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Trump supporting terrorists have broached the Capital building and caused the senate to be evacuated. The house chamber is barricaded, cops inside with weapons drawn. Tear gas has been deployed, DC has instituted a curfew, and the national guard may have been called in.


Trump meekly tweets out a plea to be peaceful, after egging this shit on for months, up to and including at his rally this morning.


Welcome to 2021, America.


I don't agree with these asses doing this...BUT what I do have an issue with is this group being called terrorist which they are, but when the terrorist on the left did the same thing in many cities it was a protest.

Let's get our adjectives in sync...thank you

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Lol, when the left "did the same thing". I'll repeat myself - you're DELUSIONAL.


If you're not crystal clear on what I mean, I don't recall any "leftist" protests breaking into active sessions of congress or the senate.

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Lol, when the left "did the same thing". I'll repeat myself - you're DELUSIONAL.


If you're not crystal clear on what I mean, I don't recall any "leftist" protests breaking into active sessions of congress or the senate.


No they burned police stations and local federal buildings..but that's cool..

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Mace is right, the important thing right now isn't that insurrectionists have taken over the US Capital building for the first time in any of our lives, it's that we don't hurt anyone's feelings by using the wrong adjectives.



Fucking ridiculous.


and here is the leftist come back it's ok when we do it but if the other side does it..then they are wrong


Fucking ridiculous

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I don't agree with these asses doing this...BUT what I do have an issue with is this group being called terrorist which they are, but when the terrorist on the left did the same thing in many cities it was a protest.


Let's get our adjectives in sync...thank you

When did any group on the left storm a federal government building like this? And I'd like to say this was the first time it's happened from the right, but it's been happening all summer.1f2e37b69152384789784f63c9d6a5ae.jpgc9f8796d3d345b8d4a4cbbd1fcca987b.jpg


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No they burned police stations and local federal buildings..but that's cool..
Over 90% of BLM protests were entirely peaceful, while there is also evidence of anarchists/right-wing extremists taking advanced of the situation to riot in an error to make the opposition appear violent. Hell, there's more evidence of that than any amount of voter fraud that's been alleged, given that people were actually arrested and charged with crimes.


No one here is condoning violence in protests, and no one on the left is inciting violence. You can't say the same about Trump, Giuliani, Jr, and others pushing the whole "Stop the Steal" bullshit.


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Didn’t they take over Seattle or some city block area?
So occupying a sidewalk is the same as storming the US Capital, assaulting police in the process, breaking windows, and trashing the place?


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Can't believe people are actually comparing people protesting racial injustice and getting unfairly KILLED by the police.




Domestic terrorist's rioting CAPITOL fucking HILL because they are upset over election results................

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Spitballin here on the fly. Been watching the shit show all day -


Should they have entered into the capital? No. The peaceful protesting was getting enough attention.


Are they terrorists? No. Don’t dilute that term like the left has diluted racism.


If this group of people wanted to be violent or terroristic, you would fucking know my guys. It would start a war. This was nothing more than show of numbers to say “we are where and we don’t agree”. I don’t support it in any way, but I refuse to call it something that it was not.


MSM is screaming about violence while showing the crowd literally just walking around the grounds of the building, no screaming, no fighting, just waving flags lol that’s it. That’s all it took for MAGAs to scare everyone? Holy shit. Your talking about a group of heavily armed (not at this event) and mildly trained individuals. If they wanted to get violent it would be crystal clear.


They were so hellbent on destruction that they stayed inside the stanchions while walking through the rotunda lol. Was it scary? Sure. Mainly because of what we have seen other groups do in similar situations over the last 6 months. These aren’t the same people. I would argue most of these people have something to lose. That can’t be said for the BLM/Antifa crowd IMO.

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As a great man once stated.."i thought a felony was a felony"...James Caan in elf


They were not protesting racial injustice..it was a cover for a group formed by marxists and a pedophile to try and takeover and upset the local government establishment


At least I am able to say what they are doing today is/was wrong, whereas the left will justify their actions.

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Are they terrorists? No. Don’t dilute that term like the left has diluted racism.


"Terrorism" is one of the definitions still hammered into my head from basic training, which began "The use of violence or the threat of violence..."


The UN General Assembly defines it as:


Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes


Is storming the capital building criminal? Check.

Was it intended to provoke fear? Well you said it was scary.

For political purposes? You betcha.


If it looks like a duck and it quacks...



eta: It was the FBI definition of terrorism in 2002 --

"The use of violence or the threat of violence in furtherance of a political or social agenda". Damn that brainwashing really sticks.

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