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☆~Sleepy Joe 2021~☆


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I found this entertaining. They wanted their little show, they got it, now they'll have to live with the future consequences this will bring.


The precedent has been set.


Newly elected Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) on Wednesday said she plans on filing articles of impeachment against President-elect Joe Biden on his first full day in office next week.



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The precedent has been set.


Can you offer an example of the potential "misuse" of this precedent moving forward? I'm afraid it's lost on me. Am I a big 'ol dummy?


You are, or at least coming off as, a hypocritical, authoritarian asshole.


"Trump incited the violence" but also "the attack on the capitol was planned weeks in advanced". Well which one is it? Doesn't matter, impeached within hours without any hearings.


I thought it was pretty well documented fact that it was planned well in advance. Seems pretty foolish to suggest that all the people gathered at the capitol in the short time between when Trump spoke and when the capital was "stormed". Is this new information for you or what? I don't understand the "which one is it" commentary. Just looking to poke holes in the credibility of the allegations I guess?


Literally the first result that comes up, noting the December 28th tweets:




Further reading:





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1) You have to schedule a peaceful protest in a public gathering place. That was done in DC, and Trump was there.

2) When Trump spoke to the protesters, he said that the landslide election he won was stolen, that history will remember strong patriots, and everyone should march over to the Capitol where they're certifying fraudulent votes. Show of strength.

3) People...now, a mob...went over to a lightly-guarded Capitol building, walked through closed sessions of government, and threatened/assualted cops and employees while they were working.


Whether the Capitol "march" was planned weeks in advance is irrelevant: Trump got people fired up with lies and they marched on good faith to the Capitol that they would be heard.


Chaos ensued. Trump is responsible.

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1) You have to schedule a peaceful protest in a public gathering place. That was done in DC, and Trump was there.

2) When Trump spoke to the protesters, he said that the landslide election he won was stolen, that history will remember strong patriots, and everyone should march over to the Capitol where they're certifying fraudulent votes. Show of strength.

3) People...now, a mob...went over to a lightly-guarded Capitol building, walked through closed sessions of government, and threatened/assualted cops and employees while they were working.


Whether the Capitol "march" was planned weeks in advance is irrelevant: Trump got people fired up with lies and they marched on good faith to the Capitol that they would be heard.


Chaos ensued. Trump is responsible.



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Can you offer an example of the potential "misuse" of this precedent moving forward? I'm afraid it's lost on me. Am I a big 'ol dummy?


Impeaching the President merely for being on the other team or disagreeing politically? I stand corrected, no issues there.



I thought it was pretty well documented fact that it was planned well in advance. Seems pretty foolish to suggest that all the people gathered at the capitol in the short time between when Trump spoke and when the capital was "stormed". Is this new information for you or what? I don't understand the "which one is it" commentary. Just looking to poke holes in the credibility of the allegations I guess?


Literally the first result that comes up, noting the December 28th tweets:




Further reading:






I was fully aware of Trump saying he wanted people to come protest on Jan 6th. We have the right to protest, we do not however have the right to breach security and destroy/steal property. In his speech that day he specifically said "peacefully" march to the Capitol. When people started storming the capital (a small group - "mostly peaceful" as the left would say) people across parties condemned it, including Trump. He told people to go home.


You have all these articles talking about how people are planning to protest on Jan 6th, not a single one says that Trump is inciting violence before it happened. No, just like those who think Nostradamus predicted 9/11, where were you on 9/10, where were you on Jan 5th?


Still waiting for the outrage from the left whenever they protest and violence breaks out. Pelosi, AOC and others supported it, where is the outrage there?

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Impeaching the President merely for being on the other team or disagreeing politically? I stand corrected, no issues there.


I was fully aware of Trump saying he wanted people to come protest on Jan 6th. We have the right to protest, we do not however have the right to breach security and destroy/steal property. In his speech that day he specifically said "peacefully" march to the Capitol. When people started storming the capital (a small group - "mostly peaceful" as the left would say) people across parties condemned it, including Trump. He told people to go home.


You have all these articles talking about how people are planning to protest on Jan 6th, not a single one says that Trump is inciting violence before it happened. No, just like those who think Nostradamus predicted 9/11, where were you on 9/10, where were you on Jan 5th?


This is just like, my opinion, man, but I think you just might be choosing to selectively ignore some big chunks of reality here bud. I think you're also stretching the realities of what did happen to include some things that really just didn't.

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This is just like, my opinion, man, but I think you just might be choosing to selectively ignore some big chunks of reality here bud. I think you're also stretching the realities of what did happen to include some things that really just didn't.


That's the problem, isn't it? Because I think the same about how you are seeing it. Perhaps a proper investigation, due process, would have been a better way of handling this. Nope, just a shameful piece of political theatre.

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Can I get the kickass insight into how this latest impeachment process compares to the first? I'm thinking in terms of:


- potential seriousness of the allegation(s)

- investigative process involved (and why?)

- witnesses involved (and why?)


Can you weigh in on how Marjorie's basis for impeachment you linked above compares?

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Perhaps a proper investigation, due process, would have been a better way of handling this. Nope, just a shameful piece of political theatre.


Do you realize that the impeachment trial in the senate is where the exact due process that you're asking about happens? Fucking hell, all these motherfuckers didn't pay attention in 8th grade civics and look where it got us.

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I stand corrected. Thank you, Wags.


Still, helping my argument is that Trump still had to say shit, whether he was briefed or not...or just forgot.


The guy is just flat out the worst. He gets no support from me for anything coming his way from this point out. Time to bow out gracefully, even though we know he’ll remain as vocal and visible as possible. He and his derpy family.

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I've trusted Axios news for the last 4+ years, and this article is a quick but good read.


I'm upset by all this government spending, but I have to say aside from stimulus checks, PPP and Cares Act/Main Street Lending programs, there definitely is a significant portion of the paycheck-to-paycheck population that's gotten worse by the shutdowns. Trump's spent over $4 Trillion in pandemic response. We need another $2 TRILLION under Biden...and even he says 'that's not enough'??


When are we going to REOPEN BUSINESSES? I'm not talking WalMart and Kroger, but local restaurants and stores???


Of course there are still going to be problems, but we have to move forward through this......and it's not on the back of continued government spending. Once we roll out more of the vaccine to the general population, it's time to reopen and put personal responsibility back in the hands of the people. (Scary concept for gubmint, I know) :lol:

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I've trusted Axios news for the last 4+ years, and this article is a quick but good read.


I'm upset by all this government spending, but I have to say aside from stimulus checks, PPP and Cares Act/Main Street Lending programs, there definitely is a significant portion of the paycheck-to-paycheck population that's gotten worse by the shutdowns. Trump's spent over $4 Trillion in pandemic response. We need another $2 TRILLION under Biden...and even he says 'that's not enough'??


When are we going to REOPEN BUSINESSES? I'm not talking WalMart and Kroger, but local restaurants and stores???


Of course there are still going to be problems, but we have to move forward through this......and it's not on the back of continued government spending. Once we roll out more of the vaccine to the general population, it's time to reopen and put personal responsibility back in the hands of the people. (Scary concept for gubmint, I know) :lol:



what businesses are still closed? I know some are open in a limited capacity, but I can't think of any right now that are just closed due to govt telling them to.

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what businesses are still closed? I know some are open in a limited capacity, but I can't think of any right now that are just closed due to govt telling them to.


Good point....let me clarify that many areas of the country are still RESTRICTING capacity and hours of operation. The chain effect is some smaller businesses are forced to operate on much more limited schedules and volumes, or possibly have to shut down altogether.


Not a government-mandated shutdown.

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I've trusted Axios news for the last 4+ years, and this article is a quick but good read.


I'm upset by all this government spending, but I have to say aside from stimulus checks, PPP and Cares Act/Main Street Lending programs, there definitely is a significant portion of the paycheck-to-paycheck population that's gotten worse by the shutdowns. Trump's spent over $4 Trillion in pandemic response. We need another $2 TRILLION under Biden...and even he says 'that's not enough'??


When are we going to REOPEN BUSINESSES? I'm not talking WalMart and Kroger, but local restaurants and stores???


Of course there are still going to be problems, but we have to move forward through this......and it's not on the back of continued government spending. Once we roll out more of the vaccine to the general population, it's time to reopen and put personal responsibility back in the hands of the people. (Scary concept for gubmint, I know) :lol:



The pork in the $600 check bill has been looked over and justified. Just think if all that money was actually used to help people in America?

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The pork in the $600 check bill has been looked over and justified. Just think if all that money was actually used to help people in America?


Trump caused a lot of confusion over the $600 stimulus bill. It was passed as part of the general annual appropriations bill.


Here's some background.


The president has the financial numbers right when it comes to spending for foreign governments and domestic budgets unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic.


However, he has conflated the COVID-19 economic relief package with the government’s omnibus spending bill.


That bill known as the Consolidated Appropriations act of 2021, is what congress passed this week. It costs roughly $2.3 trillion.


Here’s how it breaks down: $1.4 trillion will fund the government for the next year. That includes budgets for domestic and foreign spending. Then Congress added $900 billion for COVID-19 economic relief.


In other words, Congress used one Legislative Act to pass two pieces of funding legislation.


While the president is right about the government spending, he is wrong to say the COVID-19 relief money is going to foreign governments and domestic budgets. It’s just part of a larger spending bill.

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Trump caused a lot of confusion over the $600 stimulus bill. It was passed as part of the general annual appropriations bill.


Here's some background.


Now that's interesting, most news outlets didn't report it that way and the majority of people saw it as an all in one deal.


That being said, it still brings to light how billions of dollars of our money is being spent. Was all that really needed right now, to me it doesn't seem very smart.


It is what it is, all I can do is voice my thoughts on it in the voting booth, which I will do yet again when the time comes around.


In other news, anybody on the southside/grove city/obetz area been hearing all of the jet activity at night? This isn't commercial stuff and they're flying low enough I hear them over the TV.

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