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To the tool box on the white GSXR100 and OSU tee on 270...


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You are the epitome of street squid. Not only is splitting lanes stupid and illegal, doing it and forcing your way between cars at the light is stupid...

But, to add on top of the ignorance, he was riding with no helmet (surprise), no jacket and the icing on the cake - NO EYE PROTECTION!!

His small framed girlie friend with her granny underwear showing had on a jacket and helmet at least...

Goes blasting down 270 squinting and yet running 80-90... What a fucking idiot.

You're just lucky I didn't have the wife's car and was on the inside lane...

Rant over.

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You are the epitome of street squid. Not only is splitting lanes stupid and illegal, doing it and forcing your way between cars at the light is stupid...

splitting lanes is stupid if you do it at 100 between cars that are going 60. doing it at 10 between cars that are going 0 is no problem at all. illegal... maybe. but shit, its the norm pretty much EVERYWHERE ELSE ON EARTH other than america.

whats wrong with going to the front at a light too? id rather be at the front when some douchebag on his cell phone isnt paying attention and comes in too fast. fuck getting rear ended. its not like it holds up traffic or anything.

You're just lucky I didn't have the wife's car and was on the inside lane...

what? you gonna run over a motorcycle? :supergay:

i swear when people get in a cage they lose about 50 IQ points...

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splitting lanes is stupid if you do it at 100 between cars that are going 60. doing it at 10 between cars that are going 0 is no problem at all. illegal... maybe. but shit, its the norm pretty much EVERYWHERE ELSE ON EARTH other than america.

whats wrong with going to the front at a light too? id rather be at the front when some douchebag on his cell phone isnt paying attention and comes in too fast. fuck getting rear ended. its not like it holds up traffic or anything.

what? you gonna run over a motorcycle? :supergay:

i swear when people get in a cage they lose about 50 IQ points...

Well, seeing he had no respect for the other cars in line... Plus, what would have happened if I was on the inside lane? Had I just gone out quickly in MY lane, he would have been fucked. He crossed the center line, accelerated hard and just was king DICK for the moment.

If you ride like that and accept that type of riding, cool. I just try and be normal and act like I should. Hooliganism is fine and helps add to the fact he didn't know much...

I wouldn't have run him over, but I would have made him work for it since he was an asshat... My piece of shit box can't do a whole lot, but the other car can and I have no issues with making squids show me if they can ride well or not. Most do not.

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splitting lanes is stupid if you do it at 100 between cars that are going 60. doing it at 10 between cars that are going 0 is no problem at all. illegal... maybe. but shit, its the norm pretty much EVERYWHERE ELSE ON EARTH other than america.

whats wrong with going to the front at a light too? id rather be at the front when some douchebag on his cell phone isnt paying attention and comes in too fast. fuck getting rear ended. its not like it holds up traffic or anything.

what? you gonna run over a motorcycle? :supergay:

i swear when people get in a cage they lose about 50 IQ points...

:plus1: this kid might have been a squid, but there is a difference between not caring (or feeling sympathy) if he gets what he's asking for, and inflicting pain on him yourself...dick move imho

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Lizard, you are riding a fine line between being a cool dude calling out a squid and someone adding to the problem.

"making him show you he's a good rider" sounds pretty dangerous to me.

This is the typical mentality of all the idiots on the road that think they are the world police. Someone sees another passing on the right and generally drives like an ass so they speed up and tailgate the guy in front of them so the guy driving like an ass can't squeez in. Hmmmm, the dangerous situation on the highway just became even more dangerous. Just an example as there are many other ways this sort of things shows up. Driving on the highway is not a game and it's not our jobs to teach squids lessons. This is how people get hurt. I agree that this dude was a douche but I really wish people would stay calm and realize that 2 wrongs do not make a right.

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splitting lanes is stupid if you do it at 100 between cars that are going 60. doing it at 10 between cars that are going 0 is no problem at all. illegal... maybe. but shit, its the norm pretty much EVERYWHERE ELSE ON EARTH other than america.

whats wrong with going to the front at a light too? id rather be at the front when some douchebag on his cell phone isnt paying attention and comes in too fast. fuck getting rear ended. its not like it holds up traffic or anything.

what? you gonna run over a motorcycle? :supergay:

i swear when people get in a cage they lose about 50 IQ points...

Just because it is legal in several states in the US and most of the rest of the world doesn't make it right

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Well, seeing he had no respect for the other cars in line... Plus, what would have happened if I was on the inside lane? Had I just gone out quickly in MY lane, he would have been fucked. He crossed the center line, accelerated hard and just was king DICK for the moment.

If you ride like that and accept that type of riding, cool. I just try and be normal and act like I should. Hooliganism is fine and helps add to the fact he didn't know much...

I wouldn't have run him over, but I would have made him work for it since he was an asshat... My piece of shit box can't do a whole lot, but the other car can and I have no issues with making squids show me if they can ride well or not. Most do not.

Darwin, not a Lizard, will take care of him for his stupidity. At least his chic had some gear on. Sucks he's putting other drivers at risk. If they hit him...they'll still feel bad and have guilt with them. When I do stupid crap, I always think about the guilt someone might have if I crash in to them. Not fair...but neither is the rest of life.

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Lizard, you are riding a fine line between being a cool dude calling out a squid and someone adding to the problem.

"making him show you he's a good rider" sounds pretty dangerous to me.

This is the typical mentality of all the idiots on the road that think they are the world police. Someone sees another passing on the right and generally drives like an ass so they speed up and tailgate the guy in front of them so the guy driving like an ass can't squeez in. Hmmmm, the dangerous situation on the highway just became even more dangerous. Just an example as there are many other ways this sort of things shows up. Driving on the highway is not a game and it's not our jobs to teach squids lessons. This is how people get hurt. I agree that this dude was a douche but I really wish people would stay calm and realize that 2 wrongs do not make a right.

You guys are right. I was just pissed that he puts himself into a scenerio where he cuts between cars and blasts off with no care in the world. That type of shit gets me upset and I wouldn't have been a dick and pushed on him at all... I just wanted to. Reality gets me most often and I do the right thing.

Bone head move and thought on my part... My bad, guys.

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You guys are right. I was just pissed that he puts himself into a scenerio where he cuts between cars and blasts off with no care in the world. That type of shit gets me upset and I wouldn't have been a dick and pushed on him at all... I just wanted to. Reality gets me most often and I do the right thing.

Bone head move and thought on my part... My bad, guys.

Thats cool man. Those guys piss me off too and I know how you feel. Just would suck to turn him into hamburger cause he sucks at riding and decided to buy a liter bike to boot.

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