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Dear Mountain Dew,


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and I dont know how many others have meet you in person but, dude is like 7 foot tall 260 # and packs a 9mil in his belt ....... yet has a kitty as an avitar ????

Sounds normal to me...

oh, and the orange flavor rocks...

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Dear Mt. Dew HQ,

You in your infinite wisdom, you MUST be listening to someone... who advised you that WOW players needed two new flavors? They don't.

Also, please make the caps easier to unscrew while typing and/or driving.


Keyboard Typing Cat

Got a 20oz of WOW today at WallyWorld for $.69. Would'a thought all the little pimply faced nerd kids drank that stuff up at full price as soon as it came out :wtf:

Ski pop FTW!!


Only place I've ever seen that stuff was Indiana, IIRC

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Ok Fonzie, Why they all gotta be "Little Pimply Faced Nerd Kids"? my two godsons play wow, neither of them have acne, nor does Kyle or myself. BUT MT. DEW SUCKS BALLS anyways. i drink one then drink another cause i dont feel like i drank the first one at all. no thrist quenching at all!

Got a 20oz of WOW today at WallyWorld for $.69. Would'a thought all the little pimply faced nerd kids drank that stuff up at full price as soon as it came out :wtf:

Only place I've ever seen that stuff was Indiana, IIRC

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Ok Fonzie, Why they all gotta be "Little Pimply Faced Nerd Kids"? my two godsons play wow, neither of them have acne, nor does Kyle or myself. BUT MT. DEW SUCKS BALLS anyways. i drink one then drink another cause i dont feel like i drank the first one at all. no thrist quenching at all!

Who drinks Mt Dew for the thirst quenching ability? Thats like doing crack because you like the feel of needles piercing your skin... Doesnt make sense.

But i dont like Mt Dew either so...

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Myself, I am not a crackhead but im pretty sure u have your drugs confused. i thought crackheads smoked crack??? and shot up Heroin??? Snort coke or BLOW as these foos on here like to refer to. so a crackhead wont like to feel needles anyway unless said crackhead was also a heroin addict I'm thinking.If I am wrong please enlighten me, either way Mt.Dew still sucks.

Who drinks Mt Dew for the thirst quenching ability? Thats like doing crack because you like the feel of needles piercing your skin... Doesnt make sense.

But i dont like Mt Dew either so...

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Myself, I am not a crackhead but im pretty sure u have your drugs confused. i thought crackheads smoked crack??? and shot up Heroin??? Snort coke or BLOW as these foos on here like to refer to. so a crackhead wont like to feel needles anyway unless said crackhead was also a heroin addict I'm thinking.If I am wrong please enlighten me, either way Mt.Dew still sucks.

ACTUALLY, injecting crack has become a much more popular way of doing it. People do it since it gives a longer and stronger high. Heroin is not the only drug you can inject. Yes, you can smoke crack but it is CERTAINLY injectable too. You just make it into a soluble substance injectable by a needle. So no, not confused at all. As requested, I hope you are enlightened now :D

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Mt. Dew isn't nearly as bad as "Sun Drop".. I was in Tennessee for business and got a bottle of this "HCl in a can" and thought I was going to burn a hole in my stomach. It was actually painful.


They don't sell it in Ohio, but when we head up to visit family in Wisconsin my wife always brings back 2 cases of Sun Drop, she loves it. I like it a little, but Mountain Dew tastes better in my opinion.

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Only place I've ever seen that stuff was Indiana, IIRC

Rural Southern Ohio. Just about any mom & pop gas station has it.

Who drinks Mt Dew for the thirst quenching ability? Thats like doing crack because you like the feel of needles piercing your skin... Doesnt make sense.

But i dont like Mt Dew either so...

ACTUALLY, injecting crack has become a much more popular way of doing it. People do it since it gives a longer and stronger high. Heroin is not the only drug you can inject. Yes, you can smoke crack but it is CERTAINLY injectable too. You just make it into a soluble substance injectable by a needle. So no, not confused at all. As requested, I hope you are enlightened now :D

Somebody knows too much about crack.

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Got a 20oz of WOW today at WallyWorld for $.69. Would'a thought all the little pimply faced nerd kids drank that stuff up at full price as soon as it came out :wtf:

Alliance or Horde? Personally I liked my Horde toon more, but I liked the Alliance Mt. Dew more...

BUT I refuse to buy it anymore, because I'll like it too much and THEY'LL STOP MAKING IT!

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nope he's the touchy feely one in the midst of bromance in the aruba shirt

Ok then... not a 7 footer then... the guy is the back on the other hand, staying away from all of the bromance, he is a big guy. However the other picture makes Likwid look much bigger...

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Got a 20oz of WOW today at WallyWorld for $.69. Would'a thought all the little pimply faced nerd kids drank that stuff up at full price as soon as it came out :wtf:

Only place I've ever seen that stuff was Indiana, IIRC

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ACTUALLY, injecting crack has become a much more popular way of doing it. People do it since it gives a longer and stronger high. Heroin is not the only drug you can inject. Yes, you can smoke crack but it is CERTAINLY injectable too. You just make it into a soluble substance injectable by a needle. So no, not confused at all. As requested, I hope you are enlightened now :D

Dammit..... I go to court mandated rehab for 90 days, and now I'm completely outta the loop on what the kids are doin' these days :nono:

Now I'm just gonna hafta play it off like I'm old school when I goes back to 'da "house" for some "supplies"

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Dammit..... I go to court mandated rehab for 90 days, and now I'm completely outta the loop on what the kids are doin' these days :nono:

Now I'm just gonna hafta play it off like I'm old school when I goes back to 'da "house" for some "supplies"

I am glad I was able to broaden your horizons a little bit. I am here for you! However comma the injection of crack has been around since the mid to late 90's. More popularly seen around 2000. So that was a LONG 90 days for you. Sheesh...

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