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Mac vs. PC....computers geeks needed!!!


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Geek comment aside (pet peeve) I'll chime in here. I need to break up hardware and operating system to properly explain both.

Apple's are generally just as reliable hardware-wise as PC's. Expect any repair cost to be 1.5x that of PC's if you have to take it into the Apple Store. Just the way Apple rolls. Expect the total price of the unit to be about 1.25 - 1.5X that of the comparable PC in the store. Again, that's the way it is. If you are looking at a laptop, Apple will beat the battery life of a PC all day long.

Short version on JUST hardware: if you don't mind dropping the extra coin, an Apple's not a bad investment for what you're after.

As you are finding out, the software on PC vs. Mac is widely different, and this may not be a bad thing. PC software is only as reliable as you are. If you are on the internet all day and click on things you don't understand, you will be one of those people that perennially have problems with their computer. I've had to have quite a few sit-downs with my users and explain over and over again how you downloading that free screensaver with the cute puppies is the cause of those weird popups you're been getting. Apart from that, you've probably been using Windows in one flavor or another for years, so you know you're way around. Try to shy away from Vista, or see if you can get someone to downgrade you to Windows XP until Windows 7 gets put through it's paces.

Mac software doesn't have 80% of the aforementioned "crazy downloading" issues, that's in no small part to the fact that its got 15% or so of the market share. Finding software for Mac isn't that hard, you'll just have to do a lot of downloading. Very little in-store. Software reliability is a lot better, just because it takes a lot of the guesswork out of the user experience. There is a learning curve, but I'm pretty sure you're intelligent enough to work your way around. There is a good reason why newer computer users in the labs I used to run in college gravitated towards the Mac's.

If it were me, I'd pony up the cash and get a Mac.

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MAC = My Apple is Cool? :)

I like my mac for several things.

1. Easy on and off

2. Has never crashed!

3. Very Technical abilities when editing video or photos compared to Windows

4. It doesn't try to think for you. If I change a setting I don't come back an hour later to find the setting has been reversed because Windows thinks it should be the other way

5. Garage Band

6. Virus Free

7. Processing speed is fast!

8. online security

9. wide screen display format

I don't like it because

1. Slow on dial up and doesn't display the connection speed

2. Does not always display online graphics or PC formated materials correctly

3. Limited program availability

4. Can't back up movies on DVD

5. Updates take forever even on road runner

6. Every thing cost extra, want Qtime to have all its functions ($$$), want to edit photos better you need Ilife ($$$), Itunes ($$$). [Not saying windows programs arnt the same way]

7. Tool bars are not intuitive in nature and can be confussing because they use diffrent terms than windows apps.

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Buy a PC preloaded with Linux.

No virus/malware problems.

No $300 for an office suite.

Comparable machines, performance/storage-wise, a PC will be 1/2 the cost of a Mac.

haha my brother in law did that, bought a shitty 300 dollar laptop and put linux on it... works great, but he's a comp geek and has a mac too

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I hate Vista. Microsoft screwed up on that one. I work at an university and we load XP on all of our stuff. We are looking into Windows 7 though. I tend to lean more toward MAC anyway, because I do Graphics, Video editing, etc. I use a PC at work because they refuse to buy me a MAC. MAC has come around as far as everyday user friendly computers, but PC is cheaper and less reliable like everyone pretty much said. You can do everything on a PC that you can on a MAC, but MAC runs everything so much better.

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Buy a mac and join all us cool kids. Your mac can do everything you listed and will work perfectly with iPhone too. You can always load windows on it too but you won't after learning and seeing the mac OS. It's also much easier to get help with the apple store if you ever have a real software or hardware failure.

Courtney had never used mac before she met me and picked it up very quickly since it's very user friendly.

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My $00.02.

I bought a Loaded 17" MacBook Pro three years ago for a lil' over 3K including a fancy printer. Before this day I had 3 PCs so at least one was working. I haven't turned those on after the first week of having the Mac. so 3K over 3 years of NO issues is well worth it to me. Wife wants a smaller MacBook now, so we will prolly be picking up another. also you can get a helluva good deal if you're a student. Also if your using it for skool you can claim it on your taxes. Woot.

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Everything is possibly related to everything.

Seriously, how hard was that? :D

That only explain one dimension of a 16+ dimension issue.:rolleyes: Come on Mr. Hawkings put it in plain engrish. :p

Serious though, Final cut is obviously a very powerfull tool for manipulating video but is very hard to import videos to work on and then export them to be put into a DVD. Q-time is much easier but far less powerfull. I keep hoping to run into someone who uses it so I can pick their big juicy brain. :lol:

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There are lots of sites for freeware/shareware for the mac.

I've used the shit out of "Mac The Ripper" on library moobies.

If you wanna back up your drive get an external. They're pretty cheap.

I picked up a SeaGate 1.5TB external in the spring for $140 at Microcenter.

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Just an FYI, iTunes is free.

Buy this. It will do everything you want it to. Has plenty of storage space, and no worries of malware or viruses.


Or, if you want to save some money, sacrifice a

little storage space, and you're ok with white, then there's this.


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MAC = My Apple is Cool? :)

I like my mac for several things.

1. Easy on and off

2. Has never crashed!

3. Very Technical abilities when editing video or photos compared to Windows

4. It doesn't try to think for you. If I change a setting I don't come back an hour later to find the setting has been reversed because Windows thinks it should be the other way

5. Garage Band

6. Virus Free

7. Processing speed is fast!

8. online security

9. wide screen display format

Ironically, the reason I don't like you having a mac is #5 ;)


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