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"Sons of Anarchy"


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Hopefully we only have to wait till summer for the new season and they will make it a full 16 episode season instead of 12.

Actually.... IIRC, a full season is 22 episodes

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I don't know, It's just that if I want drama there are smarter shows out there. Lets get back to ass kickings and rides, and every now and again one of Tigg's one liners like "That's why I beat hookers". I mean come on two seasons in and the club hasn't been to a single rally or race? Not like the clubs I know, outlaw or otherwise.

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Thanks for the correction...dick :D

Either way hopefully more than 12

Wasn't tryin' to be a dick to 'ya sweetcheeks :p

Just frustrated that I just found this show a couple months ago, & it's over already. Hoping to go back & pick up Season 1 over winter break from school

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Well I was fairly happy with the finale. I dont think sack is dead I think he will be back full patch next season.

As I have said just about every week I fucking hate that ATF bitch. However there is no way the murders will stick to Gemma, as long as there is an actual investigation they will see it is impossible that it happened the way Stahl said it did. But she is the only witness and Opie warned her about playing her games and now she has Gemma on the run and Jaxx's kid taken, so I'm thinkin Opie will take her out next season...at least I hope.

Unser has pretty much stepped down and Hale is in charge and he knows Hale will protect him as much as possible.

Hopefully we only have to wait till summer for the new season and they will make it a full 16 episode season instead of 12.

That, and the fact that Unser has terminal cancer. He's fine no matter what happens. He's doing his job to protect Charming, and knows that he'll be dead before the issue is resolved no matter what happens; it's best to do the greatest good, even if it brings him against the letter of the law.

It'll be interesting to see what happens to Gemma effectively going Nomad on the charter.

And wtf@snatching Abel. That is not right. The guy had been sane and stable for the entire goddamn season, it makes no sense to flip him and make him go all klepto on the baby. He's an IRA soldier for God's sake; not like they're unused to death or anything. Maybe I'm just being picky but it wouldn't exactly be difficult to track the goddamn boat on radar.


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There are 13 episodes, FX, like HBO does short seasons for quality rather than quantity.

Yeah the show has problems, but what show doesn't? Not sure about the whole Opie thing either, but I think for the moment he put his anger aside to help Jax get get revenge for his mom, and knows that Clay will step down. He still loves the club and doesn't want to destroy it.

Plus he's got a hot porn star girl now, BJ's and anal probably helped him forget his wife. :eek:

They have gone a few charity runs. Is that what you guys really want to watch though? Plus, when people are trying to kill you, casual rides are usually the last thing on your mind.

My biggest problem with last night is how fast they caught up to Cameron. Wasn't everyone way outside of Charming after Zoebel? They went back to Charming to the house, then magically caught up to him?

Oh well. It's not real, it's not supposed to be real. It's an escape.

If you want reality, watch the History channel or just look out the window.

What the hell else is there to watch right now anyway? TV sucks, that's why I barely watch any right now.

I want Rome and Buffy back, but Sons is pretty damn good too.

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My biggest problem with last night is how fast they caught up to Cameron. Wasn't everyone way outside of Charming after Zoebel? They went back to Charming to the house, then magically caught up to him?

Yeah.... The whole time they were trying to catch up to him, I kept wondering "Where's CHP at? Don't they ever patrol any of these roads to see these guys with shotguns poking out their fairings & Bobby with one shoved down his back?"

I mean seriously.... Doesn't CA have some of the strictest gun laws in the country besides NY, and here they're just toolin' down the highway lookin' like a freakin' armory. Not to mention the Mexican standoff... Literally ;) With the Mayans on Main St. Hale had called the county sheriffs in it looked like, and when Clay went to the middle to talk with the head Mayan, he pulled his gun out & handed it, not to the LEO's, but to the Son's. In real life, had he revealed a weapon like that, they probably would'a put his a$$ face down & been arresting him

Like Art said though.... I concede some artistic license to them. As long as spaceships don't become involved at some point.... I'll probably let the rest go ;)

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There are 13 episodes, FX, like HBO does short seasons for quality rather than quantity.

Yeah the show has problems, but what show doesn't? Not sure about the whole Opie thing either, but I think for the moment he put his anger aside to help Jax get get revenge for his mom, and knows that Clay will step down. He still loves the club and doesn't want to destroy it.

Plus he's got a hot porn star girl now, BJ's and anal probably helped him forget his wife. :eek:

They have gone a few charity runs. Is that what you guys really want to watch though? Plus, when people are trying to kill you, casual rides are usually the last thing on your mind.

My biggest problem with last night is how fast they caught up to Cameron. Wasn't everyone way outside of Charming after Zoebel? They went back to Charming to the house, then magically caught up to him?

Oh well. It's not real, it's not supposed to be real. It's an escape.

If you want reality, watch the History channel or just look out the window.

What the hell else is there to watch right now anyway? TV sucks, that's why I barely watch any right now.

I want Rome and Buffy back, but Sons is pretty damn good too.

It was subtle, but they showed Jax lane-splitting like a maniac there for a bit.

Probably traffic.

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I dont think sack is dead I think he will be back full patch next season.

Part of me hopes you're right, 'cause he's a likable kid, but part of me hopes you're wrong for the validity of the show. Tara was tied up, so she couldn't get to him & help right away like she did with Chibbs.

This I KNOW..... If I were Jax... Sack would get the cut off my back for the sacrifice he made tryin' to save my son like that

Like Clay said an episode or two ago.... "He may only have one nut... But he's got plenty of balls!"

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Ok, so they just announced that season three is official. September of 2010.


SWEEEET that it got renewed.....

But WHAT THE CRAP we gotta wait til freakin' September.... That's TEN months?!? :wtf:

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All I know is if I saw some whack job IRA member stealing my kid in a boat and I was standing on the dock, a good cry would not be my first order of business I would address, rather I would find the first bastard I could find with another said boat and alleviate him of his keys, then I would methodically hunt down that Son of a Bitch and Kill him slow.

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  • 1 month later...
FXnetworks.com has all of season one online its pretty nice if you need to catch up.

I'm only seein' 5 episodes on there right now.... All from Season 2

They do however have an ad below showing Season 1 now available on DVD & BluRay :(

Did read some of Fat Bob's Blog though :lol:

Edited by Fonzie
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