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Anyone know how to track a stolen phone?


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I got the phone back, long story for tomorrow, but the guy sold it to this kid and the kid ended up giving it back to me, now he has two people on his ass, and all their friends......muahahahahahahahahaha

Still waiting for the long story........ What can I say, I'm bored at work and need something interesting to read. :popcorn:

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Ok, sorry for the long wait but it has been a hell of a week. Anyways, I have the phone shut off at 11:00am and decide to call the phone at 10:50 to give the guy one last try. Someone picks up! I talk to the guy for a bit and tell him the whole story, well the guy bought the phone for $150 from this guy down in obetz where he lives. His name is Brian and he drives a black Caviler with black rims. (not the same license plate as before though) Well this kid kinda knows the guy and is going to try and get his money back at some point, and I'm going to press charges as soon as i find the guy. It took some convincing, but the kids mom actually told him he should give it back, being a good christian person and all. So, me and my friend drove out to whitehall to meet her and got the phone back.

Funny story is there are pics of my XDm .40 on there and I said on Facebook that my phone had been jacked and i was hunting for the guy, everyones replies to that were going straight to my phone. Things like "Chris, remember to shoot first, ask questions later" and "this guy is going to regret taking your phone very soon".

In the end however I am staying in contact with these people and we are trying to find the guy who did this. Thanks for all the advice btw

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Someone stole my phone, FROM THE SHOP, yesterday around 5-5:30. I know what the guy looks like cause he came in a looked at bikes for fifteen minutes or so. I know it was stolen now because i looked up my call usage online and three or four calls have been made and i called those numbers and those people picked up and i talked to them. All of them agreed to help me out (dont know if they will or not) but it's progress. also i sent a text to the phone telling the guy that if he brought it back to the shop, no harm, no foul.

Anyways, Verizon is reluctant to help me, so does anyone know how to get a GPS fix on my phone or at least know how to find the cell tower he has called from? It's a long shot but maybe some whiz kid can figure it out. It's a Blackberry Storm btw.

Verizon can isolate the phones location if they wanted to, Ive seen it done before. They DONT want to, they want the guy to run up charges you have to pay for. THey do this on purpose.

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I know with my iPhone I can go to a website and see where my phone is at all times within a few feet, and lock it or perma wipe it (can restore off my backups).

I imagine you can't do this. I'm assuming yu have reported the phone stolen to the police, at this point I'd have it turned off and either buy another or claim it on insurance and get another.

I'm sorry to here taut btw, I would die without my phone.

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