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white dudes


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Idk....I love seeing/hearing a nice car/bike get on it....I've revved at alot of stuff just to see them go. And back when I had my z28 I had alot of people rev at me I didn't mind hammering it.

i like to sit at stoplights and redline my bike so everyone sees and hears me

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lol.. first of all, zerocrash I'm so glad you're back. second, it doesnt matter who/what/how you are, white dudes are gonna try to gun it everytime they see you if they are in a cage. think about it. ten years ago they might have had a bike. or wanted one, or want one now because they were really dumb 8 years ago and went and got some super bitch prego that expects him to jump thru hoops whver she pleases. So he never got to have fun, just married. at least that is my explanation for white men in minivans anyway. the old ones in sports cars have a majoor inferiority complex and the young ones are just young and dumb and you know the rest....

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I need some insight, fellas. Maybe its because I lack a Y chromosome, but certain behaviors baffle me.

WHY do white dudes always feel like they need to race me when I'm on my bike and they are in their diesel truck/riced-out Neon/minivan:wtf:

At every stop, I get the double eyeball, the scowl... followed by a comedic and pathetic attempt at gunning their little engines at takeoff.

And YES, its ALWAYS white dudes. Age 18 to 68, all walks of life.

I'm looking for the "Top 10 Reasons Why White Dudes Feel Compelled To Try To Race Me."


Um, maybe you are attractive and they are trying to keep up so they can check you out. :dunno:

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lol.. first of all, zerocrash I'm so glad you're back. second, it doesnt matter who/what/how you are, white dudes are gonna try to gun it everytime they see you if they are in a cage. think about it. ten years ago they might have had a bike. or wanted one, or want one now because they were really dumb 8 years ago and went and got some super bitch prego that expects him to jump thru hoops whver she pleases. So he never got to have fun, just married. at least that is my explanation for white men in minivans anyway. the old ones in sports cars have a majoor inferiority complex and the young ones are just young and dumb and you know the rest....

#1 Thanks Jess for the welcome back! We've both been slacking on our Myspace surveys too! ;)

#2 I'm pretty sure you just nailed the answer to the original question. :)

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At every stop, I get the double eyeball, the scowl... followed by a comedic and pathetic attempt at gunning their little engines at takeoff.

And YES, its ALWAYS white dudes. Age 18 to 68, all walks of life.

I always get the ones with their goofy little kids giving thumbs-up; that want me to do a burn-out!!

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Hmm. I usually just get moms in minivans looking at me forlorn and hopeful,

wishing they were on the back of my bike instead of a van with screaming kids. :)

Sometimes at stoplights, I get the squids on sportbikes revving to redline like I would actually race them. Most of the time I ignore them, but very seldom and if they don't have on a helmet, I'll let my very loud pipes scream and give give them a nice backfire to let their ears ring a bit.

When I had my Mustang GT, the import guys would pull up up to me all the time wanting to race, especially the guys in Eclipses. I'm not a racer, I try to stay under the radar with the law so I can get away with more important vices, but sometimes some douchebag would catch me at the right time and I would give it a go. I don't think that one ever even came close to me, and I'm not that good of a racer and the GT was mostly stock.

Chickon2, likes others have been saying, it's for sure a way to get your attention. A girl on a bike is pretty hot, so guys let the machismo loose to try to get you to notice them and show off a bit. Kinda like the construction worker whistling thing, and we all know how well that works. :)

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Your not alone, people try to race me all the time. I usually just let them go. As stated elsewhere on this thread, "Accidents waiting to happen".

I haven't noticed if it's just white guys or not. Come to think of it, the last one I remember was a white girl in a minivan/SUV thing.

She probably just wanted to show off that bumper sticker about her kid being something or other.

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Hmm. I usually just get moms in minivans looking at me forlorn and hopeful,

wishing they were on the back of my bike instead of a van with screaming kids. :)

Is that how you get all your trim? :p

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