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☆~Sleepy Joe 2021~☆


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I'm struggling with understanding how removing the "imploder" (to use your terminology) isn't a victory today. I would agree a changing administrations doesn't solve all of the world's/country's/people's problems, but letting the perfect be the enemy of the good is a classic mistake to avoid.


If you're waiting around for perfect, get good at waiting.

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Saying, "Boy, I'm glad the guy who provoked a mob to storm the Capitol (Mitch McConnell's words this morning) isn't president anymore" is CLEARLY the same thing as thinking Joe Biden is our new lord and savior who will personally breastfeed us the COVID vaccine. CLEARLY. Expressing even the minimum of acceptance that there's a new president who's not Donald Trump levels of crazy is the same thing as BEING A SHEEP.


You just don't know how the world works, spankis. This inauguration is a circle jerk and it's very bad and must be called out, and if you don't call it out then you're OK with the government inserting tracking chips inside your peehole. Also it should have been a BIGGER circle jerk like Trump's inauguration but we all know Joe Biden couldn't pull those kinds of crowds so he had to invent COVID to explain why his CIRCLE JERK was so small compared to other, better circle jerks. Except we also hate THOSE circle jerks but we hate THIS ONE most of all because Sneaky Joe isn't as open about what a shitstain he is. That sneaky fuck.

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I’m not sitting here fuming, I’m just not going to pretend we’ve gained any victory having these people in office apposed to trump. I think what the last 4 years+ have shown is that we have an unhealthy view of what government should be doing for us. Trump was the perfect storm to implode it.


Trump also highlighted how a lot of civil servants are actually civil servants and not as "corrupt" as everyone likes to pretend. How? By being actually corrupt. If you care at all about corruption in politics then you should be elated he is gone.


Honestly, if your only take away is government is doing too much then it's really short sighted. Yes it has it's challenges, and yes I do think most americans don't know or don't understand how government functions or what it actually does, but that doesn't necessarily translate into a universal big .gov is automatically bad. It's a case by case basis situation. The pandemic handling at the federal level clearly illustrated that there are somethings that need federal level coordination even if the state is handling it.

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I didn't watch it but let me guess....if it were a drinking game and you had to drink every time they said "trump" or "mob" you would be shit faced drunk right now? It will be years before he decides to move out of their heads.
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I didn't watch it but let me guess....if it were a drinking game and you had to drink every time they said "trump" or "mob" you would be shit faced drunk right now? It will be years before he decides to move out of their heads.


If it were a drinking game under those rules you'd be stone cold sober. It pays to actually watch things and see how they come out.

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I didn't watch it but let me guess....if it were a drinking game and you had to drink every time they said "trump" or "mob" you would be shit faced drunk right now? It will be years before he decides to move out of their heads.


Trump no, mob yes. Lot of talk about healing the divisions in our country and whatnot but he didn't mention Trump by name at all. It was a short speech as far as these things go.

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Oh. My. God. How deep does this go?


Put your foil hat on quick, they might be listening.


*I'm not sad that trump is out or that Biden is in. I just think it’s hilarious some of what I’m reading posted by heavy trump and Biden supporters both. This is scary crazy.

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*I'm not sad that trump is out or that Biden is in. I just think it’s hilarious some of what I’m reading posted by heavy trump and Biden supporters both. This is scary crazy.


There are two sides to every story, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.


Everything in moderation.



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In the Duke lacrosse rape case, was the truth somewhere in the middle? Maybe only 1.5 of them committed rape and she made up the allegations about the other 1.5?


The truth isn't always in the middle, gents. Sometimes it's important to remember that too.


Definitely a similar comparison. :lolguy:


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I suppose what I'm saying is the extremes of either side are rarely ever the right camp to be in.


You could substitute "truth" in my quote above instead with "correct side" or "reality" .Taken literally, sure there typically isn't "half truth".

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Trump no, mob yes. Lot of talk about healing the divisions in our country and whatnot but he didn't mention Trump by name at all. It was a short speech as far as these things go.


Missed the speech, but caught this and was teleported back to the 90s


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Saying, "Boy, I'm glad the guy who provoked a mob to storm the Capitol (Mitch McConnell's words this morning) isn't president anymore" is CLEARLY the same thing as thinking Joe Biden is our new lord and savior who will personally breastfeed us the COVID vaccine. CLEARLY. Expressing even the minimum of acceptance that there's a new president who's not Donald Trump levels of crazy is the same thing as BEING A SHEEP.


You just don't know how the world works, spankis. This inauguration is a circle jerk and it's very bad and must be called out, and if you don't call it out then you're OK with the government inserting tracking chips inside your peehole. Also it should have been a BIGGER circle jerk like Trump's inauguration but we all know Joe Biden couldn't pull those kinds of crowds so he had to invent COVID to explain why his CIRCLE JERK was so small compared to other, better circle jerks. Except we also hate THOSE circle jerks but we hate THIS ONE most of all because Sneaky Joe isn't as open about what a shitstain he is. That sneaky fuck.



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