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I am tired of hearing about this woman who wouldn't even put a marker on her sons grave for a long time cause she was to busy trying to get into the spot light!

The article makes it sound like they went in with 45 protesters and probably wouldn't leave when asked. So they had them arrested to get them out of the offices.

She had made enimies with the repubs and now with the dems she will no longer have anyone protecting her.

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This pres doesn't have anymore power than any other president has had in the past. It is just that the dems are screaming about anything that is done. And want to waste the peoples money with these stupid investigations that never go anywhere and are just done to make it look like they are doing something.

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this woman is ridiculous. in the article it even says that pelosi would rather focus on getting out of iraq than the ridiculous idea of impeaching the pres.

ridiculous isnt a strong enough word.

This pres doesn't have anymore power than any other president has had in the past. It is just that the dems are screaming about anything that is done. And want to waste the peoples money with these stupid investigations that never go anywhere and are just done to make it look like they are doing something.


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