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cop slams eldery lady with knife


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Well im sorry that your experiences with cops have not been pleasent but you cant focus your attention the the bad cops and have them take over you minset on all cops. There are A LOT of great cops out there who are humble and do a great job. Those are the guys to focus on. Usually the cops that are cocky and full of them selves, have a hard time getting back up from time to time and need to be humbled a time or two to straiten them self out.

I will still stick to, and will always stick to saying the cop acted correctly 100%.

That is your right and by all means, always voice your opinion.... I do..... lol

And strictly by the facts, being blind to age, frailty and such, I would agree with you. But at the same time I would hope that you as a cop, if you run into a situation like this, I would hope that you would treat the old woman with the same respect and care you would your own mother or grandmother. I would hope that sometimes looking at a "human" situation you may see that something more may be going on and that some things are worth a slight risk to your self in order to convey compassion to someone else.

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That is your right and by all means, always voice your opinion.... I do..... lol

And strictly by the facts, being blind to age, frailty and such, I would agree with you. But at the same time I would hope that you as a cop, if you run into a situation like this, I would hope that you would treat the old woman with the same respect and care you would your own mother or grandmother. I would hope that sometimes looking at a "human" situation you may see that something more may be going on and that some things are worth a slight risk to your self in order to convey compassion to someone else.

Thats like saying that i should treat the next 20 y/o male like i would treat my brother. That doesnt make sense. Your g'ma might be a very nice, non-senile woman while my g'ma is a senile woman they dont trust to cut chicken anymore due to the risk she carries. As a LEO you can not go to a scene with anything in mind other than what you are seeing. And what was seen was an old lady with a knife not listening to what the cop told her to do. She reacted in the best way possible for all people involved. The old lady had already pointed the knife at the officer while talking to her. There is no need for the convo to last longer and risk anyones safety.

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But at the same time I would hope that you as a cop, if you run into a situation like this, I would hope that you would treat the old woman with the same respect and care you would your own mother or grandmother. I would hope that sometimes looking at a "human" situation you may see that something more may be going on and that some things are worth a slight risk to your self in order to convey compassion to someone else.

Forget it, bruh... one thing I have learned after reading this thread is that there is no compassion in blue. Just the "training." Period.

And if you disagree with them, god help you if you get pulled over or need to be confronted. As has been pointed out several times, even if you NEED HELP, you can still get shot. Or curbed like the dude at the beginning of American History X.

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You can tell who hasn't dealt with an older person who isn't all there. You can also tell who hasn't had any training in disarming someone with a knife. I'd about rather disarm someone with a gun at that distance than a knife.

Exactly. People are crticizing the way a cop does his/her job when they dont know anything about being a cop. They will take things the way they want to and thats the way it is. No matter what the law states or what may happen, the cop should apparently not use force when the people who dont know anything about being a cop dont want them to.

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Do you know anything about being an accountant? (i'm assuming you don't... if I'm wrong, I do apologize)

But would it be unreasonable to expect an accountant to refrain from making dumb mistakes on your taxes? Of course not. You EXPECT him or her to know enough about accounting to do the job correctly, and without harming your bank account or causing you to be audited by the IRS.

You may not KNOW how to be an accountant, you may not walk the streets every day accountin' shit. But you DO KNOW what to expect out of someone who has gone through the process to earn the designation of CPA. You may not know the difference between a balance sheet and an income statement or the fine details of accountancy... but you can certainly make a judgement about an accountant who can keep your books smoothly, and which one can't count the contents of a dozen eggs...

right...? so why is it unreasonable to expect a police officer to do their job without unnecessary harm or undue injury?

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is ur boss standing behind you with a sharp pencil waiting for you to mess up and stab you in the neck for it? or you just going to take it? whats the difference? approaching someone you dont know with a knife? you dont have time to sit and adjust to problem that is going on right in front of you.. this thread is fucking gay in the first place..

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Forget it, bruh... one thing I have learned after reading this thread is that there is no compassion in blue. Just the "training." Period.

And if you disagree with them, god help you if you get pulled over or need to be confronted. As has been pointed out several times, even if you NEED HELP, you can still get shot. Or curbed like the dude at the beginning of American History X.

Yep, apparently you're right. I'm done banging my head on this wall. I still cant help but think if the tables were turned and it were one of their relatives and citizen Joe slammed their momma to the ground and busted her head open trying to take a knife out of her frail lil hand..... Citizen Joe would would be getting slammed, tazed, kicked, beat, sprayed and stuffed in the back of a cop car for doing exactly what the female cop did..... Guaranteed!!!

They can yell all they want that she was justified and by law she may have been........ you can apply that same stupid a$$ logic to a toddler walking thru the parking lot with a knife..... any jack ass knows not to slam a baby and likewise an old lady falls into the same category.

You hit it right with an inability to see past the training.

I'm almost 44 years old. Just once in my life I would like to know a cop and be able to say: "Thats a good man, a reasonable man, I respect that man"....... 44 years and counting. I know there has to be one out there.....

Oh well like I said, I'm done on this one......

Hope you dont take my words personally, I do hope you think about them.....

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Do you know anything about being an accountant? (i'm assuming you don't... if I'm wrong, I do apologize)

But would it be unreasonable to expect an accountant to refrain from making dumb mistakes on your taxes? Of course not. You EXPECT him or her to know enough about accounting to do the job correctly, and without harming your bank account or causing you to be audited by the IRS.

You may not KNOW how to be an accountant, you may not walk the streets every day accountin' shit. But you DO KNOW what to expect out of someone who has gone through the process to earn the designation of CPA. You may not know the difference between a balance sheet and an income statement or the fine details of accountancy... but you can certainly make a judgement about an accountant who can keep your books smoothly, and which one can't count the contents of a dozen eggs...

right...? so why is it unreasonable to expect a police officer to do their job without unnecessary harm or undue injury?

Correct. You can expect the police officer to do their job without undue harm or injury. That is exactly what the officer did. She did not allow undue harm or injury to the public or the officers involved. The old lady was a suspect, not the common public in this situation. Therefore needed to be dealt with in a manor that would keep the public as safe as possible. The safest way to get control of the situation, safe for everyone including the suspect, was to do what she did. Get rid of the danger, big or small, that was around. I would expect even an accountant, who has no knowledge of the law as applied by a LEO, to understand that the officer kept everyone safe. She could have, like i have said before, put her into an arm bar and pop he shoulder out and prob end up bringing her to the ground anyways.

As for the accountant scenerio, yes, i would expect my accountant to do his/her job correctly. But if my accountant were to explain to me that the base way to file my taxes is seperately because of whatever reason. I would prob agree with him/her due to the fact that it is his/her job, even if things didnt turn out the way i expected them to. Maybe i thought i was going to get more money out of filing jointly but you did sereratly because i have my own buisness and things would have been blah blah blah... Oh, gotcha! You did it that way because it was best for everyone involved even though it didnt seem like it at first. Gotcha now, i trust my accountant to do those things looking out for my wife and me as I would hope you trust the police to look out for you. It may not look like they do the right thing everytime but but behind the scenes there is more than you see up front.

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Yep, apparently you're right. I'm done banging my head on this wall. I still cant help but think if the tables were turned and it were one of their relatives and citizen Joe slammed their momma to the ground and busted her head open trying to take a knife out of her frail lil hand..... Citizen Joe would would be getting slammed, tazed, kicked, beat, sprayed and stuffed in the back of a cop car for doing exactly what the female cop did..... Guaranteed!!!

They can yell all they want that she was justified and by law she may have been........ you can apply that same stupid a$$ logic to a toddler walking thru the parking lot with a knife..... any jack ass knows not to slam a baby and likewise an old lady falls into the same category.

You hit it right with an inability to see past the training.

I'm almost 44 years old. Just once in my life I would like to know a cop and be able to say: "Thats a good man, a reasonable man, I respect that man"....... 44 years and counting. I know there has to be one out there.....

Oh well like I said, I'm done on this one......

Hope you dont take my words personally, I do hope you think about them.....

That logic doesnt work with a todler. Why? Because a todler with a knife isnt a threat. You wont find a 3 year old purposely stabbing someone. Maybe by accident but not on purpose. However you can fine old people purposely harming others. For example...


Even an 87 y/o bound for a wheel chair and missing limbs is capable. You wouldnt have been happy if someone slammed him on the ground before hand either but it would have saved a life.

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Do you know anything about being an accountant? (i'm assuming you don't... if I'm wrong, I do apologize)

But would it be unreasonable to expect an accountant to refrain from making dumb mistakes on your taxes? Of course not. You EXPECT him or her to know enough about accounting to do the job correctly, and without harming your bank account or causing you to be audited by the IRS.

You may not KNOW how to be an accountant, you may not walk the streets every day accountin' shit. But you DO KNOW what to expect out of someone who has gone through the process to earn the designation of CPA. You may not know the difference between a balance sheet and an income statement or the fine details of accountancy... but you can certainly make a judgement about an accountant who can keep your books smoothly, and which one can't count the contents of a dozen eggs...

right...? so why is it unreasonable to expect a police officer to do their job without unnecessary harm or undue injury?

worst analogy ever... I suppose if I rob a bank I can expect the officer to disarm me too without injury. It's not their job to "disarm you without injury", it's just to disarm you so that you don't hurt others. If you're so disenfranchised with the police, maybe next time someone breaks into your house just handle it yourself. I would hate to see the intruder get hurt and you be responsible because you called the evil police on him.

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I agree with Grandma being disarmed...the method of disarming is up for debate. I also agree that knives are fucking dangerous. I've had training in disarming people with knives, and let me tell you I hope I never have to use it. I'd much rather deal with a firearm. It's WAY too easy to get sliced or stabbed. Had this Grandma really resisted, that cop would have have some blood flowing.

Let me ask this to stir the pot...would everyone agree to Grandma getting her wig split if it were THEIR grandma? I still have yet to see this question answered.

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Let me ask this to stir the pot...would everyone agree to Grandma getting her wig split if it were THEIR grandma? I still have yet to see this question answered.

That is tough, Mr. stirrer.

The cold callous stoic robot in me says that it might be the wakeup call my family would need that 'granny' needs supervision. Or, if she was already under supervision, then someone wasn't doing their job and should feel really guilty. Unless we're PAYING someone to supervise her, then its breach of contract and we need to recoup the money paid for those services as well as hospital costs.

The loving grandson in me says, "I don't care who you are, I'll fuck you up if you mess with my grandma."

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Let me ask this to stir the pot...would everyone agree to Grandma getting her wig split if it were THEIR grandma? I still have yet to see this question answered.

My granny was 5'1 and weighed 2lbs more than nothing. BUt she was a BEAST. That cop would have had her hands full. I would be upset, but as I have connection to LEO's I can see their side as well. But it wiouldn't matter cuz granny was by coal miners and married one. She was tougher than nails.


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if it was my grandmother.. and she needed to be disaramed i say with out a doubt in my heart or mind that they need to do whatever is nessasary to diffuse the situation from getting her wig split to death.. HOW you ask can i say that... because my grandmother had alzhiemers and when things got bad.. they are bad.. and even if she didnt know what she was doing... things were still dangerous and still needed addressing.... like how i almost broke her arm taking a kitchen knife from her when she was threatingi my father at thanksgiving.. that was fun.. when they are baligerant they are strong... so if my gma would have been in that situation take her down so she doesnt hurt herself or others (rip gma) she passed away 2 months ago...

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And the more I think about MY grandma, I'd find it hard to believe she'd ever find herself in a situation like that. Dementia, senility, Alzheimers or not... I don't think my grandmother would even know HOW to wield a knife, would not have one on her person, nor would be capable of doing anything but standing there with her medical conditions.

So, I'll revert bad to my cold callous robot mode because it's all YOUR grandmothers that are the problem and must be dealt with in a swift and forceful manner.

Mine is perfect. :)

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I had a grandma in Trinidad who suffered from this..and yes, these fuckers are strong and DO get belligerent. And I agree with those that say disarm her..I think shitty said it best. Take a little time to try and get the knife from her. You don't have to be in her face..hell one cop behind and one in front could have disarmed her (yeah I know...armchair quaterbacking)...just try to get it away without making dome pizza on the concrete.

Then again..grandma was probably a socialist and she got what she deserved.

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