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Another reason why GM sucks...


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chinese cars can't be any worse than south korean cars (daewoo, chev aveo, etc)...

Tainted dog food.....

Lead based paint on everything, including children's toys.....

High sulfur content in drywall causing homes to be destroyed and people to get sick.........

A/C adapters recalled because they started fires........

Batteries recalled because they started fires............

Chopsticks recalled for "unspecified reasons"......

Baby bottles recalled for lead in the cap......

The list goes on.

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Chopsticks recalled for "unspecified reasons"......

The list goes on.

Gawd! Everyone blows shit way out of proportion... that recall was based on ONE SINGLE COMPLAINT, and if Paulie had been using them properly, he wouldn't have got that splinter in his ass.

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Did anybody here go to the autoshow in detriot?

Quick summary

Ford is going to revolutionize the automobile industry by using smaller displacement engines with turbochargers and direct injection.

GM has there "electric concept" vehicle with estimated specs that are no where close to the specs of the Tessla vehicle sitting just a couple feet away.

Nissan rented a decent sized space and left it completely empty, they didnt bother to even have a dealer bring a couple of cars from inventory to sit there.

Then there was a true sign of things to come, a wakeup call if you will. Some car brand that I never heard of, BYD next to the empty nissan area. I hear someone make a comment about the engine layout and out of no where like a ninja, a really smart asian guy takes the time to explain the reason behind the design.

So BYD actually took the effort to send engineers half way around the world to see what the american public thought about their cars. While GM, Ford and Chrystler got a bunch of skanky looking broads to stand next to theirs. American manufactures have a piss poor busness model and have completely 100% lost touch with their customer base.

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Tainted dog food.....

I hate most dogs

Lead based paint on everything, including children's toys.....

I like lead, it's a useful element.

High sulfur content in drywall causing homes to be destroyed and people to get sick.........

I like sulfer, it's good for starting fires.

A/C adapters recalled because they started fires........

Batteries recalled because they started fires............

I like fire...

Chopsticks recalled for "unspecified reasons"......

:lol: @ Justin

Baby bottles recalled for lead in the cap......

Okay, I get it, there is lead in china...unless you get lead injected into your body in fairly high concentrations, it's probably not going to bother you...just saying. It's lead, a natually occouring element, it's not like it's radioactive material, or mustard gas...relax

It's a car, it's supposed to be driven, not eaten.

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Okay, I get it, there is lead in china...unless you get lead injected into your body in fairly high concentrations, it's probably not going to bother you...just saying. It's lead, a natually occouring element, it's not like it's radioactive material, or mustard gas...relax

dude, lead can be absorbed in a lot of ways. Anyone remember leaded gas until they realized they were killing everyone because lead can be inhaled and absorbed very easily? The whole chaos surrounding the lead levels in fish in certain parts of the world? Lead is easily absorbed, but it isn't easily taken out of the body, as is the case with all heavy metals. They are fat soluble, and as such, hide in the linings of cell membranes and the body doesn't remove them at a blindingly quick pace. That's how slow buildup will damage (or kill) you. Some key heavy metals are easy to get in small amounts, and it's well documented that small amounts of lead can be seriously harmful to your body. Any 'ol human physiology book will tell you that, or any quick search on Google....

It's a car, it's supposed to be driven, not eaten.

you weren't supposed to eat leaded gas, but it sure as hell got in your body until they stopped using it.

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I hate most dogs

I like lead, it's a useful element.

I like sulfer, it's good for starting fires.

I like fire...

:lol: @ Justin

Okay, I get it, there is lead in china...unless you get lead injected into your body in fairly high concentrations, it's probably not going to bother you...just saying. It's lead, a natually occouring element, it's not like it's radioactive material, or mustard gas...relax

It's a car, it's supposed to be driven, not eaten.







Yeah, lead is perfectly fine. Let's have more shit made out of it that we're around daily. Woot.


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Did anybody here go to the autoshow in detriot?

Quick summary

Ford is going to revolutionize the automobile industry by using smaller displacement engines with turbochargers and direct injection.

GM has there "electric concept" vehicle with estimated specs that are no where close to the specs of the Tessla vehicle sitting just a couple feet away.

Nissan rented a decent sized space and left it completely empty, they didnt bother to even have a dealer bring a couple of cars from inventory to sit there.

Then there was a true sign of things to come, a wakeup call if you will. Some car brand that I never heard of, BYD next to the empty nissan area. I hear someone make a comment about the engine layout and out of no where like a ninja, a really smart asian guy takes the time to explain the reason behind the design.

So BYD actually took the effort to send engineers half way around the world to see what the american public thought about their cars. While GM, Ford and Chrystler got a bunch of skanky looking broads to stand next to theirs. American manufactures have a piss poor busness model and have completely 100% lost touch with their customer base.

Right over their heads.

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Right over their heads.

and each and every month my retirement compensation (23.81%) goes into foreign stocks. If a chineese based company is going to take over the world that is fine by me as long as I get my dividend check.:cool:

I think that Warren Buffet guy believes in BYD, since he just recently bought 10% of the company. I cant wait till the day I can afford some berkshire hathaway stock

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