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I just want legal weed and legal fully auto guns is this bad


Is it bad? Yes, no, maybe. Lets discuss.


Weed: Well it's kind of on it's way to federal decriminalization, but that's a slow process made slower by those who object to it. We've all heard the popular arguments for and against, but really the slowness of the process has to do with the FDA and how do you make it legal. There are two specific hurdles to this:


- Regulating additives and production

- Weed smoking intersects with cigarette smoking at the public health issue of pulminory and cardiovascular disease.


Regarding additives: The moment you legalize it, large companies are going to begin adding things like preservatives to it to make it more shelf stable. Like they did to cigarettes they may seek out the most addictive preservatives they can find without regard to lung or heart health. The FDA would have to setup a whole new set of standards and testing for the production. Also there are child proofing laws, packaging requirements, storage requirements, expiration dates, etc....It's a lot.


Regarding the Public Health Issue: The Federal Government, particularly the FDA and ATF, have been waging a campaign since the 1990's to get people to smoke less as a way to reduce lung and heart disease. We are at the point where less than 20% of Americans smoke (down from 42% in 1965) and it has taken a lot of money, work, and time to get that achievement. Ideally the Federal Government would like people not to smoke at all, but that isn't a realistic goal given the environment. I don't think anybody is under the delusion that smoking anything is good for your pulmonary or cardiovascular - weed included. So the Federal government has to weigh legalizing this drug where smoking is the most popular method of consumption and the increase in lung and heart disease that comes with it, against it's own efforts to reduce smoking related lung and heart disease. It has to be very careful to not work against itself.


Now before you mention "well what if they made only edibles legal" - pediatric poisoning is a real health issue associated with edibles. Children eating their parent's weed infused gummi bears or brownies isn't uncommon, and often it requires medical intervention.


As long as the drug remains illegal at the federal level, the government doesn't have to address these issues as a public health concern, and can regulate marijuana through selective enforcement of criminal statutes.


So, it's not just so simple as "legalize it", There are a lot of considerations that are slowing that process down a lot, but as a country we may get there yet.


As for automatic weapons - there are 630,000 legal fully automatic weapons in the US. That is all their is and all there will ever be, you want one? go buy one of those.


This issue has been examined by the supreme court many times over the course of the last century, and it is well settled that the government has the right under 2A to regulate them. It doesn't matter who you elect, this will never be overturned. This notion that 2A means gun control doesn't exist isn't the historical interpretation it is one that comes from 1977 and the pivot of the NRA from a sportsman's organization to a political organization. You would have to work against 200 years of legislative history and jurisprudence and that just isn't going to happen. It doesn't matter how loud you scream "shall not be infringed", it's not how 200+ years worth of Americans saw it (including the founding fathers) and is just a pipe dream that organizations like the NRA and The Dorr Brothers can use to scam "donations" from hard working but misled Americans.

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good post kerry. regarding weed, the medical industry had no problem pushing opiates for a decade due to profits which even the VA pushed to injured soldiers. I do agree that flavors could be added to it to make it more addictive.... no different than candy/soda/beer/junk food.


Add in the fact that the fda banned various normal suppliments because the benefits didnt work with the medically approved profit system. Then add the federal gov due to the war on drugs, went after various pre-cursers which ended up making drugs more dangerous due to having to jump through toxic avenues.


both political sides profited from donations to vote either way regarding this topic.

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good post kerry. regarding weed, the medical industry had no problem pushing opiates for a decade due to profits which even the VA pushed to injured soldiers. I do agree that flavors could be added to it to make it more addictive.... no different than candy/soda/beer/junk food.


Forget the flavors, they put ammonia in cigarettes as a preservative but also because it changes the acidity level of the smoke in order to make the nicotine absorb easier and in greater quantities. The cigarette companies get away with it because it's in small enough doses that it flies under the FDA's outdated prohibitions (for the record the EU has banned ammonia for use in food products since 2001).


Once it is legal, the incentive to maximize profits becomes the primary driver for the product as large corporate entities begin to enter the market. Price goes down but so does quality.


Add in the fact that the fda banned various normal suppliments because the benefits didnt work with the medically approved profit system. Then add the federal gov due to the war on drugs, went after various pre-cursers which ended up making drugs more dangerous due to having to jump through toxic avenues.


Supplements are their own multi page discussion. I have yet to see an instance where the FDA banned a supplement because it threatened the profits of the drug companies, But I have seen many many times where the FDA did take action because the supplement didn't work as advertised and was a scam, or if it did had significant negative side effects (see ephedrine).



The war on drugs is it's own debacle and another pages long conversation. Most of the prohibitions on popular illegal drugs in this country weren't for health reasons. Marijuana was made illegal in the 1930's as a pretext for incarcerating Mexican immigrants, particularly in california. Nixon created the war on drugs and pushed for the criminalization of LSD so he could more easily incarcerate the black community and government protesters. In this country, drug prohibitions have a very ugly racist history.


both political sides profited from donations to vote either way regarding this topic.


Yeah, pharma and the medical industry has a lot of money and works both sides of the aisle fairly effectively. Re the Opiate problem - the FDA and the federal government doesn't have that much power in this area. In the case of Opiates they passed all that the FDA required of them and the FDA doesn't have that much power to enforce over-perscription, relying on the state medical boards to police their own physicians. You can't blame one agency for the opiates mess we are in, but you can learn from it and the tobacco companies the lengths those organizations will go to make sure their profits are maximized.

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I never read CNN but I saw this headline and thought it was relevant to this thread. I'm still waiting for COVID to just magically go away after the election. Sure would have been nice.


I'm still waiting for word on the vaccine, AFRC hasn't received any yet.

Despite this, Michigan has been doing well lately and is starting to relax restrictions, which has led to a bunch of people saying that relaxing restrictions and numbers being low just after inauguration day is proof that that Dems made it all up to hurt Trump.


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You know what I find funny is bidens number of 1 mill..aren't we at 900k already, so he's only talking about 100k more shots..NOT 1 mill more...gotta love political speak


President Biden now says he hopes to administer 1.5 million coronavirus vaccinations a day.


Again, when Biden came into office there was no federal vaccination plan, seems like they're doing what they can to put one together and revise it as more data becomes available.


Maybe he should have just said it would go away on its own.

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Janet Yellen (Biden’s treasury sec) received 800k from Citadel group in speaking fees. They are one of the firms behind Robinhood.


No public response from Biden or Yellen


This WSB event being compared to trumpism by some in MSM is just proof they have a raging boner for the guy and can’t just have a news story without attaching it to him somehow. This started as a bipartisan issue. But now MSM says we can’t have people agreeing with each other, so let’s step in and and create division! You hear the desperation for attention and I hope you on the left see the truth about the media from this. It’s clear as day.



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The more I learn about the Robinhood situation, the more it appears that it wasn't malicious but it did expose a weakness in their platform. When buying stock they have to place funds in escrow and it takes 2 days for the transaction to clear. Robinhood simply doesn't have the capital to close the large volume of buy orders that came through their platform. It definitely appeared malicious and there should be an investigation, though.


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Mallard is right its either how the system is setup or to the extreme the hedge funds used ever trick they had to get the biden administration and feds to help them reduce there losses at the cost of average joe.


If this same situation happened with the previous admin..... holy hell the daily melt down tears from cnn would have hit a whole new level. The orange man is bad crew would have typed so hard making post that finger tips would be bleeding.

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Mallard is right its either how the system is setup or to the extreme the hedge funds used ever trick they had to get the biden administration and feds to help them reduce there losses at the cost of average joe.




If this same situation happened with the previous admin..... holy hell the daily melt down tears from cnn would have hit a whole new level. The orange man is bad crew would have typed so hard making post that finger tips would be bleeding.

As one guy put it, This scenario exposed Robinhood for who they are. They wanted to make you think you were riding in a Lamborghini, but in reality you were riding a tricycle. They would have been exposed under any high volume trading, but the fact that it happened here gives the appearance of malicious intent. The reality is they simply don't have the capital to put in escrow and wait 2 days for the deal to close.


Major platforms, like Fidelity never limited trading.


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Panduh what does the secretary of the treasury have to do with this? This is an SEC issue, and the SEC is an independent commission.


Just trying to connect the dots. Thanks.


Yes, I’m aware.


Janet Yellen (Biden’s treasury sec) received $800k from Citadel group in speaking fees. They are one of the firms behind Robinhood.


I would say its noteworthy that this administration has a connection to this situation. We live in a culture that decides where you make / donate your money matters a great deal and can decide whether you are employed at the end of the day.

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