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need moblie web info from the techies


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I need to get a new phone that is web and email enabled , right now think Im kinda decided on the blackberry curve but want some input from all the people useing a web phone suggestions , pros, cons that crap cause Ive allways had regular phones so this will be my first one doesnt have to be a blackberry but does have to be a verizon network phone and want one that will show normal web pages not the mobile verson of the page

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  1000rrrider said:
I need to get a new phone that is web and email enabled , right now think Im kinda decided on the blackberry curve but want some input from all the people useing a web phone suggestions , pros, cons that crap cause Ive allways had regular phones so this will be my first one doesnt have to be a blackberry but does have to be a verizon network phone and want one that will show normal web pages not the mobile verson of the page

I've got the curve. Its a decent phone for email and the like, but the web stuff is a little lacking.

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HTC touch Pro


i have the same phone, but on sprint. and i freaking love it.

has opera browser as well as internet explorer.. so you get FULL html like your desktop computer and not that shitty wap browser shit.

has you tube app built in as well.

im on the internet constantly with this thing.

the camera phone on it is amazing as well. 3.2 mp

youll love the phone.

slide out full keyboard FTW as well.

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  Hoblick said:
HTC touch Pro


i have the same phone, but on sprint. and i freaking love it.

has opera browser as well as internet explorer.. so you get FULL html like your desktop computer and not that shitty wap browser shit.

has you tube app built in as well.

im on the internet constantly with this thing.

the camera phone on it is amazing as well. 3.2 mp

youll love the phone.

slide out full keyboard FTW as well.

Jesus...Its $350....for that kind of money, it ought to blow you every third time you use it :eek:

I've heard mixed reviews on the windows mobile stuff though - you have any problems with it?

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yea it is kinda pricey but if it works good then alls good ... but with verizon practically giving the curve away right itd be a tough call ..... with the rebate and my new every 2 deal and work discount I can get the curve for $20 , Ill have to call them tommarrow and see what that one will come down to

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  Todd#43 said:
Jesus...Its $350....for that kind of money, it ought to blow you every third time you use it :eek:

I've heard mixed reviews on the windows mobile stuff though - you have any problems with it?

no issues with mine outside of the keyboard stopped working. but i have insurance so it got a replacement phone for free.

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  1000rrrider said:
yea it is kinda pricey but if it works good then alls good ... but with verizon practically giving the curve away right itd be a tough call ..... with the rebate and my new every 2 deal and work discount I can get the curve for $20 , Ill have to call them tommarrow and see what that one will come down to

you can get them on craigslist for $200 - $250

once activated your insurance (if you have it through verizon) will still cover the phone incase of any damage

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  Hoblick said:
HTC touch Pro


i have the same phone, but on sprint. and i freaking love it.

has opera browser as well as internet explorer.. so you get FULL html like your desktop computer and not that shitty wap browser shit.

has you tube app built in as well.

im on the internet constantly with this thing.

the camera phone on it is amazing as well. 3.2 mp

youll love the phone.

slide out full keyboard FTW as well.

Yea I have the same phone for Sprint as well

I've had it since November 08'

Never had a problem with it and that includes Windows Mobile

My keyboard still works too :D

It's a little thick and my friends joke that I have a brick for a phone but that i guess would be the only downside

I even got a cracked version of TOMTOM onto mine and now its my GPS too :cool:

Edited by chachi1189
Spelled Sprint wrong
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  chachi1189 said:
Yea I have the same phone for Sprint as well

I've had it since November 08'

Never had a problem with it and that includes Windows Mobile

My keyboard still works too :D

It's a little thick and my friends joke that I have a brick for a phone but that i guess would be the only downside

I even got a cracked version of TOMTOM onto mine and now its my GPS too :cool:

tom tom...umm where did you get that and how can you get it to me

please PM me some info.. i have been looking for fucking ever for it

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I have the Storm and am very happy with it...right no WIFI so your locked into getting the data plan. I think its like that on all Blackberrys. The Storms keypad takes some time to get used to but there are a ton of useful aps oout there and can customize the phone to suit your needs. As far as web browsing (moble browser) their are a few limitations but for normal use its not bad. Over all, i would highly recomend it to anyone

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  Avenger said:
I have the Storm and am very happy with it...right no WIFI so your locked into getting the data plan. I think its like that on all Blackberrys. The Storms keypad takes some time to get used to but there are a ton of useful aps oout there and can customize the phone to suit your needs. As far as web browsing (moble browser) their are a few limitations but for normal use its not bad. Over all, i would highly recomend it to anyone

I dunno, my curve has wifi. I'm with Tmobile and they make you buy the BB Data plan anyway though.

  RSVDon said:
BlackBerry browser SUCKS!!!

Download OperaMini stat! http://www.opera.com/mini/

I agree that the browser sucks. Can I use opera on my curve?

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i have alltel which now is on the verizion network and about 2 months ago i upgraded my lime moto q to the palm treo pro (its a little smaller, has a touchscreen and also wi-fi enabled)

if you want to stick with verizion i would recommend getting the palm treo pro, but if you dont mind switching i would suggest going to spring for the palm pre, personal testing on that phone blows the iphone outta the water and the contracts are cheaper.

also, i have my lime moto q still and it could be activated under alltel or verizion, i had it for about 4 months before getting another upgrade so its still in really good shape, im thinking about selling it for $100 if anyone is interested, ill throw in 3 ac chargers and 1 dc charger (the palm pro that i have now uses a different charging port than the moto q, so their basically sitting in my nightstand) just contact me for details

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  Todd#43 said:
]I agree that the browser sucks. Can I use opera on my curve?

You should be able to, use your phone's browser and go to operamini.com then download straight to the phone. I have it on my pearl and I hate the BB Browser after using the opera.

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  Avenger said:
They don't have opera for the Storm....couldn't find it anyway

a alternative to using the mobile ie is skyfire...it still drains the battery as much as ie but in my opinion if you have a touchscreen its better...opera isnt available for my palm treo pro so thats what im using

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yea I need to stay with verizon they have the best service in my area and the only service in several other places I go regularly other wise Id prolly switch and get an Iphone but cant switch so thats why I want opinons on what vzw phone to get

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