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☆~Donald Trump 2020~☆


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Holy Fuck. I wish all the fucking crazy goes away after the election. But I fear this isn't some sort of temporary insanity, but instead is a light shown on a cancer that's been hidden for a long time and won't go away anytime soon.


Hatred, fear, and division of the population only helps one group ultimately.


I'm fucking tired of it.

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Holy Fuck. I wish all the fucking crazy goes away after the election. But I fear this isn't some sort of temporary insanity, but instead is a light shown on a cancer that's been hidden for a long time and won't go away anytime soon.


Hatred, fear, and division of the population only helps one group ultimately.


I'm fucking tired of it.

Yeah, since it is only the one side doing it

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I mean if you want to claim that the left is so moral, has moral high ground "they go low we go high", then at least practice what the fuck you preach.


Trump unabashedly calls people losers, he says that Democrats are the enemy of the people, he says they hate America and want to destroy it, he calls for his political rivals to be arrested while his crowds cheer.


But thank you for identifying the REAL problem with political discourse in America, those damn hypocritical libs who have said a few bad things. You've cracked it!

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Trump unabashedly calls people losers, he says that Democrats are the enemy of the people, he says they hate America and want to destroy it, he calls for his political rivals to be arrested while his crowds cheer.


But thank you for identifying the REAL problem with political discourse in America, those damn hypocritical libs who have said a few bad things. You've cracked it!


Wow, typical liberal response


"BuT TRuMp iS/iSn'tT!!1!"



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LOL that's not why you sound crazy bro.


The left has been incredibly effective, with the help of social media companies, at moving the political goal posts so that anything that isn’t incredibly progressive is seen as “crazy talk”.


If you don’t conform, you are a racists bigot.


Those progressive echo chambers only confirm and push that ideology even further to the left.


The rest of the US is sitting here saying “what the fuck is going on?! This is crazy talk!!”


So, the funny thing is, I think you are crazy and you think I’m crazy. That’s how far the goal post has been moved to the left.


I actually think I could sit down and have a drink with anyone in this thread and have a good time. I think there is more common ground than we realize. Again, this is a perfect example of how crazy things have gotten.

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So, the funny thing is, I think you are crazy and you think I’m crazy. That’s how far the goal post has been moved to the left.example of how crazy things have gotten.


No. Listen to me. This:



We literally had an antifa fuck walk up to someone wearing a pro right wing groups hat and shoot them in the face.


The scary part is this mentality isn’t isolated to this maniac. It’s shared by thousands of BLM / Antifa supporters all over the country. They are going to use any excuse they can to destroy, loot, kill anyone that doesn’t emphatically support their warped world view. Fuck them.


At some point good, reasonable men have to stand up and say enough you fucking losers.


This is manifesto shit. This is what gets released to the media before someone shoots up their workplace. This is the sort of thing people talk about when they say better mental health screening can prevent mass shootings.

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No. Listen to me. This:





This is manifesto shit. This is what gets released to the media before someone shoots up their workplace. This is the sort of thing people talk about when they say better mental health screening can prevent mass shootings.


You are a legit spud, because 95% of people I know think the same way


You are the furthest thing from a lolbertarian


Jo Jergens may be a little further away that you.

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No. Listen to me. This:





This is manifesto shit. This is what gets released to the media before someone shoots up their workplace. This is the sort of thing people talk about when they say better mental health screening can prevent mass shootings.


This is exactly what I’m talking about. You have spent so much time in some kind liberal echo chamber that when you pop your head out for air the real world makes no sense to you anymore.


You think that’s a manifesto of sorts?! Are you kidding me?! Me saying I’ve had enough of liberal fucking losers continually being able to spew bullshit accusations of fascism and racism at good, well intentioned, normal Americans and go unchecked? That’s the same as mass murder? I’m the crazy one Greg? Geez dude.

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