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My own track!!


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Even if it is just a small play area it is coming together.:D

Start by the barn and go through the pit. We're supposed to get some rain before Saturday so this may become a mud pit! :eek:


Then proceed out of the pit and make a right hand turn to the first hill. (I'm calling them hills because I don't jump them yet :rolleyes:)


Over the hill, make a right hand turn around the trees and pass below the pond.



Turn right up the hill around the rock and then back down to a stable log crossing.



Head back below the pond the oppososite direction to the mud hill.



Back up towards the barn and one last unstable log. I tried to make this able to move a little to simulate going over a branch across a trail.


The end. We'll see what else I decide to dig up, pile, and add as time goes on.:D

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I hope you plan on making those table tops or at least adding landing ramps... If you are just learning how to jump your bike, make them table tops. Less room for error. If you jump those as they look now, its going to hurt

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I hope you plan on making those table tops or at least adding landing ramps... If you are just learning how to jump your bike, make them table tops. Less room for error. If you jump those as they look now, its going to hurt

+1 420 and I have been building some jumps out here at LubAcres......all we have made is 3 jumps , we didnt have enough dirt so we took a guess on were we might land and made a return ramp........its been way to fun. now we just need a shit load of dirt and we can finish it up.tracks at home rule!!

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I hope you plan on making those table tops or at least adding landing ramps... If you are just learning how to jump your bike, make them table tops. Less room for error. If you jump those as they look now, its going to hurt

Like I said at the moment they are dirt hills, I have another pile as seen in my avitar that I use for jumping the KLR650. The big pig is not a gracefull beast in the air but as I get better on the 426 I hope to experiment with jumping a bit more. Besides, there isn't anyone around who can really see my back yard and If I wadded it up it might be several weeks before anyone would look back there for me. Only the dogs would miss me and they'd just eat the people coming to look for me. :D

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So, I'm excited for sure to try out that track...I've never jumped anything so that looks like a good place to start. I just hope others don't laugh at me for trying, lol. Zero wanted to take me to Perry today to show me some "real" jumps (like 40, 50 plus feet high...YIKES) but with the weather I'm not sure we'll be going today.

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I hope you plan on making those table tops or at least adding landing ramps... If you are just learning how to jump your bike, make them table tops. Less room for error. If you jump those as they look now, its going to hurt

+1 see below also.....

+1 420 and I have been building some jumps out here at LubAcres......all we have made is 3 jumps , we didnt have enough dirt so we took a guess on were we might land and made a return ramp........its been way to fun. now we just need a shit load of dirt and we can finish it up.tracks at home rule!!

Yea, i think that pic is one of the low ones, looks like the one you cased on, other jumps were better/higher!!! LUBACRES ROCKS!!!!!

nice, get some old dumptruck tires and you could have your own little endurocross track!

+1 yes...very cool......also can be used for fill under dirt, along with other large objects, = less dirt.....but endurocross is cool!!!!!

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....dude....when we gonna test that track out!!!!....let me on that skidsteer!!!!!! scrape 8 inches of dirt over an area and walla.....extra dirt!!!!! lets ride!!!!....you HAVE to make landing though.....tables preferably, and large as not to miss if discombobulated....

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So, I'm excited for sure to try out that track...I've never jumped anything so that looks like a good place to start. I just hope others don't laugh at me for trying, lol. Zero wanted to take me to Perry today to show me some "real" jumps (like 40, 50 plus feet high...YIKES) but with the weather I'm not sure we'll be going today.

Yeah, Perry could be a real mud pit with the rain they've had recently. From what I've seen zero might be the only one jumping the dirt hills in back. I would be a bad person for advice on jumping. lol I enptied out the barn a bit so we have shelter in case of pop up rain, looking forword to Saturday. :D

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bro- thats a pee wee track. i understand you just started. but im sure your gonna be adding some whoops triples widow makers and doubles. check around you would be surprised at the fill given away. yet place a sign in front of the place."free clean fill wanted". if you need a hand in design and shaping, id be down to help out.

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Definitely a good start Luke, as soon as I get out there I'll give you some more ideas. :) Looks like fun already and will be good practice for the novice rider. (any riding is actually good practice for anyone IMO)

See you out there real soon. :cool:

Edited by zerocrash
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Definitely a good start Luke, as soon as I get out there I'll give you some more ideas. :) Looks like fun already and will be good practice for the novice rider. (any riding is actually good practice for anyone IMO)

See you out there real soon. :cool:

Maybe you can give me some pointers on making better jumps.:D

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