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Democrats planting fake doctors...


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easy fix for the downfall of the U.S.

Make everyone 50 and over Retire(unemployment issues Resolved)

Give said Retirees (One Million Dollars Each/Per Couple) the BILLIONS they gave the car companys on the conditions that they:

BUY a HOUSE (housing issues resolved)

Buy a NEW AMERICAN CAR (Auto Industry issues resolved)

Make the healthcare system free for WORKING People and Retirees (Helps reduces the Welfare Issues)

I think that idea is MUCH BETTER then the Crisis we are all in currently!

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i've never been able to take Beck seriously since he did that whole "i love my country so much i cry just talking about how much i love my country" thing.

Whether you take him seriously or not, the news is still just as true. You may laugh at him while he is telling it to you but, its still true.

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this thread and anyone that listens to fox news is full of FAIL.

you guys act like southern people affraid of a the black man.

Why? I watch FOX, CNN, CBS, NBC...

The more information I get, and cut through the BS (from either side)the better I can make informed descisions.

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this thread and anyone that listens to fox news is full of FAIL.

you guys act like southern people affraid of a the black man.

Im not sure that watching Fox news makes someone afraid of "the black man" but hey, whatever you say. I guess since i am a part of this thread, and i watch Fox, i am an entire fail. Im cool with that.

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faux news. those guys seem to make up nothing but bullshit/lies and some of you guys eat it up. bill oriely is the only one with a tiny bit of credibility.

if any of you guys believe anything they say you're a fool.

OOO OOO!!! I AM A FOOL I AM A FOOL!!! WOOO HOOO!!!! :villagers::weirdo:

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this thread and anyone that listens to fox news is full of FAIL.

you guys act like southern people affraid of a the black man.

Ionno if it's so much fear of the black man, but it's for sure fear of change. And a black guy president is probably more change than the average person can handle.

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I try to live by these words.

believe nothing you hear and only 1/2 of what you see.


I've been working in the media for years... trust me.. anything and everything can be "edited" to be be read or viewed a certain way. I can take one set of facts and write them up in 2 different ways to appeal to 2 different audiences. I can, and have. Often.

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Ionno if it's so much fear of the black man, but it's for sure fear of change. And a black guy president is probably more change than the average person can handle.

Why? He's not even black, he's mixed. But how is this different than people voting for him just because he is "black". I talked with people on why they were voting for him and they said "He's a black man and can offer a different perspective." And that makes him qualified to be our president? So rasicm is only racism when it degrades someone/a group?

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I've been working in the media for years... trust me.. anything and everything can be "edited" to be be read or viewed a certain way. I can take one set of facts and write them up in 2 different ways to appeal to 2 different audiences. I can, and have. Often.

What kind of media?

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Why? He's not even black, he's mixed. But how is this different than people voting for him just because he is "black". I talked with people on why they were voting for him and they said "He's a black man and can offer a different perspective." And that makes him qualified to be our president?

I can't speak for everyone (HAH!) but I imagine he's qualified because he is a Harvard law graduate Magna Cum Laude (best possible level of acheivement), where he also served as President of the Harvard Law Review. He also has a degree in political science and international relations from Columbia University. How about 15-20 years experience in local, state and federal government, community organizing, helping the poor for little/no pay, including teaching people how to stand up for their own rights against powerful interests (like insurance companies and greedy corporations)

Not just 'cuz his daddy was president. and not that his faintcy book learnin' will make no nevermind to y'all. :lol:

What kind of media?

print and broadcast, mostly. Both of which have splooged over into interactive media aka the Innanets

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