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☆~Donald Trump 2020~☆


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Every on ramp in Cbus is manned by homeless people, and this phenomenon exploded under this administration.


Kanye West 2020


Ever wonder why a stray keeps coming back after you feed it?


Same thing with homeless.


Maybe now its just that people have more money to give away freely....


Two sides to every story

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I think I may see one a day if that commuting to work on 5th ave. Columbus has no idea what a homeless problem is.


Yep. People in California literally can't even turn into their own driveways because they are blocked by homeless people

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Panduh, do you understand what funded the "Trump tax cuts"?


Asking as you seem to pride yourself on being a single issue voter, on taxes alone, blind to all else. I don't get that mindset myself, but I'm interested in better understanding it. I'm reasonably sure you are far wealthier than I am from what little I know of you, but surely it's not that straightforward is it?


im not going to convince you of anything, you wont convince me of anything.


Im not just a single issue voter, but in general, how I am taxed plays a role in the way I will vote. The more money I keep, the more ways I can be generous with that income. Thats always played a huge role in my life. I dont need a bigger house or more watches.

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im not going to convince you of anything, you wont convince me of anything.


Im not just a single issue voter, but in general, how I am taxed plays a role in the way I will vote. The more money I keep, the more ways I can be generous with that income. Thats always played a huge role in my life. I dont need a bigger house or more watches.


We've been over this before. You're not being charitable with your money, your being charitable with my kida' future earnings. You're literally borrowing money from them to give away now (and buy stupid expensive cars, let's not kid ourselves about your propensity for nice things), money that they're eventually going to have to pay back in deferred taxes.


You don't want them to have the same agency with money that you're enjoying now.

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Huge, you must have been so happy.


Snark aside, why do people not seem to understand that cutting taxes does not stop the government from spending money? If you hate big government spending, cutting taxes doesn't do shit to stop it. In fact, I'd say it has the opposite effect. Make people pay for their government NOW, not at some undetermined point in the future, and then people might actually realize how much these government programs cost and there would be political support for cutting them. Raise taxes until taxes cover spending and see how fast conservatives finally stop paying lip service to small government.


So you still think the tax cuts were good policy?


(edit: Just so we're all on the same factual page, of course, the deficit has increased every year from where Obama left it. Trump has made it worse every year, assuming we're pinning the entire deficit on the president who presided over it. That's in large part to the Republican tax cuts. So if you're against deficits it seems illogical to vote for anyone who has a track record of making them worse, especially if that's one of the primary things you like about them. Shrug.)

Edited by greg
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honestly I go back and forth on it. The US shouldnt be at a business tax rate disadvantage vs the rest of the world or someone should not be giving away 20-30% of pay. The mistake trump did was thinking that a growing economy would offset the current spending without factoring in any potential slow downs. It should be a combination of both, which I could be wrong. that also means reducing military spending, potentially reducing benefits for gov employees that the rest of the work force has already gone through, or a slew of other cost cutting which is likely political career suicide. At the end of the day, the tax cuts helped create the most successful us economy ever even for minorities, but time will tell if it sticks.
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Want to have some fun? Well this isn’t it.


Check out this page, https://promiseskept.com/achievement/overview/economy-and-jobs/


Then check out this page,



Nothing is going to change. Not now, not ever. It’s a fucking joke.


Btw, taxation is theft and the government is corrupt. Your vote will NOT change it.


I’m definitely voting for Jorgensen, and I just hope support for the libertarian party continues to grow.

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Want to have some fun? Well this isn’t it.


Check out this page, https://promiseskept.com/achievement/overview/economy-and-jobs/


Then check out this page,



Nothing is going to change. Not now, not ever. It’s a fucking joke.


Btw, taxation is theft and the government is corrupt. Your vote will NOT change it.


I’m definitely voting for Jorgensen, and I just hope support for the libertarian party continues to grow.


Damn right. I'm doing the same.


Nothing is going to change until we take the power away from this two party system that is clearly beyond fucked. I'm so tired of people voting for the candidate they hate the least. People need to learn that there's always another option.

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Want to have some fun? Well this isn’t it.


Check out this page, https://promiseskept.com/achievement/overview/economy-and-jobs/


Then check out this page,



Nothing is going to change. Not now, not ever. It’s a fucking joke.


Btw, taxation is theft and the government is corrupt. Your vote will NOT change it.


I’m definitely voting for Jorgensen, and I just hope support for the libertarian party continues to grow.


I can disagree with your choice and at the same time respect you and your thought process in arriving at that decision. I know you don’t need my approval, but i think it’s an important moment for it to be known and shown that this is how political disagreements should work. If I posted I’m voting for trump in an open forum I’d get doxxed or worse. These are not reasonable people.

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We've been over this before. You're not being charitable with your money, your being charitable with my kida' future earnings. You're literally borrowing money from them to give away now (and buy stupid expensive cars, let's not kid ourselves about your propensity for nice things), money that they're eventually going to have to pay back in deferred taxes.


You don't want them to have the same agency with money that you're enjoying now.


I feel like you didn’t read the original posts...


I can like nice things and also know I don’t need more. I’ve experienced that, it’s not all that great.


I refuse to believe that because I made good business deals and make a lot of money that I should feel responsible for things out of my control. My kids will be financially fine, the people around me and their kids will be fine too. If my network needs help, I’m there in any capacity that I can / am needed.


You stand on a false hill of moral superiority that you’ve created along with the echo chamber you spend all your time in. You don’t like your situation? Change your kids stars by investing now so in 35-60 years they have enough compounded money to take care of themselves and you, plus continue to stimulate the economy. This isn’t to say money solves problems. But in general it helps relieve more than it creates if you are raised right. We can’t do that if we have an administration that views high earners as the problem on the economy. We may never agree on this, probably because I haven’t had a job in 10 years that I wasn’t an owner or have some vested stake in. I have no issue whatsoever with mill/billionaires. They created products or services that millions, billions of people around the globe consume to make their lives easier/want to buy. Smart people (some of it is compounded generational wealth, im aware).


This issue with you and people that think like you is that you try to care about too many things and it makes you less effective all around. Be good at one or two things, do the best you can to change things for your family and those around you. You can’t win all these battles bud. You’ll be so much happier and you won’t care about the 1% and how they are taxed.

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Yesterday, I drive up to Sunbury, then East on Rt-61(?) past 36 all the way out to Thornville.

Today, I drove Post Rd through Plain City.


I was amazed at the Trump s igns, flags, banners. Etc...I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. Amazing how country folk love their God, guns, and freedom.

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Yesterday, I drive up to Sunbury, then East on Rt-61(?) past 36 all the way out to Thornville.

Today, I drove Post Rd through Plain City.


I was amazed at the Trump s igns, flags, banners. Etc...I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. Amazing how country folk love their God, guns, and freedom.


I'd put a trump sticker on my car, etc, but wont because it will get your shit vandalized and a target put on your back around me. Country people dont worry about that.

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I can disagree with your choice and at the same time respect you and your thought process in arriving at that decision. I know you don’t need my approval, but i think it’s an important moment for it to be known and shown that this is how political disagreements should work. If I posted I’m voting for trump in an open forum I’d get doxxed or worse. These are not reasonable people.


I agree. All civility is gone in politics. In 2016 I was all about Trump, even donated to his campaign. Even though I’d much rather have Trump then Biden, I find myself much more aligned with the Libertarian party. The government wasn’t originally intended to rule over every aspect of our lives, and I think more people would feel the same way if they stepped back and looked at the bigger picture.

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