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"Sons of Anarchy"


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They lost a bit of cred with me when they had the Huff on a couple weeks ago... Why on earth would Sutter bring that cheeseball into his gritty outlaw show?? :wtf:

Nah, I get it, I think is is awesome they they have him playing an ex porn star turned porn director/producer, they could not of picked a better person to play that roll IMO

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he did blame Stahl, it was her lies and her manipulation that make Clay think he had turned rat.

Anyway, it looks like Gemma and Unser are going to hide this whole mess so Ope may never know.

Ope killed Stahl end of last season in the car.

I think its about to get good because Clay can't call off the hit man and when jax finds Tara he will get the truth.

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Hell hath no furry . . .

Clay screwed up big time. The question is who is she going to put on that path

Jax? I doubt it, the blow back could hit him and that would hurt her.

Ope? Donna, Piny, lots of motive, would not take much, but too much emotion, it could get messy.

Unser, He would do it in a heart beat for her, and his health is failing anyway, hew wouldn't do too many years before he died. But she did day a Son will be the one to do it.

Tig? This one is interesting, he is a cold killer, he has shown that, but he is loyal to Clay, but he has "slipped" with Jemma, a few times, could she leverage that?

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Yeah I sure as hell did. That's the same reason I switched from Dish to Direct last year. Dish was dropping all FX networks. Now Direct is pulling the same BS but I'm still locked into my 2 yer commitment. ARGGH!!!

It's contract renewal time for most networks, they want more money from the broadcasters. It's all tactics to get the viewers pissed, so they call the broadcaster and complain. The local cable companies are going to be going through the same BS over the next few months. It's all about the money.

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Hell hath no furry . . .

Clay screwed up big time. The question is who is she going to put on that path

Jax? I doubt it, the blow back could hit him and that would hurt her.

Ope? Donna, Piny, lots of motive, would not take much, but too much emotion, it could get messy.

Unser, He would do it in a heart beat for her, and his health is failing anyway, hew wouldn't do too many years before he died. But she did day a Son will be the one to do it.

Tig? This one is interesting, he is a cold killer, he has shown that, but he is loyal to Clay, but he has "slipped" with Jemma, a few times, could she leverage that?

Good points...I'll throw Bobby in as a possible one. But my bet is Gemma goes to Jax. Jax is bound to see her face all busted up and there is no way the good son will not retaliate. He'll figure out that Tara was targeted by Clay. Most likely it'll be Jax, Opie and Bobby planning a way for Clay to get offed by the Irish or Romeo. Juice will rat and then Jax and chibs will protect him and get Clay on the hook. THen the SONS will take care of Clay to appease the Cartel. Tigs will be torn b/w loyalty for Clay and love for Gemma. Eitherway, the last episode will have Clay being offed.

The DA will come after all of them, Roosevelt will save the SONs,

But as in any good TV, that plan will go to shit.

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Good points...I'll throw Bobby in as a possible one. But my bet is Gemma goes to Jax. Jax is bound to see her face all busted up and there is no way the good son will not retaliate. He'll figure out that Tara was targeted by Clay. Most likely it'll be Jax, Opie and Bobby planning a way for Clay to get offed by the Irish or Romeo. Juice will rat and then Jax and chibs will protect him and get Clay on the hook. THen the SONS will take care of Clay to appease the Cartel. Tigs will be torn b/w loyalty for Clay and love for Gemma. Eitherway, the last episode will have Clay being offed.

The DA will come after all of them, Roosevelt will save the SONs,

But as in any good TV, that plan will go to shit.

Bobby, good one, I didn't think of that angle, could be.

Hmmmm things are getting complicated.

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^^agree... hes dead meat. preveiws shows ope catches unser at pineys..... wonder if unser will get the truth out before he tears him in half. Ope is already a fragn time bomb......... wouldnt want to be anywhere near that dude when he loses it. If I heard right..... juice and tig is gonna be at cyclefest this year. I'll be there fursure......

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Hell hath no furry . . .

Clay screwed up big time. The question is who is she going to put on that path

Jax? I doubt it, the blow back could hit him and that would hurt her.

Ope? Donna, Piny, lots of motive, would not take much, but too much emotion, it could get messy.

Unser, He would do it in a heart beat for her, and his health is failing anyway, hew wouldn't do too many years before he died. But she did day a Son will be the one to do it.

Tig? This one is interesting, he is a cold killer, he has shown that, but he is loyal to Clay, but he has "slipped" with Jemma, a few times, could she leverage that?

All plausible. Not feelin' the Bobby theory... I've never gotten the vibe from him that he was a killer... Though I guess we'll find out for sure, if he really did kill Otto's ol' lady

Lincoln remind anybody else of, like, a crane or something? All his nervous & odd facial & body ticks... He reminds me of some kind of animal. Crane came in my head last week or so when Juice jumped Roosevelt in the War Room & Linc jumped up on the table to survey/avoid the brawl

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Well 3 episodes left and I am still not sure who is going to kill Clay. Could be Gemma Jax, Unser, Opie, hell even Tig is all sorts of pissed off at Clay.

I am thinking Juice will be gone by the end of the season as well which sucks but I am not sure how they can keep him around much longer.

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sgt at arms.

i think there will be a plan set up by the club (organized by op and jax) to kill clay and make it look like the cartel did it... this is after the cartel kills tera.

I think Tera will make it, barely, but I think so.

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I agree with Sapphy. Tara will make it.

Love the scene in the "next epsiode" teaser where Gemma wants unser to stop Opie. I'd like to see how cages a bear after poking it up the ass with a 10k volt prod. I don't understand why she would want to stop him. With Clay out, Jax would be Prez and keep his family in Charming; which is what Gemma would want.

I agree with Vulcan about Juice. I don't understand why he still "checked" in with the DA's office though. he's just all messed up in the head.

Also, I'm sorry, but if I saw my mother all messed, her pleas to do no harm would not be honored. Jax should have just capped him on the spot.

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I think Tera will make it, barely, but I think so.

this was my thought before the "junkie whore" wendy came back this episode. it leads me to believe that tera will be killed and she will take over as jax's old lady. this keeps jax in the club and provides a mother for jax's two sons. believe me i would much rather see tera as jaxs old lady but the cartel is too dangerous. otto is throwing a crazy twist into all of this... what will happen with otto, bobby, and lincoln potter?

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this was my thought before the "junkie whore" wendy came back this episode. it leads me to believe that tera will be killed and she will take over as jax's old lady. this keeps jax in the club and provides a mother for jax's two sons. believe me i would much rather see tera as jaxs old lady but the cartel is too dangerous. otto is throwing a crazy twist into all of this... what will happen with otto, bobby, and lincoln potter?

I don't think the "Junkie Whore" will get to stick around, no one likes her and that will not work out well for her. I think Otto is playing games with Lincoln to get some help for his buddy and to keep Lincoln busy and not able to watch the club as well.

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one thing is for sure.... opie is in one major state of pissed right now.

Nice job acting there by Ryan... Very convincing look of quiet rage he exhibited

Gimma ends up with Tig, and the merry-go-round starts over

Yeah... Same thing I was thinkin' when 'ol "Tiggy" went simperin' over to her

I don't think the "Junkie Whore" will get to stick around, no one likes her and that will not work out well for her.

Interesting theory of why they've brought her character in though

I think Otto is playing games with Lincoln to get some help for his buddy and to keep Lincoln busy and not able to watch the club as well.

Who is this Lenny he's tryin' to help?? I don't seem to remember him

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It is weird to see Wendy back on the show...it's all good, I dig Drea DeMatteo. I wonder what reason Sutter would write her back in though??? Like we don't have enough weird story lines going already. Maybe she is setting something up for Season 5?? I hope Opie takes out Clay and ends the whole cartel deal, it's been nothing but trouble from the start.

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Who is this Lenny he's tryin' to help?? I don't seem to remember him

First 9 (in order of Join)

JT - Dead - Clay?

Piney - Dead - Clay

Lenny - Jail

McGee - Dead - Clay

Wally - Dead

Uncle Tom - Dead

Chico - Dead

Otto - Death Row

Clay - Pres

we know that Clay had a hand in the death of 3 of the first 9. 2 are incarcerated. Seems the only way clay can get ahead is to kill people in front of him off.

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