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Cleveland crew to Coshocton 07-26-09

Uncle Punk

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E-rock wit that porn star hair you aint fighten any fires of any kind you seen what happen to michael jackson.....not pretty :D

nice meeting you too man

and justin ill have you know that when im not busy tearin up country roads

im out fighting the fires of evil...with my boots!

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I would like to thank everyone who showed up, 11 people, way to represent. Everyone was on time, gassed up and ready to leave at the scheduled time. I appreciate that and am sorry the rest of the day didn't go as close to plan. We got there right at 10:30 when I expected things to start happening. I know from how things were going it looked like we were never going to get a chance to eat and make it home by dark but for the four of us that stayed it worked out for us. You bunch of slackers.

The Coshocton guys did a nice job and some of them sacrificed their ride to help manage the group. I had a good time the first ride they did this year and I had a good time today. I hope they do another ride before this riding season is over because I plan to be on that ride also.

Rob, it was nice to meet you and if you get the chance you should come out to ride with us again. I didn't envy you having to clean that bike but I see somewhere else on this site that you have slave child labor to do it for you.

Eric, you have improved your riding from last year and it shows. Love the yellow Pumas, cut the porn star hair. You make me feel old too; hell boy I'm 30 years older than you.

Udell was stepping it up today; it looks like you are finally shaking off your accident. I'm disappointed you didn't stay but the English Ivy was closed today so you bugging out early saved me from you giving me shit about that.

Jim, you made it farther this time than you did the last time. I hope your hand feels better. I still have chicken strips left on my tire after today’s ride. These tires are crazy like that.

Justin, I'm glad you got up this morning without too much whining. We had fun and it won't be long until you are riding in front of me. You have improved like Eric from the first time I rode with you guys on that 60 ride late last year.

Mike, I hope you enjoyed your day with the sport bike guys but that devils road was as dirty as I want my roads. Way to hang with that big ass KTM. You should talk your brother into making a ride with us sometime.

Nick, look out for those squirrels they will try to kill ya. Nice pictures too. I'm sorry but I don't remember you buddy’s name. I tried to talk to him when we got down to Coshocton to see if I could help him out with any issues or questions. He told me he was doing fine so I didn't push the issue with him. I wish he would have let me give him some suggestions to try out I think I could have helped him and maybe made things go easier for him. Everyone has to start out somewhere and we all needed help weather we would like to admit it or not. You should have seen me the first time I went golfing, it wasn't pretty. My point is he isn’t supposed to be good starting out and I hope he had fun today anyway.

Lenny, your bike might be pretty but that doesn't make it push any easier.

Jinx, I'll deal with you later.

Guys we should get together soon and do a ride down south. I have a route in mind and I promise things will work on a tighter schedule.

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E-rock and his yellow puma's :eek:

nice meeting you.

those pumas were fucking balla! i loved them!

Nick, look out for those squirrels they will try to kill ya. Nice pictures too. I'm sorry but I don't remember you buddy’s name. I tried to talk to him when we got down to Coshocton to see if I could help him out with any issues or questions. He told me he was doing fine so I didn't push the issue with him. I wish he would have let me give him some suggestions to try out I think I could have helped him and maybe made things go easier for him. Everyone has to start out somewhere and we all needed help weather we would like to admit it or not. You should have seen me the first time I went golfing, it wasn't pretty. My point is he isn’t supposed to be good starting out and I hope he had fun today anyway.

i forced some input on him after we came down 208. i followed him then led him then stopped him at the stop sign and was like work on this this and this, and tried to explain to him what each thing did and so on. but i dont think he was for hearing...

i tried hope he didnt think i was a cocky asshole, cuz really im just a plain asshole.

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but i dont think he was for hearing...

i tried hope he didnt think i was a cocky asshole, cuz really im just a plain asshole.

I would hope that trying to help someone doesn't come off as being cocky. Being an asshole is fairly easy to spot though.

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Damn squirrel had me 2inchs from becoming that guard rails bitch but I know it sounds crazy but when my back tire was fish tailing in the gravel I didnt feel nervous was such a weird feeling and came out okay slamed on the gas and was doing 90mph like it didnt happen..lol

And for my buddy he just didnt know what he was in for but shit to be honest i didnt know what i was in for either. and i told him if theres anyone to ask questions it was you crazy white man with baby is nutts but knows his stuff..:D

And yes we have to the group togther again was a blast !!!

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Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.



so much easier to take advice than to figure it out on your own sometimes but there could be a difference in quality from self discovery..unfortunately self discovery on a motorcycle could end in an accident lol

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I would like to thank everyone who showed up, 11 people, way to represent. Everyone was on time, gassed up and ready to leave at the scheduled time. I appreciate that and am sorry the rest of the day didn't go as close to plan. We got there right at 10:30 when I expected things to start happening. I know from how things were going it looked like we were never going to get a chance to eat and make it home by dark but for the four of us that stayed it worked out for us. You bunch of slackers.

The Coshocton guys did a nice job and some of them sacrificed their ride to help manage the group. I had a good time the first ride they did this year and I had a good time today. I hope they do another ride before this riding season is over because I plan to be on that ride also.

Rob, it was nice to meet you and if you get the chance you should come out to ride with us again. I didn't envy you having to clean that bike but I see somewhere else on this site that you have slave child labor to do it for you.

Eric, you have improved your riding from last year and it shows. Love the yellow Pumas, cut the porn star hair. You make me feel old too; hell boy I'm 30 years older than you.

Udell was stepping it up today; it looks like you are finally shaking off your accident. I'm disappointed you didn't stay but the English Ivy was closed today so you bugging out early saved me from you giving me shit about that.

Jim, you made it farther this time than you did the last time. I hope your hand feels better. I still have chicken strips left on my tire after today’s ride. These tires are crazy like that.

Justin, I'm glad you got up this morning without too much whining. We had fun and it won't be long until you are riding in front of me. You have improved like Eric from the first time I rode with you guys on that 60 ride late last year.

Mike, I hope you enjoyed your day with the sport bike guys but that devils road was as dirty as I want my roads. Way to hang with that big ass KTM. You should talk your brother into making a ride with us sometime.

Nick, look out for those squirrels they will try to kill ya. Nice pictures too. I'm sorry but I don't remember you buddy’s name. I tried to talk to him when we got down to Coshocton to see if I could help him out with any issues or questions. He told me he was doing fine so I didn't push the issue with him. I wish he would have let me give him some suggestions to try out I think I could have helped him and maybe made things go easier for him. Everyone has to start out somewhere and we all needed help weather we would like to admit it or not. You should have seen me the first time I went golfing, it wasn't pretty. My point is he isn’t supposed to be good starting out and I hope he had fun today anyway.

Lenny, your bike might be pretty but that doesn't make it push any easier.

Jinx, I'll deal with you later.

Guys we should get together soon and do a ride down south. I have a route in mind and I promise things will work on a tighter schedule.

Sounds good would defintly go on more rides, I was humbled by your guys riding skills alot of times I was shaking my head fun to watch it was a great time

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Great ride guys. My hand was doing fine on the way down. It began to cramp up during the long wait and as we started the ride it got worse. I had trouble with throttle control so I was only endangering myself and others so I dropped way off the pace. Still had a great ride and beautiful weather.

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Great ride guys. My hand was doing fine on the way down. It began to cramp up during the long wait and as we started the ride it got worse. I had trouble with throttle control so I was only endangering myself and others so I dropped way off the pace. Still had a great ride and beautiful weather.

I have issues with my throttle hand..due to some serious joint degeneration. It cramps and BURNS from the constant throttle action and grabbing the break lever. I moved the brake lever down towards the ground, which kept me from rotating my wrist back towards me to grab it. It's saved me lots of pain. I know your issue is due to surgery...but I thought I would chime in in case it could offer you a little relief.

those pumas were fucking balla! i loved them!

Me too!

Thanks man really enjoyed it

Nice meeting you ...hopefully we can ride again soon.

Ha! ...he said 'self discovery'.



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I would like to thank everyone who showed up, 11 people, way to represent. Everyone was on time, gassed up and ready to leave at the scheduled time. I appreciate that and am sorry the rest of the day didn't go as close to plan. We got there right at 10:30 when I expected things to start happening. I know from how things were going it looked like we were never going to get a chance to eat and make it home by dark but for the four of us that stayed it worked out for us. You bunch of slackers.

The Coshocton guys did a nice job and some of them sacrificed their ride to help manage the group. I had a good time the first ride they did this year and I had a good time today. I hope they do another ride before this riding season is over because I plan to be on that ride also.

Rob, it was nice to meet you and if you get the chance you should come out to ride with us again. I didn't envy you having to clean that bike but I see somewhere else on this site that you have slave child labor to do it for you.

Eric, you have improved your riding from last year and it shows. Love the yellow Pumas, cut the porn star hair. You make me feel old too; hell boy I'm 30 years older than you.

Udell was stepping it up today; it looks like you are finally shaking off your accident. I'm disappointed you didn't stay but the English Ivy was closed today so you bugging out early saved me from you giving me shit about that.

Jim, you made it farther this time than you did the last time. I hope your hand feels better. I still have chicken strips left on my tire after today’s ride. These tires are crazy like that.

Justin, I'm glad you got up this morning without too much whining. We had fun and it won't be long until you are riding in front of me. You have improved like Eric from the first time I rode with you guys on that 60 ride late last year.

Mike, I hope you enjoyed your day with the sport bike guys but that devils road was as dirty as I want my roads. Way to hang with that big ass KTM. You should talk your brother into making a ride with us sometime.

Nick, look out for those squirrels they will try to kill ya. Nice pictures too. I'm sorry but I don't remember you buddy’s name. I tried to talk to him when we got down to Coshocton to see if I could help him out with any issues or questions. He told me he was doing fine so I didn't push the issue with him. I wish he would have let me give him some suggestions to try out I think I could have helped him and maybe made things go easier for him. Everyone has to start out somewhere and we all needed help weather we would like to admit it or not. You should have seen me the first time I went golfing, it wasn't pretty. My point is he isn’t supposed to be good starting out and I hope he had fun today anyway.

Lenny, your bike might be pretty but that doesn't make it push any easier.

Jinx, I'll deal with you later.

Guys we should get together soon and do a ride down south. I have a route in mind and I promise things will work on a tighter schedule.

I love Mike's KTM..never get tired of seeing it!

Tod...you are SOOOO lucky I wasn't there for the second loop and the closure of the Ivy. There is NO way you would escape the razzing that would have ensued!! :lol: I'm glad you guys had a safe ride.

And my shingina says thanks. I told Jinx that I fixed a big problem I was having with corner entrance speed. It was actually thanks to you....the last ride we did I think. And yeah..there was a psycological issue but I think that's been nipped. The other major factor is...the rear tire of the 08 ZX10 is one grippy SOB. I liked the 2CT's, but I feel way more confident on the 016.

Eric has definitely improved from last time!! BIG BIG difference!

I tried to stay in the middle...far enough back to let the warp speed guys ahead, but close enough to keep them in my sight. It didn't always work out..traffic..slower bikes..etc. Plus, I'm a little leary of having too many people behind me that I've never ridden with. It seemed to all work out well for the most part..except for a certain someone trying to pass on a curve.

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^^^^ please don't take it otherwise...just my 2 cents....if you are riding for just two months (sorry if it's a mistake).....I will suggest that you put some more miles before hitting Coshocton twisties......those roads are serious and the boyz ride it hard, by chance if anybody tries/get tempted to push the limits over their head, the roads can really bite bad......goodluck all.....

kozmo = seuthsayer...

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Tony, you missed a good time but it might not have been organized enough for your taste. Hell it wasn't organized enough for mine either. All was forgiven once we started to ride. In all fairness to the Coshocton guys it's hard to prepare for the large crowd that showed up and some of the timing issues weren't their fault. They were trying not to leave anyone out from the ride even if they were making up their own schedules for the rest of us. Not gonna happen with everyone who plans a group ride. If you make it to a ride you have its full support and safety but if you arrive late, see you next time.

Udell, I’m happy for you that you are more comfortable riding that only makes you faster. If I helped you out in some way could you elaborate more about that, if it helped you out maybe it could help others as well.

I like to run a tighter ship when I'm involved with groups like this ride. Schedules are important to some people so if there are time constraints I like to give full disclosure. I am all for killing a day without an agenda when I sometimes have that luxury of time but this usually isn't the case for everyone. This will be my only comment about the failure of the Columbus crews ride to Coshocton but that shit will not be happening on my watch. I like to have a bike count and I recount at every stop. That way we know how far back to look if anyone comes up missing. This is also a two way obligation and if you are part of a group and need to leave tell someone so we don't spend the rest of the ride looking for you. The Columbus disaster could have been worse and I hope it gives us all the experience to learn from it.

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Actually CJ(my brother) is out at our "secret tire shop" tonight with his Adventure getting a set of road race Pirelli tires... Uh OK same tires as my Aventure, But compared to the knobbies his bike has on it now they are road race tires:D

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