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No jacket.... am I being stupid?


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I definitely understand the difference for bare skin.... I went down at 10-15 in a turn.... it's healed up, but yes, it was a pain but not horrible.

I'm going to check out jackets... I want to get one that's comfortable, I have a real nice leather jacket I wear but like I said... it doesn't breath... AT ALL.

I appreciate all the feedback and experience from you guys :) as a new rider it's infinitely helpful

I went down at 10-15, lowside during a turn. Even with jeans (non-kevlar), I still got a rash on my knee and rolled my ankle. I highly recommend something to protect your ankles. You don't have to do what I did and get full-out race boots, but anything's better than low-top sneakers.

Now that I finally went riding in my sixsixone knee pads, I feel a lot more secure having them on. It's a lot cheaper than pants if you don't want to take that leap quite yet. If you do end up going with a riding shoe and not race boots, I recommend picking up some Icon Field Armor for legs. You can slip them on right under your jeans, and your entire knee and shin are protected. Only problem is they won't fit with race boots on.

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In my opinion if it is to hot to wear gear it is to hot to ride.

If you want to just get sun then park the bike and wash it or somthing.

Again only my opinion.

That's when you break out the t-shirt and back protector, shorts, and flip-flops. You'll be indestructible with the back protector!

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I appreciate all the feedback and experience from you guys :) as a new rider it's infinitely helpful

I bought the Fieldsheer Aqua Sport jacket, and I'm very happy with it. It get's a bit warm when stopped in traffic, but when moving, it's good. Not to mention, I found out after having it home for a couple days, it happens to match my helmet pretty well!

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i got for summer leather icon pursuit jacket,breath perfect.got it at iron pony.

if i dont have jacket its feel strange like i am naked.

or if you want feel the outdoor trade your bike for another bike.i hear schimano make good ones.

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I tried on one of the perforated Fieldsheer jackets. It's got some decent armor in it. I'd like to try that one. I've got dozens of leather jackets, I can always use another one.

Did we mention all the bugs, gravel, road debris, rain, stuff we've been hit with? Hit in the feet, legs, arms, hands, face and body? A good jacket is your friend. Along with your helmet and boots.

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It's also not mandatory to skydive with a parachute. But again by the time you figure out you need the damn thing it's a little late. Never miss an opertunity to do something stupid, always wear your gear

My favorite response to the question 'why do you wear all that's shit it's too damn hot for that stuff' is, I'd rather slide than smear.

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i know the angle you are coming from and its a reasonable post as you are just sharing. i expect you got some pretty decent feedback. i wear helmet, jeans, gloves, and leather breathing jacket. sometimes, i truly feel like my helmet jades my peripheral vision.

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i know the angle you are coming from and its a reasonable post as you are just sharing. i expect you got some pretty decent feedback. i wear helmet, jeans, gloves, and leather breathing jacket. sometimes, i truly feel like my helmet jades my peripheral vision.

I disagree, it's not reasonable. If it were, he would not have even had to post the question here....

Bro it's your choice. I whole heartedly couldn't give a rat's ass less if you ride naked and backwards. I know from personal experience that when you go down at 30mph without the gear it fucks you up good!

Edited by AOW
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I went down at 10-15, lowside during a turn. Even with jeans (non-kevlar), I still got a rash on my knee and rolled my ankle. I highly recommend something to protect your ankles. You don't have to do what I did and get full-out race boots, but anything's better than low-top sneakers.

Now that I finally went riding in my sixsixone knee pads, I feel a lot more secure having them on. It's a lot cheaper than pants if you don't want to take that leap quite yet. If you do end up going with a riding shoe and not race boots, I recommend picking up some Icon Field Armor for legs. You can slip them on right under your jeans, and your entire knee and shin are protected. Only problem is they won't fit with race boots on.

I have some A* shin and knee gaurds...and they fit in my generic Race boots...but I'm willing to bet they wouldn't fit in others. I agree with the 'cover your ankles' advice too.You don't realize how frail that join is until your sliding down the road or flipping in the air. In 07 I was headed home, right around the corner from my house, leaning into a right hand turn. Someone ran into my bike as I was leaned to the right, and shot me like a cannon into a high side. This was the ONE night I wore shoes because I was in a hurry to leave the house and catch the Cavs playoff game. When I hit the ground, I lost both shoes immediately. Luckily I didn't tumble and I was sliding head first (thank you HJC and Icon)....and after you realize you're still alive and you stand up, you feel sorta silly standing in the street in your socks. The whole 'But you're alive and it doesn't matter' hasn't kicked in yet.

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I disagree, it's not reasonable. If it were, he would not have even had to post the question here....

Bro it's your choice. I whole heartedly couldn't give a rat's ass less if you ride naked and backwards. I know from personal experience that when you go down at 30mph without the gear it fucks you up good!

Obviously you don't want to ride behind me then.... naked and backwards sounds like a good idea!

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I know I got hit by this huge bug on my way home from work last week. I was glad to be wearing my jacket cause that crap would have hurt and it hit me like a water balloon full of vanilla pudding. That crap went all over my jacket. It was a monster bug.

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personally, I can't stand riding without my jacket...

effin bugs and rocks and other schitt hittin me... I did 1/2 hour before the DTC trip with just a t shirt, and i'll tell you i'm definitely NOT making a habit out of that...

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I know I got hit by this huge bug on my way home from work last week. I was glad to be wearing my jacket cause that crap would have hurt and it hit me like a water balloon full of vanilla pudding. That crap went all over my jacket. It was a monster bug.

I got smacked by something just this past weekend. It hit about half an inch from the main zipper, and splattered on both sides of the jacket. Nothing a little sponge wouldn't fix, but that would have sucked if that hit t-shirt over skin.

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I would like to add, if you are really that worried about your tan there are other methods. Then you can be one of "those guys", and we all know how cool they are.




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Don't be a squid! Where a jacket. You'll heal broken bones better than if you hamburger yourself up because you were in a t-shirt. Even at speeds around 40 or above you can get really rashed up.

And BTW, it's not a risk just like riding a motorcycle is a risk. Riding a motorcycle is a choice, wearing gear is a choice. Why make yourself even more vulnerable to injury than you already are when not caging it.

Last point.... think of it this way. Simple crash scenario. For whatever reason you crash at any speed. You go down but don't hit anything that would kill you no matter what (another car, guard rail etc) You go down with gear, you likely get up walk away, don't miss any work and are alive. You go down with out gear, and it's likely you are pretty banged up, if not seriously injured or even loosing enough blood to die. It's a simple decision to me.

So, to reiterate. Don't be a squid, wear the gear.

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