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One pissed off guy....


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Ok, I get up the other day to go to work and wanted to ride the bike. Figured it was nice out for a short ride to work. So I get my bike out of the garage, close up the garage, get my gear on to head out and the stupid thing doesn't start. Now I just rode the bike two days before this all goes down. I was not a happy man at this time.

This morning starts another day of a bike that won't start. I pulled the bike out last night because I knew I needed to charge the battery up a little for it to more then likely start. Well, I charged it up a little because the meter was reading that it was almost charged, and the stupid thing wouldn't start. At this time I'm already late for work, my boss is trying to call me because some students were lookin' for me and it's not a great thing to be late when you are the main IT Help Desk guy. So, this guy gets pissed yet one more time! I think it's something other then the battery, but me being a newb to owning a bike, I have no idea. I just wanna ride people!

I feel like I've put more time into the battery then I have riding the thing. Oh and the battery is a new one. When I bought the bike they put a new battery in it because the one that one in it died I guess. I am starting to thing that it is something else. I'm really getting pissed. I feel like I have a love, hate relationship with this thing. I love it, but yet I could drop kick every time this happens.

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push start it and get it over to my place this weekend we'll take care of it

Well, if you're busy I can do it another time. I know you were planning on goin' to the track this weekend weren't you?

Maybe dumb question but have you check your wires to make sure theres not residue or crust or anything on the connectors? Do you know how to use a volt meter?

There is no rust or corosion on the wires. Everything seems to be fine but I don't know. I have used a multimeter and the meter reads that it is pretty charged. I might be reading it wrong, but I even took the battery to the local auto shop and they said it was fine. The guy read it the same way I did. So...

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it may not be the battery.

download this chart at the bottom of the page in the link:

will help you find your electrical problem(s) a lot faster and it sounds like you already have a multimeter.

Thanks for the info. I'll have to take a look at it when I have time today. Right now it looks foreign to me...lol.

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Thanks for the info. I'll have to take a look at it when I have time today. Right now it looks foreign to me...lol.

nah its pretty easy once you start reading it. as long as you know the basic electrical components on your bike and how to find them you are fine

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I went home at lunch after I stuck the battery on the charger for a while and it started right up. I do have an alarm on it but I never use it. I wonder if it might be drawing current somehow just a little at a time, but it shouldn't be making it not start up. The multimeter read like 11.23 or close to that this morning when it wouldn't start. I took the alarm off the battery so we'll see. Like I said, it wouldn't start on Monday, so I charged it up and took it for a spin, went to ride it on Wednesday and it wouldn't start again.

Thanks for the help everyone. I love this place...lol

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Explain exactly what you mean by won't start. Do the lights come on? Does the motor even turn over? If the motor turns over does it sound like it's just spinning? Does it sound like it's trying to fire?

Need more info, and yes, hondas are notorious for electrical gremlins usually involving the charging system.

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11.23 volts tell me you have a fully charged battery with a dead or problem cell..... it should be reading about 12.3 or so.......

or the battery is just low. You have a problem with your charging system, or your alarm system is f'ed up and draining your battery

1. check battery voltage with the multimeter

2. start motorcycle

3. repeat (1.) with motorcycle at 3-4k rpm

if the voltage is not higher in at (3), you have a charging system failure. Otherwise its the battery/alarm/wiring. If its the charging system, its probably the rectifier because its a honda

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if you have a powercommander or any other add on take it off. Honda's have had problems with the regulator rectifiers that also might be the issue. Usually the reg/rectifier goes and the bike will have 0 power.

:plus1:Honda's are notorious for reg/rec problems. Need to pull the voltage off that. Had a bro with a 996 Super Hawk went thru a couple of them, and his issues sound similar to yours. Good luck amigo!

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Explain exactly what you mean by won't start. Do the lights come on? Does the motor even turn over? If the motor turns over does it sound like it's just spinning? Does it sound like it's trying to fire?

Need more info, and yes, hondas are notorious for electrical gremlins usually involving the charging system.

The lights come on, the fuel injection sounds, and when I go to start it the light dim out and it just fades. It is turning over but if you are thinking it's a starter issue I don't think that is it. My buddy down the street has a starter issue and it sounds nothing like his...lol. I hear the battery clicking to start it when I hit the start button, but no luck.

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track on saturday be back sat nite could look at it sun or after the ride mon if your comming with us or one eve next week

I would like to go ridin' on Monday, but work might want me to come in. I will let you know. Maybe I can make a trip out on Sunday. PM me your address and I see what happens.

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