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Some thoughts from a 1st year rider...


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Well with this turn in the weather I can feel the end of the riding season soon approaching. Now don't get me wrong! I will ride up until my knuckes freeze to my handgrips (maybe longer if I buy heated ones) and plan on riding for the ABATE toy run in November if the weather isn't too crappy. But having received my endorsement on 7/14/09 I thought why not post a few of the things I learned in my first season of riding.

1. I am hopelessly addicted

From the second I hopped on (1st 2 wheel ride in 22yrs) I had no desire

to ever be on 4 wheels again. The freedom is like a drug.

2. If the lady from the BMV giving the endorsement test yells at the others for going too slow, don't do 30mph on the obstacle swerve.

I got cocky. I didn't want to get yelled at so my testosterone got the

better of me. But at least I passed on my 2nd try.

3. Truckers are our friend. Except in the rain.

Thanks to all the truckers who give me ample room to ride. I know

it's mostly because you want to see where I am. Now to the one that

paced me in the rain the other day... thanks for the extra shower.

4. Cigarettes thrown out of a car ahead of you have guidance systems

Nothing like a hot lava rock smashing into your visor as you enjoy a

relaxing ride at night. Especially when you feel like the burning ash is

coming in the vent below the visor.

5. When on surface streets and a car comes over on you, wearing boots

affords you a great chance to meet people.

Had a guy try to come over on me just south of OSU campus in his new

Lexus. With no escape route, my right foot made a great dent on his

left rear quarter panel. Too bad a cop was close behind and saw it all.

When we pulled over the officer explained to him that we could swap

info. But that basically he was screwed for not paying attention.

6. The wave...

I ride a sportbike. I wave if I can do it safely, otherwise you get a

nod. But I've found that more cruisers will wave than sportbikes.

Just an observation. But my girl can't get enough of being able to

wave and get one in return. Half expect her to hop up and down and

clap every time.

7. I ride better when I have another bike with me.

Maybe it's that I am concentrating more on holding my line? Maybe I

Feel more at ease that I will be seen by cars? Who knows? But I do

tend to ride better, shift smoother, hold my line easier and generally

have more fun when I am not alone. Whether I know the person or

we just happen to be in the same area and partner up.

8. I don't seem to notice getting tired until I'm off the bike for an hour

Which I hope continues. That way I'll be able to make longer trips.

9. It's true what they say. Riders look out for other riders.

3-4 days into my time on 2 wheels I had a issue with my transmission.

I forgot to downshift while I was slowing to a stop and my super duper

chinese bike didn't want to go into 1st. Simple solution? Start in 2nd.

Not for me, didn't gas it enough and died. As I sit on the shoulder I

have a Road King pull up next to me and ask if I need a hand. I

explain my problem and he says "O.K. we'll wait with you" as I look back

I see 10-15 other Harleys blocking Stringtown Rd. @ Gantz so I can

get back out on the road. Thanks guys.

10. Motorcycle riding is kinda like being with a woman

Wear the right clothing, don't be too cocky, don't let yours get stolen,

make sure you have good rubber and plenty of lubrication. Don't try to

go too fast. When you are a rookie, go with an easy one, then move

up to one that you know will rock your world. You always want a

hotter one but you know the one you have is the one you can't get rid

of. and finally, you never want to be without one.


Don't trust someone who says they have a free bike for you, cuz they probab;y owe someone for chicken wings

Edited by Lunatik3
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I prefer the show stopper for signalling. LOL, i wave pretty much to anyoneand it does not bother me if they do not wave back. Most wave in return and those that don't, no worries. Good words and glad you enjoy riding so much. It is a ddicting thats is for sure.

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lol, I've stopped doing the full wave way ahead of time because I got tired of people not waving back... you see them, you put your hand out, you KNOW they saw you... then they don't even nod or lift a finger.

But I've been just as bad at times, riding over to QSL, pass 100 bikes, 50 bikes in I'm done waving...

So I guess I'm being a hypocrite

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Just wait until you get something with balls that you can flick. :) The Kat's a great ramp-up bike to a real SS, but once you go FI you'll never go back.

Let me know if you're doing any winter projects on the Kat.

Was considering putting some of the plastic on but still keeping it mostly streetfightered. I'll hit you up

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Was considering putting some of the plastic on but still keeping it mostly streetfightered. I'll hit you up

Nah, keep it 'fightered. There's a guy in Grove City I know that has very reasonable prices on powdercoating if you want to get some of the engine covers done while it's down for the winter. He's on KatRiders as well, he'll hook you up.

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The only one that gets me is when you're riding in a group and you pass another group. Someone in your group will wave....

Sorry but if I'm railing the bike and I'm in a curve or doing some ridiculous speed, my hand isn't coming off the bar. It may be considered rude but screw it.

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I noticed that squids never wave. I guess they think they are cooler because they aren't wearing gear. I will say most of the cruisers do wave. I guess it all depends on what they are riding...lol.

Good write up. This to was my first year with my own bike. I have ridden before but not as much as this year when I bought my bike. It is very addicting. The wife always ask me to take her on it. Good stuff man...

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lunatik, im not feeling well but i cant sleep and came acrossed your thread. i read every word. i'd go back and comment on each but its too late for me and plus -- i rather appreciate what you had to say and concur with all of it. ive been riding since april this year so we r both rookie street riders. i think the one about your girlfriends clapping is hilarious and i can see how its true.. oh and the last one about bikes and women -- well said!

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