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Any tips for first time riding to work...


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Still have my temps, but even if I didn't, gotta stay off the highway until I'm more comfortable.

I can take 91 from my house straight to work, it's 16 miles. Any tips, tricks, or thoughts for riding into work? I suppose it will be cold-ish so warm gear and be more aware since drivers are paying even less than zero attention.

Anything else? really really appreciate the advice!

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Go early, if you can have less traffic on the road. Less crazy people late for work. More time for yourself. The first few miles away from the house, in the morning, are probably the most dangerous. Cold road, cold tires, cold brain. If you don't like the traffic around you, pull over and stop a bit, or turn a corner. Watch the cars behind you closely. It's better if they slow down and stop when you do. Just be defensive, assume all cars are out to get you, and place yourself in a position where you can get out of a jam easy enough.

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That makes good sense! I usually leave for work pretty early (6:30-7 am). I have usability on Wednesday so it seemed like a good day (no rush, can leave the lab early if I have to).

One option is definitely to just wait another week for after the MSF.... but I'm going to do the ride sooner or later, and it seems like 200 miles and a lot of good advice has given me a decent idea of what to look for.

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+++++another 1 for leaving early. If you have to stop behind a car at a stop sign or traffic signal, leave plenty of room between you and the car in front of you so you have an escape route. Keep your eyes on your mirrors while stopped, and pump/flash your brakes when you see a car coming up behind you while you're stopped.

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I drove to work a couple times last month. But people are flipping Idiots here in mason when it comes quitting time (and any other time for that matter).. That and I'm usually pretty drained in the morning when my shift ends.

I'm not really a fan of riding to work because its all highway for me.. 32.. 275.. 71.. So she stays at home.


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I know you talked about no hywy miles but my best advice if you do. get in the left hand lane and stay there. if you only change lanes to get there and to get to your exit you can plan the escape route in case of trouble better if you have the left breakdown lane to use. You can usually use the speed of your bike over the cars and pass all of the heavy traffic you will be in when you get on the highway and get to an open spot where there are only a few cars. this only applies when its not the dead of rush hour but i leave the house at 825am and traffic is usually slowing down on the west side of cbus by then. My biggest advice though is only .25 throttle till you get to a main road and watch everything. People dont watch for bikes going 75 mph when they back out of their driveway and they dont watch anything but what is directly in front of them the rest of the time. If you see someone doing something stupid then pass them or slow down to find an area with no cars. Try to be the first one to the next light (safely) and then watch for redlight runners and then beat the guy in the lane next to you so you will be alone for a while with no one around you till the next light. It has always worked for me to get way in front of who i got on the hywy with because there is usually a break in traffic to allow you to be somewhat by yourself. fewer cars means fewer idiots to look out for.

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Don't crash.

Yer a goddamn genius, Gump! :flingpoo:

Drive offensively. Everyone is out to get you, and will never see you. Stick with that, and JRMii's sage advice will be easily heeded. Having worked off of 91 in a former life, it gets think in places. Keep aware of whether you are in the blind spot of someone slightly ahead of you in the next lane. Good bet is if you can't see their face in their outside rear view mirror, they have no idea you're there. And figure on them not turing their head, because they won't. Be aware, but relax. If you are tense, you will make yourself more succeptable to making a mistake or target fixating on something. And when you get home, let us know how it went.

Edited by RVTPilot
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So, I ride to work 50 miles one way from Marysville to Dayton. I think you just need to be defensive that's all and stay in the right lane the first time. I rode on 70 in Dayton going to work that day about a month ago when winds were at 30 mph. Did I think I was gonna die? Ummmm, yes. But, I felt way more confident when it was all said and done. First thing you gotta do before you ride to work is get some cahonies :p Just do it. Leave early, ride defensive, watch out for deer (I have almost hit two so far), keep up with traffic. If you ride too slow you become the danger. Oh, and check the weather :)

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30? dang, ice is not your friend. One more for the mornings, if on city streets, assume all cross roads will have a yahoo cage driver blow through the stop sign or light and turn onto the road right in front of you. Happens a lot. (Their cold tires, road, brain)

And assume all green lights will have a yahoo cage driver blow through late or early.

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So, I ride to work 50 miles one way from Marysville to Dayton. I think you just need to be defensive that's all and stay in the right lane the first time. I rode on 70 in Dayton going to work that day about a month ago when winds were at 30 mph. Did I think I was gonna die? Ummmm, yes. But, I felt way more confident when it was all said and done. First thing you gotta do before you ride to work is get some cahonies :p Just do it. Leave early, ride defensive, watch out for deer (I have almost hit two so far), keep up with traffic. If you ride too slow you become the danger. Oh, and check the weather :)

Marysville to Dayton daily? Wow...that's a draaaaaaaaaaag.

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Found out something else fun today.... should ride the route before you try it....

got about half way to work and couldn't find the road anymore... it jogged a weird direction. Anyway, said fuck it and jumped on the highway :)

Ride home was fine though, took a better way :)

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