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Be living my life like a hobo pretty soon.

Mr Anderson

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my friends daughter lived with roommates. the roommates didnt pay the gas bill for several months and it was turned off. were the bill not up to 800.00 it may have been resolved but it sounds like the daughter moved into a place where two others had been living alreayd so the bill was already a situation they didnt tell her about.

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I've had several roommates over the years and was only burned by one. Oddly, she was like 34 and I was 20.... she got a DUI and I guess her fines, etc were too much, she stiffed me on rent and utilities on her way out. Oh well. Hopefully you will have a good ability to read your potential roommate before moving in with them.

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Thank you. My only fear is a roommate that leaves and doesn't pay the bill. It happened to my dad and he tells me his story all the time.
this is where a baseball bat comes in really handy.... :) and if that fails I could come over and collect for you ( for a small fee :D)
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One thing u can do is for a week or better a month every time you pend money write it down and at the end of set time add everything up and see what you actually spend and where you might be surprised. Then you can trim the fat out of your budget......Good luck

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Don't worry about paying off your student loans. Make your minimum monthly payment because it probably has the lowest interest rate out of all of your bills.

Get a cheaper used Honda. They're reliable, good on gas, and cheap to insure. If you have the money to put down on your new used vehicle, your monthly payment will be much cheaper.

Being debt free isn't the best way to go. You are much better off paying off your higher interest rate bills first and investing your money in something that you won't lose your ass on.

That's my 0.02.

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if you're going to be in such dire straits, consider cancelling xbox live. you're going to sell all your games anyway. i don't know how much it is, but it's probably too much.

get rid of all unnecessary bills and expenses, and just work as much as possible. while you're working, constantly search for better jobs with better pay. also, while you work, do everything you can to move up within whatever company you're at. a company like Chase, it's hard to move up quickly, but if you set yourself apart from your brain dead cubicle zombie peers, you WILL move up... just plan for some inner office political bullshit on occasion.

consider getting a second job, unless you are going to school. if you are going to school, finish out the quarter/semester, and consider going part time afterwards.

it sounds like you know what to do otherwise... just think and plan carefully, and don't act too unless time is short.

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your parents will have more money now, and sounds like maybe they will have more then you make.... being younger and just starting out sucks balls, bring on the box mac and cheese and the ramen noodles! PBJ anyone! but it will only help you better prepare yourself for adulthood and reality of it is we all need some of that anyways.

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+1 that your folks probably wont lose EVVA-REE-THANG with the bankruptcy. People often keep their cribs and cars after bankruptcy, just depends. Don't panic just yet, but there's still not a damn thing wrong with streamlining your expenses, and living within your means the best you can...

@Likwid... can you expound on the part about it not being important to save anymore? I'm a word girl, not a numbers girl... and that blew right past my meager ability to understand, bro...

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Sambusa has some extra room in the sheep pen i think, maybe he can rent out a stall??? you'd have to ask him about that.


Bike shop on grounds

Cheap living

country air


country air

you'll live with sheep

photos will be posted on a weekly basis of you with sheep :lol:

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Thank you. My only fear is a roommate that leaves and doesn't pay the bill. It happened to my dad and he tells me his story all the time.

Eric just be careful about what you're spending your money on like the cedarpoint trip. I understand needing to still have some fun but you do have your bike still and riding some twisties can be just as fun as the millenium force and much much much cheaper. Question tho....Why did you purchase a bike if you still live at your parents house and couldn't afford the rent on your own? I know so many people who have done that. If you can't afford to live on your own comfortably you have NO buisness getting a bike. Just my thoughts anyway. When I was in grad school and going through my divorce I was BROKE. I wanted a bike so badly after I sold my previous one to clear out debt but did not get another one until I had almost completed school and had a job lined up where I knew my income was going to increase to compensate for the extra cash going out. Like JRMII wrote if you don't have the money don't buy it. We all (including me) have to learn not to live above our means. If you change your mindset a bit everything else will fall into place. :)

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Good luck.

The point about savings is..... if you have a $3,000 dollar credit card debt at 20 % or so, you need to pay that off real quick. You are paying a whole lot of interest and not bringing the principle (the amount you actually owe) down much at all. If you put that money in savings or even CD's you won't get any return in your money. So it would be better to throw it in your credit card. So the original poster would be smarter to put every last bit of his money to get his credit card down before he pays student loans and makes a savings account.

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Go to a financial class like Dave Ramsey. http://content.thevineyardcommunity.com/Vineyard_Community/Home.html

The church I go to is putting on a class featuring him. I hear he is really good. Might think of checking it out. Got free coffee and cookies too!

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