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Ohio's New Traffic Laws


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roflmao, "if it isn't defined it's legal" that scares me... mostly because if it's not DEFINED as legal it's up to officer interpretation.... "he passed unsafely, that makes it wreckless op"

Also, the tractor speed limit.... not sure the 10 mph difference will really make that big a change (as a side note some truck operators have the tracks set to max of 55, Roadway and Wal-Mart to name 2) I used to talk to the drivers when I worked at Roadway, they said it was terrifying in Montana because everyone is wizzing by at 100 and they can't go 60.... I truly doubt it was "terrifying" though... lol

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i do not think that trucks should be going that fast.

Study after study has shown it's the difference in speed that causes wrecks on the interstate, not the speed of trucks.

It's the reason Ohio is one of the very few states left with the 55 for trucks, and 40 some other states get by just fine with trucks doing the same speed.'

This is a good move, for safety.

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I thought they were going to raise the limit for cars as well.....

yeah but that would have defeated the purpose of raising the limit for trucks really...

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they outlawed texting while driving in cleveland. with a !50 + fine if you get caught. that should be state wide.

the fine should be 10 times that.

same for talking on the phone too..

studies have shown that drivers chatting on the phone are just as impaired as drunk drivers. IMO the penalties should be the same then.

I wanna see a cop try to give me a ticket for not having my lights on when it's raining.

ORC 4513.03 states:

"Every vehicle upon a street or highway within this state during the time from sunset to sunrise, and at any other time when there are unfavorable atmospheric conditions

or when there is not sufficient natural light to render discernible persons, vehicles, and substantial objects on the highway at a distance of one thousand feet ahead, shall display lighted lights and illuminating devices as required by sections 4513.04 to 4513.37 of the Revised Code, for different classes of vehicles; except that every motorized bicycle shall display at such times lighted lights meeting the rules adopted by the director of public safety under section 4511.521 of the Revised Code. No motor vehicle, during such times, shall be operated upon a street or highway within this state using only parking lights as


so technically, they COULD ticket you and say that conditions were unfavorable.

but really, why WOULDNT you have your lights on in the rain?

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