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Almost lost it today.


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So I went for a ride today with Oldschoolsdime92 and a friend of his (HONDA'S Unite!!) outside of Troy today. We were casually cruising down a country road while I was bring up the rear. With the two of them out front I somehow got lost in my own little world. (dumb, I know.) Anyway, the both of them start slowing down for a cyclist, the next thing I know I have a rider less than two feet in front of me and still closing the gap. My natural reaction is to hit the brakes. I grabbed the front brake a little too hard, literally locked up the front wheel and the back never left the ground. Instantly I released the brake. So now the you hear the front tire screech and see my front end go into an extreme wobble. I started to prepare for a bail and my left foot comes off my peg when by the grace and hand of God my bike straightened up right and began riding normal as if nothing had ever happened. I feel truly blessed that I am here to tell my story to all of you now.

Thanks for reading.

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Lol, welcome back from the planet you were on. I about did the same thing test riding for the shop a few years back. We were taking in a 96 - 99 GSXR750, I was on 23 going 65 and wanted to test the front brakes so I hit them hard and the front end pulled hard to one side and tried to go into a tank slapper. Something calmed it down and I made it back in one piece.

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front brakes will get you! I got myself in the habit of using them both at the same time, because I used to favor the rear over the front and vice versa. When I took the msf course, they stressed propper braking to the point I did not even want to hear the word brake, but some how I got into the habbit of using them both at the same time. Glad everything was alright man. It was real nice meeting up with you. I definitly would like to see the video!

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I managed to skid both front and rear on the freeway two weeks ago. Both at the same time. Interesting experience. It happens, just go with it. Work both brakes fast to stay upright. Keep the front wheel turning is good.

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