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Those of you who have little or no social media: nobody cares. :lol: No more than you care about anyone having any given platform.


That being said, I'm gonna create a new social media platform. Gonna call it Sandbarr. Instead of "likes" or thumbs up you can "rum" a post or not.

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Those of you who have little or no social media: nobody cares. [emoji38] No more than you care about anyone having any given platform.


That being said, I'm gonna create a new social media platform. Gonna call it Sandbarr. Instead of "likes" or thumbs up you can "rum" a post or not.

I knew you'd see the light someday.giphy.gif?cid=349c9dd77vnzlr15gpqrepciibq6phc13ujf4p6za8doa6b4&rid=giphy.gif


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I think what you're seeing now is an overreaction to the realization that the capital protests were organized via FB. They blame Parler for the "radicalization", but Parler really doesn't have a way (that Im aware of) to organize these things.


I think its FB trying to cover their own ass.

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I think its FB trying to cover their own ass.


Bingo! IMO I think Twitter, FB, and everyone else HAVE to overreact to show that they have it all under control in these tough situations so the government doesn't look for more reasons to regulate them. An example would be the repeal of section 230.

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Repealing section 230 would be disastrous for the internet. CR, for instance, would go down about 5 minutes after the ink dried.


100% with you brother. Not only that, but it would hinder innovation with people wanting to get into the online forum /social media site space, as well as burden those startups already in this space and smaller site owners like CR. Of course I bet most companies that still have comment sections on their pages and articles will shut those down in a heart beat rather than be forced to moderate it because they are scared of the legal liability. Essentially harming free speech on the interwebs.


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100% with you brother. Not only that, but it would hinder innovation with people wanting to get into the online forum /social media site space, as well as burden those startups already in this space and smaller site owners like CR. Of course I bet most companies that still have comment sections on their pages and articles will shut those down in a heart beat rather than be forced to moderate it because they are scared of the legal liability. Essentially harming free speech on the interwebs.


The thing I don't get is that the people pushing for it are the people who complain most about being "censored" by social media. It wouldn't cause them to be less censored, it would cause them to be censored more - I don't see the angle they are working here. They couldn't sue social media for being censored if their statements were indeed false or specious so....they are thinking if they can't keep from being called out on their lies then...burn it to the ground?


If someone sees the conservative play here let me know.

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The thing I don't get is that the people pushing for it are the people who complain most about being "censored" by social media. It wouldn't cause them to be less censored, it would cause them to be censored more - I don't see the angle they are working here. They couldn't sue social media for being censored if their statements were indeed false or specious so....they are thinking if they can't keep from being called out on their lies then...burn it to the ground?




If someone sees the conservative play here let me know.

The reforms I have seen suggested are that a platform could only remove posts that were deemed illegal (but not "objectionable" material), and that rules for moderation would have to be published and followed by the platform, as well as punishing platforms that moderate in a biased way.


Here's a good summary of all the positions: https://www.theverge.com/21273768/section-230-explained-internet-speech-law-definition-guide-free-moderation


IMHO, I would like some social media BETTER if comments and "sharing" were limited or eliminated in some cases. It would limit the spread of misinformation and eliminate an extremely toxic part of the internet.


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The reforms I have seen suggested are that a platform could only remove posts that were deemed illegal (but not "objectionable" material), and that rules for moderation would have to be published and followed by the platform, as well as punishing platforms that moderate in a biased way.


Here's a good summary of all the positions: https://www.theverge.com/21273768/section-230-explained-internet-speech-law-definition-guide-free-moderation


IMHO, I would like some social media BETTER if comments and "sharing" were limited or eliminated in some cases. It would limit the spread of misinformation and eliminate an extremely toxic part of the internet.


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What about mainstream media and it's spread of misinformation? I don't trust information I get from anyone these days. I no longer watch the news for anything other than the weather.....and even the weather can be misinformation haha. Wish there would be just one credible source of unbiased reporting out there....I would like to know the news but I want the actual news. Not someone's opinion of the news.

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IMHO, I would like some social media BETTER if comments and "sharing" were limited or eliminated in some cases. It would limit the spread of misinformation and eliminate an extremely toxic part of the internet.


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what the heck would happen to CRs kitchen???....lol

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What about mainstream media and it's spread of misinformation? I don't trust information I get from anyone these days. I no longer watch the news for anything other than the weather.....and even the weather can be misinformation haha. Wish there would be just one credible source of unbiased reporting out there....I would like to know the news but I want the actual news. Not someone's opinion of the news.


Vote with your dollars. Fox News has made a fortune on programs like Tucker Carlson that it emphatically argues in court are "entertainment, not news." So all we need to do is get millions of Americans to agree with you and voluntarily stop watching Hannity because it's all just his opinion of the news and not real news. Problem solved!

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But in reality the 3 bigs are also opinionated .


Yes they show what's going on but then hand pick what they want to show and how to explain it to fit their liberal point of view.


I don't watch fox news, well i do watch 28 and 6, but not what you are speaking of.


Years ago, I had a fellow worker that all he talked about was rush, he would take his lunch in his car summer and winter to listen to rush. So, one day I thought well let's take a listen..what a bunch of hooey..I listened for about 5 minutes and stopped.


So anyway to me there is no real non-opinion news on tv.


To make this point, i was watching Citizen Kane. Kane's wife asked him, "what will the people think of you"? He answered, "they will think what I tell them to think". How old is that movie??


I rest my case

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What about mainstream media and it's spread of misinformation? I don't trust information I get from anyone these days. I no longer watch the news for anything other than the weather.....and even the weather can be misinformation haha. Wish there would be just one credible source of unbiased reporting out there....I would like to know the news but I want the actual news. Not someone's opinion of the news.


I stopped watching the news, especially the nightly news, and anything on cable, that's the real trash.


I look at reuters.com or The Economist for news. When it comes to weather, I just take what they say and cut it in half, because it's all about clicks.

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But in reality the 3 bigs are also opinionated .


Yes they show what's going on but then hand pick what they want to show and how to explain it to fit their liberal point of view.


I don't watch fox news, well i do watch 28 and 6, but not what you are speaking of.


Years ago, I had a fellow worker that all he talked about was rush, he would take his lunch in his car summer and winter to listen to rush. So, one day I thought well let's take a listen..what a bunch of hooey..I listened for about 5 minutes and stopped.


So anyway to me there is no real non-opinion news on tv.


To make this point, i was watching Citizen Kane. Kane's wife asked him, "what will the people think of you"? He answered, "they will think what I tell them to think". How old is that movie??


I rest my case


All of it is greatly opinionated. I’m sure it’s always been like that, but it’s magnified in recent years.

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What about mainstream media and it's spread of misinformation? I don't trust information I get from anyone these days. I no longer watch the news for anything other than the weather.....and even the weather can be misinformation haha. Wish there would be just one credible source of unbiased reporting out there....I would like to know the news but I want the actual news. Not someone's opinion of the news.
Where do you get your news from?


I predominantly listen to and read NPR, but I'll also read stories on CNN, Washington Post, NYT, Vice, Fox News, Reuters, AP, etc to see some of the commentary from different viewpoints. NPR sticks to the facts pretty well and usually has both sides represented in radio interviews.


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Maybe consider not being shitty? Maybe leave some of that behind.


Nah - I can still support the presidency no matter who is in office but it still call what I see a political circle jerk with all the celebs coming out to cement their position as being politically “correct”. It should nauseate you honestly. These people don’t give a fuck about you or me. They care about power and money. Same as trump. He just didn’t hide it well.

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Okey doke. You do you.


Don’t worry, we can still be friends, but I’m not about to act like Biden and Harris are going to change the world, cause they won’t.


I’m not sitting here fuming, I’m just not going to pretend we’ve gained any victory having these people in office apposed to trump. I think what the last 4 years+ have shown is that we have an unhealthy view of what government should be doing for us. Trump was the perfect storm to implode it.

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