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City of Columbus Taxex - Audit question


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So we got a letter last week from the City of Columbus Tax dept requesting our tax records from 2003-2008. We moved INTO the City of Columbus in 2003 and still live here. While compiling all the records they wanted, I spotted the suspected problem and assumed we would have to pay some back taxes to the city, no problem.

Soooo, yesterday we get a letter back from them, they reviewed the info I sent them and determined we owed $219 for 2006 that was not paid to them, turns out my wife's employer did not take any city taxes out for 2006 for some stupid reason, why I don't know, they took it out every other year before and after 2006, go figure.

Anyway, here is my question, they are charging us the back taxes, a penalty and interest. Would you guys pay the total they are asking for without question or send them just the taxes you owed and tell them to go F#$K themselves on the rest?

Here is how it breaks down...

Unpaid tax: $219

Penalty: $21.90

Interest: $36.31

TOTAL DUE: $277.21

What do you think?

Edited by SWing'R
Opps, typo in thread title, guess I can't change it.
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+1, when it comes to the state and their taxes you are pretty much f*cked. I owed pickerington schools $150 in taxes when i was not even living in the state for the year, actually i was stationed in south korea. not only did i have to pay $150 but also a $200 penalty and interest on top of that. way to support your troops ohio, you taxation without representation assholes ... end rant

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...Something tells me you knew this may come back to bite you and you let it slide anyway...

We honestly never noticed it, hell it was three years ago. I guess it pays to pay attention to your stubs.

What kills me is they took the right taxes out in 2003, 2004, 2005 so what the hell happened in 2006?????

Yeah I guess I'll pay it. But maybe I should pay it in 27, 721 unrolled pennies :lol:

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if you nice and its first time,they remove the interest and penalty fee,just ask them.in 98 i own $ 8000 and $ 2000 for fee,because it was first time they give me brake and remove the fees.

I guess it worth a shot, I'll call the auditor today and ask her. Thanks.

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Something tells me you got a break because you talk funny. I don't think Dave is going to get the same results. I could be wrong.. but prolly not.

I got out of the penalty, but not the interest. She claimed there was nothing she could do

about the interest but to get out of the penalty all I have to do is plead my case by letter

and include it with the payment of the taxes. So thats a little better :p

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