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Yeah, if I remember correctly it was a hiker in Alaska or Washington state who ran into a giant grizzly. The remarkable part was he was armed with a .38 cal pistol and had gotten off several shots. Apparently it just really pissed the bear off further since the bear chewed him a new asshole! :lol:

Only report close to what I had heard is this, so maybe he didn't have a gun?:

Man Eaten By a Bear in Alaska

It happened late Friday on a campground that is just a quarter-mile from a bear-viewing platform operated by the U.S. Forest Service in Hyder, Alaska. George Tullos, 41, was camping alone, using only a tarp for shelter when he was apparently attacked and killed by a bear and partially eaten. The campground in which he was staying is located along the Canadian border about 75 miles from Tullos' hometown of Ketchikan. In an odd twist, the campground lived up to its name: Run Amuck. Bruce Bartley, a spokesman for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, said he could recall only three cases of bears attacking people and eating them in the past 20 years. Alaska State Trooper Sgt. Kurt Ludwig said there had never been a bear attack before in the viewing area, even though "the tourists have been known to get extremely close to the bears."

Here we go:

Based on the contents of the bears stomach, the Fish and Wildlife Commission established the bear had killed at least two humans in the past 72 hours. His last meal was the unlucky nature buff in the third picture below. The US Forest Service, backtracking from where the bear had originated, found the hiker's 38-caliber pistol emptied. Not far from the pistol was the remains of the hiker . The other body has not been found. Although the hiker fired six shots and managed to hit the grizzly with four shots (they ultimately found four 38 caliber slugs along with twelve 7mm slugs inside the bear's dead body) it only wounded the bear - and probably angered it. The bear killed the hiker an estimated two days prior to the bear's own death by the gun of the Forest Service worker.



Edited by buildit
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