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☆~Donald Trump 2020~☆


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If the democrats could have come up with an actual likable candidate this vote would be over just based on all the anti-trump hate (deserved or not)...


Exactly. But they can't/won't push a likeable candidate because they are too stupid, and they only care about their own agenda. This is now two elections in a row they choose an absolute dogshit candidate to represent their party.


The system is broken. There's no fucking way that these are the most qualified people to run our country, yet these are the choices we are offered. It's beyond fucked.

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I hope you have enjoyed the shit show the 2020 election has brought us. I will say that I refuse to vote for Kamala Harris for president (we all know Joe won't last all 4 years). I just can't wait for this election to be over so this pandemic can go away, at least until the next election.
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If Biden wins, hes going to be a non factor. Imagine being the president, following Trump. What an uphill battle getting any kind of agenda through. The media has been so far up Trumps ass, and his presence has been so powerful, its going to create a vacuum once hes gone.


Trump has only increased the centriugal force of the 24 hour media cycle and caused these fucking idiots (CNN, MSNBC) to become more drunk on their own 'news' stories. Imagine him now being gone, and you have to fill that void with reports on such a compelling character as sleepy Joe.


Maybe they can just go back to talking about natural disasters and other countries or something.


Theyve done a good job of never shutting the fuck up for 4 years. Its at times hard to tune out, especially when you care about the markets and such. Its all so engrained together.

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Good God. Can you imagine the degree of butthurt that will arise the night Trump wins the election, again?


I can't wait.


No matter who wins we're going to get some serious entertainment. I still laugh at the fact of how people get so triggered by the other party's signs. Dude, it's a freaking sign, you're an adult, this shouldn't be an issue :lolguy:

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But signs represent that you're either politically inept or a fascist!


I've loved watching the Portland riot videos on social media where they will point at someone they don't agree with, call them a fascist or nazi, and then they all attack that person. It's like I've almost read about that behavior before in history class or something....


The political madness in this country right now is actually interesting to me. You have so many people who think they're morally/intellectually superior to others based on a political point of view where there are only 2 parties on the ballot.

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Exactly. But they can't/won't push a likeable candidate because they are too stupid, and they only care about their own agenda. This is now two elections in a row they choose an absolute dogshit candidate to represent their party.


The system is broken. There's no fucking way that these are the most qualified people to run our country, yet these are the choices we are offered. It's beyond fucked.


Amazing that you state this when Trump is who the republicans picked. Let's talk about dogshit, right? Look at how many prominent republicans are jumping ship and voting for a democrat because Trump is such dogshit and bringing the entire party down. I'd love to see you come up with a list of similar level democrats that are jumping ship because "Biden is dogshit". Won't happen

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Amazing that you state this when Trump is who the republicans picked. Let's talk about dogshit, right? Look at how many prominent republicans are jumping ship and voting for a democrat because Trump is such dogshit and bringing the entire party down. I'd love to see you come up with a list of similar level democrats that are jumping ship because "Biden is dogshit". Won't happen


My sister in law has been very vocal about hating Trump since he was elected. She has said that even she will vote for Trump this time because he is the better of the 2 choices. I'm not voting for either.

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The system is broken. There's no fucking way that these are the most qualified people to run our country, yet these are the choices we are offered. It's beyond fucked.


The political madness in this country right now is actually interesting to me. You have so many people who think they're morally/intellectually superior to others based on a political point of view where there are only 2 parties on the ballot.


If only there were another option.


The thing most disappointing is hearing adults, with the right to vote, saying they won't vote for any candidate.


You are voluntarily lumping yourself in with felons and mofos found incompetent in a court of law. :lol:


Who here said they aren't voting? They just said they aren't voting for "the lesser of two evils". That being said I personally would rather not vote for an evil at all.

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believable conspiracy theory says if bidet wins he's gonna step down fast for health reasons and give it to karmello who will then take our guns and we'll have to riot unarmed against militarized policecops who didn't turn in their guns
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Amazing that you state this when Trump is who the republicans picked. Let's talk about dogshit, right? Look at how many prominent republicans are jumping ship and voting for a democrat because Trump is such dogshit and bringing the entire party down. I'd love to see you come up with a list of similar level democrats that are jumping ship because "Biden is dogshit". Won't happen


Maybe you only read half of my post.


And Trump is the incumbent. It's the democratic party's responsibility to come up with a superior candidate.


If only there were another option.


There's always another option; I just wish society would realize it.

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believable conspiracy theory says if bidet wins he's gonna step down fast for health reasons and give it to karmello who will then take our guns and we'll have to riot unarmed against militarized policecops who didn't turn in their guns


truf spoke



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If Biden wins 2nd amendment will be in jeopardy in some way. Have to vote Trump


Ya'll said this same shit with Obama and in reality, Trump has put more 2a restrictions in place than Obama ever did. But don't let those pesky facts get ya.



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Lmao. It says "suggestions" and Kamala isn't the nominee. Biden is. And Biden has already said no higher taxes unless you make $400k. Is this really that difficult for you to understand?


Serious question, do you really think Biden would survive 4 years in office?

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Biden has said he’d eliminate the Trump tax cuts, hence taxes will go up. Then if they push any of the democratic party’s socialist bullshit (ie, green new deal, free education, ect) taxes will have to go up to pay for it.


I registered to vote solely to vote against Obama the second time because of healthcare, I will keep voting against this party because they push various socialist policies. I liked Trump a lot until Covid, but Biden wouldn’t have done anything different, in fact it likely would’ve spread faster because they were against closing the borders from China. Given Biden’s reaction in March and Biden’s criticism of how it was handled now proves himand his party are idiots. Some major things would have to change before I’d ever consider voting democrat. Fundamentally I can’t do it.


Honestly I will probably vote for Jorgensen because not only do I support her policies, I’m sick of the useless two party system, and I believe in limited government. All either party talks about is how you should do certain things in your life, if you’re not hurting anyone then they can fuck off.

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