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Assaulted from behind


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After the OR parade, I had a car skid at me at a stop light.

This is where I say you are supposed to leave enough room in front of you, at all times, to move out of the way of whatever happens.

This I do almost all the time. When I looked behind me and saw they weren't slowing down, I slipped into the gutter on the right side and pulled up along side the SUV in front of me. I didn't panic, and I didn't even think about it. I just did it. The car locked brakes and slid into the spot I was sitting in. It didn't hit the SUV. I'm pretty sure it would have hit me. It looked like it.

I've been hit from behind twice by cages, while on a motorcycle. (And once by another motorcycle.) I'm not likely to let it happen again.

Edited by ReconRat
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Sorry that happened, friend, but I'm glad you're ok!

What is it about you that makes bikes and cages want to ram you from behind all the time? You're some kind of rear assault magnet.

I've got a lot of miles on bikes, and much of it was in city traffic, or at night, or in bar districts. Shit happens.

Besides, I'm pretty sure "butt magnet" is a feminine term, and not for use on most guys. Certainly not this one. :wtf:

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Great awareness! On the very day I picked up my bike, I went for a night ride. At a light, I heard the tires screeching towards me from behind. He made it into the other lane and just sat there with a terrified look on his face. I was lucky.

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Great work and adjustment! Another reason to leave her in 1st when at a light!

+1 Thats exactly what they taught in the MSF BRC, leaving it in gear gives you a quicker out! Glad you're okay Tom, way to be alert!

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I do the same thing REACON. I always leave space, getaway room, and it in 1st gear when a car is approaching from behind. It is a peev of mine when I'm riding with someone and they are on the cars ass in front of us at a light. I never pull up beside them because I'm pretty much calling them an idiot in my head and want my clearance for an emergency. They can stay there and get rammed, but I'm leaving space for a getaway just like you did. I don't get why some bikers get so close at stop lights to the cars in front of them. I instantly think that they're inexperienced or have no common sense.

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whoa good to hear u r OK man !!!

We were going to see the fireworks, on the freeway I saw one R6 and and ZX6R doing about 5+ speedlimit, an a**hole escalade was on their tail...too close....shit he had the passing lane wide open.....what he was thinking.....I have wide ass shiny lux suv which can keep up with the boys.......jeese !!!!!

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Good to hear you are ok!! Terrifying to look behind you and see nothing but smoke and headlights...

I have been hit from behind at a stop light once myself. Now I am paranoid about making sure I stop far to one side of the cage in front of me just to make escape easier. (I also watch my mirror like a hawk until I have another cager stopped behind me for a shield.)

Did you let the cager know how you felt regarding his driving skills afterwards? It's important for them to learn lessons from these little indiscretions...

I do the same thing REACON. I always leave space, getaway room, and it in 1st gear when a car is approaching from behind. It is a peev of mine when I'm riding with someone and they are on the cars ass in front of us at a light. I never pull up beside them because I'm pretty much calling them an idiot in my head and want my clearance for an emergency. They can stay there and get rammed, but I'm leaving space for a getaway just like you did. I don't get why some bikers get so close at stop lights to the cars in front of them. I instantly think that they're inexperienced or have no common sense.

I actually like to get up pretty close to the cage in front since it seems that most of the time you get hit it is because you were not SEEN by the other driver. A car or SUV is much harder for them to miss in their peripheral vision than the small outline of a biker. Thus a distracted person is much more likely to notice the larger cage prior to hitting it and begin decelerating. Having said that, I also try to make sure I am far enough to one side or the other and back just enough to escape around them if necessary. My point is that you can stop pretty close to traffic in front of you AND still leave an escape route, plus you may avoid needing said route to begin with. (when I got hit at a light, I was the first vehicle to stop and the broad putting on make-up behind me didn't notice me stop in her peripheral vision whilst looking down... )

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Did you let the cager know how you felt regarding his driving skills afterwards? It's important for them to learn lessons from these little indiscretions...

No, it's fate, stuff happens all the time. It wasn't a deliberate act, just stupid. Double stupid does deserve a response. If they had tried to drive off past me without letting me back on the road, I would have been pissed. That's deliberate, and I would take it personal.

Although I should mention that I never like to pass or be in front of a drunk, crazy, or strange acting vehicle. There are some vehicles that you don't want to be in front of. Behind them is so much better.

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Good to hear you are ok!! Terrifying to look behind you and see nothing but smoke and headlights...

I stop far to one side of the cage in front of me just to make escape easier. (I also watch my mirror like a hawk until I have another cager stopped behind me for a shield.)

Amen brother' date=' amen.

Did you let the cager know how you felt regarding his driving skills afterwards? It's important for them to learn lessons from these little indiscretions...

A cage tried to move over on top of a guy I was riding with, didn't see him I suppose...

At the next light he got off his bike walked up to the car and kicked the rear view mirror right off the car. The he screamed at the driver "You don't use it, you don't need it"!

No police report was ever filed.

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I also have a tendency to flash my brake lights on and off until they're stopped behind me.

2wheels>4 - I'm close enough for a getaway, I didn't say I was 20 ft back. :p I don't think you understand the riders I'm talking about. I've seen and been with a few that almost have their tire touching the cars bumper at lights....dumb. :nono: Those are the ones I'm talking about.

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