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Anyone else notice....????


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Oh! I got it! After using the restroom, I was washing my hands and it hit me! The key to immunity is a specific germ. Those who have gotten this germ/bacteria are immune to the h1n1 zombie disease. Those who have been using antibacterial soaps are screwed.

And also, the first signs of zombies should be pigs and birds coming back to life. The first one should be a pig that gets loose from a farm and gets hit by a car. It will be from a far that injected it's animals with antibiotics and steroids. The pig comes back to life after a day or so and starts eating other pigs' brains, then goes after the farmers son who is feeding the pigs. The farmer's son can be the first human to get it. Oh yeah, I see Hollywood written all over this plot.

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Sounds like a mix of resident evil with "I am legend". Maybe the vaccine is just a way to delay the full effects like in resident evil. The gov't is waiting for someone to survive from the virus that is the perfect "donor" with which they will make many "nemisis" and "alice" weapons. I'm down for whatever. It really isnt too far fetched. Mad cow disease comes from feeding cattle other cows. Why won't someone investigate this as something from cannibalistic humans?

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Then, some of the water run off from the "infected" farm flows into the water table ( rural well water) and streams where the high school kids swim, so more people get infected.........

ok cabin fever....

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Has anyone else noticed how right now with the media reports on H1N1 and the deaths that have occurred, this is eerily similar to the beginning of a really good zombie/horror flick?

Future plot possibilities:

- those who take the vaccine become zombies

- those who die from the flu come back as zombies

- people who get the virus but don't get sick become zombies

kind of reminds me for V for vendetta

Reminds me of "I Am Legend"

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nope then you get The fly mixed with notld. giant walking mosquitoes. so your veering into more of a vampire than zombie.

And I am a firm believer in the flesh eaters not the brain eaters, rotld was good but night is the best. and the cause of the vacinated turning should be either gov, or atmospheric.

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