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So, will this storm be the beast for us that the fear mongers are predicting, or will it be a joke?


I know my friends in the south have caught all the smoke so far and are in a bad place. Texas is having power issues since the grid can't handle everyone trying to use it at the same time...


I've seen everything from 5-12+ inches of snow for us here in the Columbus area.


I'm going to park my guess at 5-inches. I cleared off my patio table so I can track it.

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Over my way they were initially calling for 18" to 2 feet, that has since dwindled all the way down to ~3" but now they are calling for 1/4-1/2" of ice, which is a lot.


I think it'll be something, but I can't say what yet. We've already gotten more than 3" of snow on the first round but it broke up pretty quick. I'm guessing we'll get a decent amount on round 2, I'd guess 6" at least. I'm more worried about the ice.


I dug the generator out so I'm ready to rock regardless. With all this demand on the power grid showing issues, I can't wait till we all start plugging our cars in. :gabe:

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So, will this storm be the beast for us that the fear mongers are predicting, or will it be a joke?


I predict they will hype it either way.


Zeros given as genny is working great and have enough go juice.


I,m more worried about vents clogging up asphyxiating everyone as much as anything else.

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The amount of freak out about snow cracks me up. I mean what are you doing that "IF" absolutely necessary you can't survive one, maybe two days in your house without leaving?


That being said (and I'm not that old 32) but I've never seen a snow where we couldn't find our way to the closest grocery store and I lived in the middle of nowhere for awhile...

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So 5.5 hours into the "snow" and it's mostly sleet and little snowballs here in Powell. I just shoveled, but there was only maybe 1.5 inches on it. I'd rather shovel more than once, hence I went and did it now, and will again tomorrow. Especially if we were supposed to get an ass ton of snow. It's supposed to slow down around 1:00 AM, so I'm just not seeing anything close to 5-8" happening. :lol:
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From yesterday we had that snow. Maybe 1-2 inches? Then the layer of ice, then maybe a few inches on top of that. I feel bad for the people who shoved the 1-2 inches and then let the ice come down. El Toro took up all the ice and snow in my driveway with moderate ease. Neighbor to the right of me wasn't so lucky. Tried to shovel. Fuck that. got 1-2" off the ground and then it was 1" of ice.
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