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I rode on 2 ohio-winers rides the first one was actually a decent ride but we ditched the majority of the group and just the fast riders did 536. The second ride I wasted a good half hour of my life on a shitty ride led by a cruiser. But I am sure littlerod dave's tractor is super fast all 83 horsepower. I have over 19,000 miles on my 08 10R I had over 16,000 on my 04 10R, I have 49,000on my 9R and I had over 17,000 on my 6R but yeah I am a squid and they dont last so you'll have to do some of your ohio-retards math and get that to not add up to over 100,000 miles? But you guys do have way more posts so thats gotta mean you are better riders. But anyways I'll let you guys get back to jacking off while you talk about how good you think you are.

Well.. I admit the mileage is impressive. It doesn't negate the proper use of equipment. Not sure how or why you feel the need to flame on this site. Ego issues I assume. In any event, though I admire your riding history I still find your disdain for protection to be disappointing, especially in light of your experience.

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100,000 miles? That's quite impressive.

I don't think I can rack up that many miles if I tried. Between OR.net, WoW, DnD, Second Life, and pooping - there's not enough time in the day.

Ok, I'm joking about all the nerd shit. If I think about it though, I've probably racked up 100k miles this year between my bikes and your wife.

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100,000 miles? That's quite impressive.

I don't think I can rack up that many miles if I tried. Between OR.net, WoW, DnD, Second Life, and pooping - there's not enough time in the day.

Ok, I'm joking about all the nerd shit. If I think about it though, I've probably racked up 100k miles this year between my bikes and your wife.

Oh now I remember how this got started. He's the guy that stole his riding buddies wife...that's why everyone started poking fun at his style etc. Hmmmm.... can't say I condone that any more than not wearing protection..:slap:

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Oh now I remember how this got started. He's the guy that stole his riding buddies wife...that's why everyone started poking fun at his style etc. Hmmmm.... can't say I condone that any more than not wearing protection..:slap:

Edit: Unnecessary post after max power's recollection of events that seems to reconcile with my memory of event.

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Oh now I remember how this got started. He's the guy that stole his riding buddies wife...that's why everyone started poking fun at his style etc. Hmmmm.... can't say I condone that any more than not wearing protection..:slap:

That wasnt him. That was some dude in Tennessee. He lived near the Gap and talked mad shit on some Kawi forum.

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just because you log miles doesnt mean your a great rider..
Well.. I admit the mileage is impressive......

especially in light of your experience.

Ummmm..... Who says all those miles are his guys

Used bikes come with miles already on 'em...... Unless he bought brand new

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ok wireless explains everything now , he is some dumb ass hill jack sitting next to his mobil home out in the country somewhere with his 17 year old girlfriend and her summer teeth(some are green some are gone) waiting on his goverment check for being a fat ass and has nothing else to do but bash other riders , i would still love to ride with him just so i could watch his ass hit the pavement and ask him how his non-gear held up

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Ummmm..... Who says all those miles are his guys

Me, I can verify that he purchased ALL of those bike brand new and put

all those miles on himself. I can tell you that he is a good rider and I think it would be many of you picking gravel out of your own skin if you rode with him. Where were all you hotshot riders when we took a 536 mile ride into WV? I posted it here and guess how many Ohio-Riders showed up?,, ZERO! mileage to high, pace to hot for you?

Personally I could care less if people wear gear on rides, it's there skin/life on the line and not my own so to each their own,, I've been on 7 rides over the years where people have been killed ( including my father being hit and killed by a drunk driver in 03) and all 7 of those killed had on FULL riding gear at the time. Quick is a good guy as well, I personally witnessed him lay his own bike down so as not to run over top of a guy that had just looped his ZX12 on a entrance ramp to the highway. Just a couple months ago I had a person wipe out into a guard rail on 1 of my rides and guess who I called to come and scrape the bike off the road? Quick said " no problem" on a beautiful Sunday and brought his truck right over to help me go and collect the bike. Anytime I want someone to ride with I can call him and he's always ready to go, I think if I called him during a thunder storm he would ride along.

Speaking of riding with no gear last weekend Quick and I rode up to Akron to meet up with a new riding group and 2 guys showed up wearing shorts, t-shirts, tennis shoe's, & sunglasses. Quick did have a jacket & helmet on and we split for a little ride through the valley and the 2 gearless riders riders soon disappeared into the mirrors. This ride was lead by a chic ( Ducati hottie, remember her? some of you ran her off as well) but we still had a fun riding day.

Any of you folks that want to show your stuff Quick has rides that start in New Philladelphia at the Sheetz Station on Sundays @ 1PM. If you want to put your money where your mouth is I know who I'll put my $ on....

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@ Fox.

That's cool you vouch for the dude, and he very well may be a cool guy IRL, but he's a dick on the 'net (kinda like me :))

Obviously the tone he took on here wasn't conducive to making any new riding buddies. I believe this all started with his "running from the cops" thread where he made some comments that MANY people on here disagreed with. So, instead of taking his lumps and moving on - he kept fueling the fire.

Like I said, he may be a real cool guy, but after some of the things he's posted on the 'net (like giving the +1 to running from the cops) - you gotta question some of his judgment. I mean, there are people that probably agree with him, but they're smart enough not to post that they agree with him on a public forum - that's where the judgment call comes into play.

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Me, I can verify that he purchased ALL of those bike brand new and put

all those miles on himself. I can tell you that he is a good rider and I think it would be many of you picking gravel out of your own skin if you rode with him. Where were all you hotshot riders when we took a 536 mile ride into WV? I posted it here and guess how many Ohio-Riders showed up?,, ZERO! mileage to high, pace to hot for you?

Personally I could care less if people wear gear on rides, it's there skin/life on the line and not my own so to each their own,, I've been on 7 rides over the years where people have been killed ( including my father being hit and killed by a drunk driver in 03) and all 7 of those killed had on FULL riding gear at the time. Quick is a good guy as well, I personally witnessed him lay his own bike down so as not to run over top of a guy that had just looped his ZX12 on a entrance ramp to the highway. Just a couple months ago I had a person wipe out into a guard rail on 1 of my rides and guess who I called to come and scrape the bike off the road? Quick said " no problem" on a beautiful Sunday and brought his truck right over to help me go and collect the bike. Anytime I want someone to ride with I can call him and he's always ready to go, I think if I called him during a thunder storm he would ride along.

Speaking of riding with no gear last weekend Quick and I rode up to Akron to meet up with a new riding group and 2 guys showed up wearing shorts, t-shirts, tennis shoe's, & sunglasses. Quick did have a jacket & helmet on and we split for a little ride through the valley and the 2 gearless riders riders soon disappeared into the mirrors. This ride was lead by a chic ( Ducati hottie, remember her? some of you ran her off as well) but we still had a fun riding day.

Any of you folks that want to show your stuff Quick has rides that start in New Philladelphia at the Sheetz Station on Sundays @ 1PM. If you want to put your money where your mouth is I know who I'll put my $ on....

Whatever. Coming in here and cheerleading for a guy who is obviously trying to be antagonistic makes your actions to be just as much of a dick move.

What's the point in calling people out to see who rides the fastest down a certain road? (536 scares me.) I ride with people who are faster than me and people who are slower than me. So what, the people who are faster aren’t automatically cool and the slower ones aren't lame pieces of shit. I'm missing your point, this isn't about who is faster or not it's about how he has been conducting himself in here.

Hypothetically speaking if someone were to be able to out ride him would your opinion of him change? I would hope not, just like my opinion of you two wouldn't change if you could out ride someone. Dumbass shit stirrers are just that no matter how fast you are.

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I don't care how many miles he has ridden...

stupid is stupid...

We must remember our actions have more consequences than we may realize.

how would quik feel knowing that his position on riding gear was adopted by someone else after reading this thread, and his position on running from the police was adopted by someone else...Now you have a kid who doesn't know any better riding around without gear running from the cops...(probably not going to survive very long)

whether you run from the cops or not is NOT the issue, Whether you wear gear or not is NOT the issue...

Trying to convince other people that it's a smart idea to ride in a t-shirt, and run from the cops IS the issue.

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I'll be the first to admit it. I look like a douche bag Blue Power Ranger when I'm on a ride. I ride frequently with the Red Power Ranger. This weekend we did ride the 536, the 555, the 236- you name it. Of four people, two went down. Not because they were bad, mind you- one had new tyres, and found the cow fence on the second turn when the back end spun up on him. But both riders, they got up and walked away.

I've crashed before, and had the doctors cut loose skin off me. Now it's going to be leather. My Harley mechanic brother said it best. I took him out on the 715 and 60 two years ago, and the following week the Fat Boy stayed home, and a new 955 Daytona was out. I bought him a helmet, gloves, and an Alpinestars jacket- and sure enough it went down. His response when getting up from a 70mph slide- "Is that all?"

And something to remember, a lot of those roads are people's front yards. Kids live there. Blind turns + residences= stoopid. Away from that, and it's time to play.

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