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☆~Sleepy Joe 2021~☆


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I really don’t understand how the main tech companies can conspire shut down a competitor and everyone is okay with it. It’s such a slippery slope when you start censoring opinions and voices. You arent targeting just the extremists with these moves. This is like throwing the baby out with the bath water.


No, I don’t have a parler account. It doesn’t feel like a free market when the big 3 decide they don’t like you and don’t want you to operate any longer.


I saw someone post this - it’s like your phone company cutting off your service because they don’t like what you talk about with your friends.


What do you propose? What we have now is already pretty close to the conservative, free market ideal.

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I saw someone post this - it’s like your phone company cutting off your service because they don’t like what you talk about with your friends.


If your neighbor was calling everyone that would listen to come and burn your house down, attack your family or bomb you, you’d probably be ok with their service being interrupted.


There’s a difference here and he crossed a line that shouldn’t have been.

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This is what Donald Trump, OANN, Newsmax, etc has created. An army of angry people that have been fed lie after lie and created an us vs them attitude that has no basis in reality.


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His followers are in a cult. Every last one of em.

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Are you really trying to equate what happened last week with the women's march?


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actually not at all. basically that both sides have there faults and blame. the same question could be asked after give or take 1 billion dollars of damage from certain groups rioting this summer during shut downs from covid.


at the end of the day we've never met and have no real history. we live similar lives besides politics. its not worth the divide over something as simple as a vote.

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I don't agree in any way with what was done on Jan 6, but I just don't understand how Libs can absolutely overlook the destruction that took place in 2020???

I'm glad these people are being prosecuted, and I think more people should have been this past summer. You're telling me that illegal actions are justified by the cause? These days the "cause" is usually based on immediate social media rhetoric, as opposed to proven fact.

I'd rather see the capital building stormed any day, rather than see hard working citizens loose there businesses to looting, destruction and fire. There were "occupations" of city sectors, local and federal buildings destroyed, city monuments and statues destroyed, and many people killed on each side.

I've yet to see a democrat speak about these issues aside from claiming that racism etc.. can't be compared to whatever the Trumpers feel they've been wronged about.


So, your beliefs justify this destruction, but the beliefs of others do not?


Again, to qualify this, I do not agree with what was done, and I don't believe they represent the majority of the conservative party, but the hypocrisy of the party taking power is just as frightening as the one exiting.


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I don't agree in any way with what was done on Jan 6, but I just don't understand how Libs can absolutely overlook the destruction that took place in 2020???

I'm glad these people are being prosecuted, and I think more people should have been this past summer. You're telling me that illegal actions are justified by the cause? These days the "cause" is usually based on immediate social media rhetoric, as opposed to proven fact.

I'd rather see the capital building stormed any day, rather than see hard working citizens loose there businesses to looting, destruction and fire. There were "occupations" of city sectors, local and federal buildings destroyed, city monuments and statues destroyed, and many people killed on each side.

I've yet to see a democrat speak about these issues aside from claiming that racism etc.. can't be compared to whatever the Trumpers feel they've been wronged about.


So, your beliefs justify this destruction, but the beliefs of others do not?


Again, to qualify this, I do not agree with what was done, and I don't believe they represent the majority of the conservative party, but the hypocrisy of the party taking power is just as frightening as the one exiting.


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I'm right there with you, pretty much the entire silent majority is. It's like watching a bunch of drunk college sports fans yell at each other.


Now, what's going to be interesting is when the whole "ban/censor them because their language caused destruction" logic gets tossed at the BLM/ANTIFA/ACAB people. The CEO of GAB allegedly has a website/database he's going to bring online just from Twitter alone.


It's sad I have to say this again, but I don't support the people who trashed caused the issues on January 6, however, those who are pushing for the censorship better be ready for the cam of worms they've opened.

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Yeah, it's another social media platform. It's where all the crazy hangs out, but if they are about to point out the hypocrisy it will be interesting.


Let it be known, I don't support the alt-right, Trump, the Steelers, people who stretch tires, and those who double dip in public ketchup piles, just want to be clear on that.

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Yeah, it's another social media platform. It's where all the crazy hangs out, but if they are about to point out the hypocrisy it will be interesting.


Let it be known, I don't support the alt-right, Trump, the Steelers, people who stretch tires, and those who double dip in public ketchup piles, just want to be clear on that.


I was really worried about you until you said steelers....lol

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I don't agree in any way with what was done on Jan 6, but I just don't understand how Libs can absolutely overlook the destruction that took place in 2020???

I'm glad these people are being prosecuted, and I think more people should have been this past summer. You're telling me that illegal actions are justified by the cause? These days the "cause" is usually based on immediate social media rhetoric, as opposed to proven fact.

I'd rather see the capital building stormed any day, rather than see hard working citizens loose there businesses to looting, destruction and fire. There were "occupations" of city sectors, local and federal buildings destroyed, city monuments and statues destroyed, and many people killed on each side.

I've yet to see a democrat speak about these issues aside from claiming that racism etc.. can't be compared to whatever the Trumpers feel they've been wronged about.


So, your beliefs justify this destruction, but the beliefs of others do not?


Again, to qualify this, I do not agree with what was done, and I don't believe they represent the majority of the conservative party, but the hypocrisy of the party taking power is just as frightening as the one exiting.


You're missing the point. Each side has "bad actors", and sane "protesters" following the law. No need to get into proportions of sanity within each group here I don't suppose, but maybe worth considering.


Bottom line is that the president directly requested/directed/instigated what occured at the capitol, called them special people, and then told them that he loved them and that they should go home having mostly concluded the "fight" he requested.


The attempts at "but dah BLM protests" comparisons should be viewed as the distraction attempt they are.


Separate note, but I can't help but ask myself if so many middle-aged men of a certain age would view Nancy Pelosi with near as much hatred and disgust if she were male. Imagine for moment, a Nathan Pelosi if you will, with all the same views/quotes/positions.

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You're missing the point. Each side has "bad actors", and sane "protesters" following the law. No need to get into proportions of sanity within each group here I don't suppose, but maybe worth considering.


Bottom line is that the president directly requested/directed/instigated what occured at the capitol, called them special people, and then told them that he loved them and that they should go home having mostly concluded the "fight" he requested.


The attempts at "but dah BLM protests" comparisons should be viewed as the distraction attempt they are.


Separate note, but I can't help but ask myself if so many middle-aged men of a certain age would view Nancy Pelosi with near as much hatred and disgust if she were male. Imagine for moment, a Nathan Pelosi if you will, with all the same views/quotes/positions.

I may in fact be missing your point, but you again flopped it over to explaining why what the conservative group did was bad. Neither of us has denied that, but you haven't explained why the actions of the people this summer weren't just as bad? Were they not instigated also by many left politicians?

Again, this question was not to justify the actions of these people, but to question why some are prosecuted and others are not. Are we saying that something is less illegal because some appreciate the motivation behind the legal action more than others?

And just as wags did because in today's political climate you have to, I want to put it out there that I believe Trump is a f****** idiot.


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Were they not instigated also by many left politicians?


Here's my take. I don't know what the articles of impeachment that are currently being debated look like, but the draft I read over the weekend laid out a very clear accusation against Trump. Specifically, that he:


1. Made up lies about rampant election fraud, which

2. Convinced a lot of his supporters that he, Donald Trump, was the true winner of the election and should remain president on 21 Jan. That he

3. Organized an event, incriminatingly called "STOP THE STEAL," at the White House on the day that the EC was to be certified. And he

4. Told the mob that he had gathered at the event that he would lead them to the Capitol building in order to do exactly what they gathered there to do, so that he could

5. Remain in power despite having lost the election.


The facts are not in dispute, even among top Republicans. These top Republicans include, but are not limited to, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, former AG Bill Barr, at least 2 of Trump's few remaining cabinet secretaries, and unofficially (via Lindsay Graham), Trump's own legal counsel and chief of staff.


Since those facts are stipulated to by "both sides," the only thing left to debate is whether or not those facts should result in Trump's removal from office. Personally, it seems insane to me that someone who tried to steal the presidency by force, an effort which resulted in multiple deaths, would be left in control of the nuclear codes or anything else in the executive branch, even for 5 minutes. I can't believe he's still in power right now, although you get the impression from Graham and others that he's basically a cuck in his own White House.



You'll notice that nowhere in the above do I mention leftist violence or BLM. The debate is strictly about Trump's actions, and what to do about them, and additionally, what to do about the Republican leadership like Cruz and Hawley who went along with his lies about election fraud and his little charade about objecting to the EC certification. I would like something to happen to those people, but I'm not holding my breath.



If you think that specific politicians on the left instigated violence, as the part of your post I quoted suggests, then by all means, level an accusation as succinct as the accusation levied against Trump in the impeachment article and we can debate it. But we need specifics, because I don't know who you're referring to or what specific violence they're responsible for. If your claim is simply that encouraging BLM protests rises to the level of "inciting violence" as the direct attack on the Capitol 5 days ago, then I don't think that claim has much merit, nor does it have any bearing on the impending impeachment. If your claim is that Democrats didn't denounce the violence the led from some BLM marches, then I can provide cites (some are in the previous thread) countering this.


If you think that in general, leftist rabble rousing hasn't been handled with the same level of condemnation that we're now seeing against the right, then I agree 100%. And we can discuss that as well if you'd like. But pointing this out is not a defense of Trump, and it does nothing to address the immediate concern of the fact that we have an insurrection in the White House, still in power, still able to fuck up democracy for another 9 days.


If you think that leftist violence needs to be handled more thoroughly, then now is a chance for Republicans to take the high road and show Democrats how it's done. Impeach Trump, remove him from office, and then sit up on top of Capitol Hill and say, "This is what you should have done when the left was rioting in the streets." Shame the Democrats from a position of moral superiority. But letting a literal insurrectionist get away with violence against our own government because of a general sense of unfairness doesn't make sense to me.

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Here's my take. I don't know what the articles of impeachment that are currently being debated look like, but the draft I read over the weekend laid out a very clear accusation against Trump. Specifically, that he:


1. Made up lies about rampant election fraud, which

2. Convinced a lot of his supporters that he, Donald Trump, was the true winner of the election and should remain president on 21 Jan. That he

3. Organized an event, incriminatingly called "STOP THE STEAL," at the White House on the day that the EC was to be certified. And he

4. Told the mob that he had gathered at the event that he would lead them to the Capitol building in order to do exactly what they gathered there to do, so that he could

5. Remain in power despite having lost the election.


The facts are not in dispute, even among top Republicans. These top Republicans include, but are not limited to, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, former AG Bill Barr, at least 2 of Trump's few remaining cabinet secretaries, and unofficially (via Lindsay Graham), Trump's own legal counsel and chief of staff.


Since those facts are stipulated to by "both sides," the only thing left to debate is whether or not those facts should result in Trump's removal from office. Personally, it seems insane to me that someone who tried to steal the presidency by force, an effort which resulted in multiple deaths, would be left in control of the nuclear codes or anything else in the executive branch, even for 5 minutes. I can't believe he's still in power right now, although you get the impression from Graham and others that he's basically a cuck in his own White House.



You'll notice that nowhere in the above do I mention leftist violence or BLM. The debate is strictly about Trump's actions, and what to do about them, and additionally, what to do about the Republican leadership like Cruz and Hawley who went along with his lies about election fraud and his little charade about objecting to the EC certification. I would like something to happen to those people, but I'm not holding my breath.


If you think that specific politicians on the left instigated violence, as the part of your post I quoted suggests, then by all means, level an accusation as succinct as the accusation levied against Trump in the impeachment article and we can debate it. But we need specifics, because I don't know who you're referring to or what specific violence they're responsible for. If your claim is simply that encouraging BLM protests rises to the level of "inciting violence" as the direct attack on the Capitol 5 days ago, then I don't think that claim has much merit, nor does it have any bearing on the impending impeachment. If your claim is that Democrats didn't denounce the violence the led from some BLM marches, then I can provide cites (some are in the previous thread) countering this.


If you think that in general, leftist rabble rousing hasn't been handled with the same level of condemnation that we're now seeing against the right, then I agree 100%. And we can discuss that as well if you'd like. But pointing this out is not a defense of Trump, and it does nothing to address the immediate concern of the fact that we have an insurrection in the White House, still in power, still able to fuck up democracy for another 9 days.


If you think that leftist violence needs to be handled more thoroughly, then now is a chance for Republicans to take the high road and show Democrats how it's done. Impeach Trump, remove him from office, and then sit up on top of Capitol Hill and say, "This is what you should have done when the left was rioting in the streets." Shame the Democrats from a position of moral superiority. But letting a literal insurrectionist get away with violence against our own government because of a general sense of unfairness doesn't make sense to me.


Well said above.


Emphasis mine on two very important points I hear Trumpers glossing over because it's more convenient for their narrative to do so.

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So what happened at the capitol on the 6th. I just wanted to say that I don't agree with why it happened, however I am glad it did. I believe our government has too much power as it is and they need to be reminded that they are supposed to fear the people, not the other way around.


Separate note, but I can't help but ask myself if so many middle-aged men of a certain age would view Nancy Pelosi with near as much hatred and disgust if she were male. Imagine for moment, a Nathan Pelosi if you will, with all the same views/quotes/positions.


"He" could still go fuck himself as far as I'm concerned.

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So what happened at the capitol on the 6th. I just wanted to say that I don't agree with why it happened, however I am glad it did. I believe our government has too much power as it is and they need to be reminded that they are supposed to fear the people, not the other way around.


You're glad about that cop getting beaten to death?

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