jif


Just like how Pickaway Co is a "red county" but literally one person I know has tested positive and wasn't even bad off (in his 40's). Some 3k cases and 99.99999999% of them were in the prison but we're a "red county". Shrug.jif

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My cousins wife works in an ICU in FL. Must be a diff part because when all this crap went down she was furloughed for 6 weeks because there weren't many patients and now is just working normal hours and says it's not that bad. Shrug.jif


Must be a different part. Florida releases their hospital/ICU utilization rates and based on contemporaneous interviews with government officials and hospital staff it appears that those numbers are already including "overflow" ICU beds that have been set up to deal with the coronavirus surge, so when some of those bigger counties are showing 9% beds available (for instance) that's being report as 150% capacity because that includes all of the additional beds they've chucked together for this.


Not to discount the second hand information about your cousin's wife, but either her experience has changed in the last few weeks or she's in a particularly lucky part of Florida.


I'm not getting where "Ohio is bad". The RT tracker says that Ohio is one of the best states in the US as far as infections: https://rt.live/ :o


According to Drs. Fauci and Birx, the metric they're using is the test positivity rate. From Johns Hopkins:


The rate of positivity is an important indicator because it can provide insights into whether a community is conducting enough testing to find cases. If a community’s positivity is high, it suggests that that community may largely be testing the sickest patients and possibly missing milder or asymptomatic cases. A lower positivity may indicate that a community is including in its testing patients with milder or no symptoms. The WHO has said that in countries that have conducted extensive testing for COVID-19, should remain at 5% or lower for at least 14 days.


They didn't single out Ohio specifically, rather lumping us in with Kentucky, Indiana, and surrounding areas. And so far Ohio's rate hasn't crested 6% recently (and has actually dropped under 5% since they made that statement), whereas Indiana/Kentucky's rates have been steadily increasing, an observation that they found worrying.


But yes, at the moment Ohio is doing better than most states, but even our numbers are trending in the wrong direction. Stay vigilant.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Two interesting pieces of COVID news in Columbus this week:


1. The testing site near Ackerman that I drive past every day is now shut down. It was up and operational since April.


And this is the bigger one:


2. The 100+ extra emergency hospital beds have been removed from the Columbus Convention Center. I noticed that the power company trucks were gone earlier this week, so today on my walk at lunch time (my stupid gym here is still closed :( ), I went into the Convention Center and asked the guy at the front desk. He said they were taken out this week. :)

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Two interesting pieces of COVID news in Columbus this week:


1. The testing site near Ackerman that I drive past every day is now shut down. It was up and operational since April.


And this is the bigger one:


2. The 100+ extra emergency hospital beds have been removed from the Columbus Convention Center. I noticed that the power company trucks were gone earlier this week, so today on my walk at lunch time (my stupid gym here is still closed :( ), I went into the Convention Center and asked the guy at the front desk. He said they were taken out this week. :)


but I thought this virus was raging through the country forcing us into another bullshit lockdown??!.....

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  • 2 months later...
Can anyone confirm if your area hospitals are filling up? Akron/canton/cleveland area hospitals are diverting my wife's nursing home patients elsewhere.


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Data released by the Ohio task force supports this. We're in the worst state right now than we ever have been in terms of current covid patients, we're setting records almost every day in terms of new cases, and nobody seems to be talking about lockdowns anymore. Seems like the next month is going to be very bad.

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Data released by the Ohio task force supports this. We're in the worst state right now than we ever have been in terms of current covid patients, we're setting records almost every day in terms of new cases, and nobody seems to be talking about lockdowns anymore. Seems like the next month is going to be very bad.
...and most of it is spreading from small gathers at peoples homes...and we're headed for Thanksgiving, with Christmas one month later. This is not going to be good, IMO.


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