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Times a changin'


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From 2003-2008, it was unpatriotic to question the Commander in Chief, especially in times of war. Though you may disagree with the President, as an American- it was your duty to fall in line.

How soon we forget, or the war is over. Can't tell. Just an observation. I'll get back to work now.

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From 2003-2008, it was unpatriotic to question the Commander in Chief, especially in times of war. Though you may disagree with the President, as an American- it was your duty to fall in line.

How soon we forget, or the war is over. Can't tell. Just an observation. I'll get back to work now.

Wait a minute...

Where's Cindy Sheehan? We're still in Iraq and Afghanistan - why is she so quiet?

Oh, that's right, its only appropriate to protest a conservative president.

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Off topic: Damn I'm a post whore. Look at the join date and # of posts between me and RFM. I need a life. :lol:

Too much time being daddy and on the bike for me. The computer is always a distant third...:p

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Where's Cindy Sheehan? We're still in Iraq and Afghanistan - why is she so quiet?

She was up in Martha's Vineyard protesting the war during Obama's vacation. It isn't that she is quiet, it is that the media isn't turning her events into a big news circus.


Edited by Tonik
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She was up in Martha's Vineyard protesting the war during Obama's vacation. It isn't that she is quiet, it is that the media isn't turning her events into a big news circus.


So she is still protesting, even with the change of presidentials??



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So she is still protesting, even with the change of presidentials??

Not only that she is blasting the democrats that didn't end the war, and running against Pelosi. She has some really nasty stuff to say about the dems, how they lied and just used her and others to win an election. She pretty much hates all politicians now, which makes her pretty close to ok in my book. While I don't share her views I respect the heck out of her honesty.

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Not only that she is blasting the democrats that didn't end the war, and running against Pelosi. She has some really nasty stuff to say about the dems, how they lied and just used her and others to win an election. She pretty much hates all politicians now, which makes her pretty close to ok in my book. While I don't share her views I respect the heck out of her honesty.

So she's an equal opportunity FUKALLYALL. I can't be mad at her for that LOL

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I guess all the hatred that people expressed towards G.W. Bush has made it ok to bash whatever President is in office, and disrespect them. The Obama hater's say "But the Bush haters did it!!!"

I'm about as far from agreeing with Obama, I voted against him (that's right, not FOR McCain, but AGAINST Obama) but I do have respect for the office. That's why I'm not say let's get him out, or anyting like that, let him have his time, and vote him out in a few years. I just hope and pray that he doesn't mess things up too bad, the past few Presidents have done a good enough job of that!

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We should at least have reverence for the office if not for the man in it.

Dangerous stuff to have the President's speech go out unchecked by the Milwaukee Local PTA.

I went to a speech the Queen of England made years ago, and even met the Grand Duke of Luxembourg while going to school there. I'm surprised I didn't become a full fledged Monarchist because of this early exposure...

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So she's an equal opportunity FUKALLYALL. I can't be mad at her for that LOL

Ya know, I have to agree with ya there!

This is another example of what you were talking about on how the media works! I'm disappointed that she's not getting much media attention now. She's not getting equal opportunity media coverage, so it seems!

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I voted against him (that's right, not FOR McCain, but AGAINST Obama)

I wrote in Paris Hilton. Even had a custom bumper stickers made and put them on my car:

Paris Hilton 2008

Because hot and stupid is better than just stupid.

I realize hot is debatable but I need a catchy slogan to combat 'Change you can believe in.' or what ever it was. I am about to order some 'Don't blame me I voted for Paris Hilton' ones to replace it.

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She was up in Martha's Vineyard protesting the war during Obama's vacation. It isn't that she is quiet, it is that the media isn't turning her events into a big news circus.


Wow...she was on the news every day when the other dude was president. Why not now?

Hey, I know...she protesting a black president. She (along with the media and every old geeky white dude) MUST be racist.

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Everything else in this thread aside' date=' there's absolutely nothing conservative about GWB. He's a RINO (Republican In Name Only) and created the largest government in American history. He, along with his successor, can go suck themselves silly. They are one in the same to me. One president pushed through civil righs violations left and right (Patriot Act) and this new one is shoving social services and handouts through left and right. They are the same person.[/quote']

I'll agree with you on that. Add Voinovich to the RINO list.

However, Bush and Obama CANT be the same person. Ones a "nerdy old white guy" and the other guy is (half)Black.

Sheesh...don't you know ANYTHING ;)

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LOL@your boy's attempt at going on the e-warpath :lol: He's gonna teach us a very valuable lesson! Then, we're all going to agree with him! It's gonna be like magic!

You cant teach the unteachable.

I thought you'd be supportive of that comment. I mean, that's basically what you said in that last thread.

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