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WTF!!! Pres. Obama received TWO Grammys?!?


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download some of the sound bytes from the book and put them on your mp3 player.

I was going to post the links, but the language is too offensive for public view.

(This is our president reading the dialogue...)

Google up something like Obama mp3 book or Obama mp3 sound bytes

These are getting hard to find, I think they are getting removed from the internetz...

edit: ok, this is about the only place to find them. And the French fry quote IS THERE. Good...

April Winchell

Edited by ReconRat
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God is finally here. :bow:



and the dick-stroking continues.

Will the constant dick sucking of this guy ever end?!? It's truly become nauseating! :rolleyes:

What's next..... GQ fashion awards because he was able to match his Garanimal tiger suit with his tiger tie?!? :wtf:

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I told Lyns about this and she informed me that she's been voting for him on the Heisman Award website. She puts his name in once a day and hopes he wins it. She can't find anybody more deserving of the Heisman Award. :D (true story)

:lol: not gonna lie, thats pretty hilarious

It hasn't even been a full year yet and I already wish he would go the fuck away

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I told Lyns about this and she informed me that she's been voting for him on the Heisman Award website. She puts his name in once a day and hopes he wins it. She can't find anybody more deserving of the Heisman Award. :D (true story)

At the rate of phallic suction he's been receiving lately..... The above wouldn't surprise me :rolleyes:

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there's no hate like conservative hate...

Seriously, you guys are getting your panties in a bunch over a couple of metal statues from a grossly overrated awards ceremony that he won 2 and 4 YEARS AGO?

I don't care if its a repub or dem in office, if they get something they don't deserve I'll be the first to say fuck that. But for this guy its very fitting because he is all about giving shit to people that dont deserve it

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:lol: Yeah' date=' because I don't hear constant "Bush bashing" from the left.[/quote']

If I had a dollar for every time a Leftist complains that Obama takes a ton of heat and "this would never be said if a republican was in office" I'd be Bill Gates. Seriously, did they live under a rock for the last 8 years? I listen to a lot of music and different types and I can't begin to tell you how many songs were complaining about him or what he was doing in office, and thats just the tip of iceberg as far as social media goes

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But look at the difference... Bush bashing because 'Mission Accomplished' over 6 years ago and starting a preemptive war with a sovereign nation vs. Obama bashing because he won some awards.

Those 'bashings' are on equal planes? :wtf: I see there's a difference between the two. If that's all the Obama bashers have to bitch about, I think ya'll are doing pretty well. Not that Obama is perfect, but he's no where near the epic fail Bush was.

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But look at the difference... Bush bashing because 'Mission Accomplished' over 6 years ago and starting a preemptive war with a sovereign nation vs. Obama bashing because he won some awards.

Those 'bashings' are on equal planes? :wtf: I see there's a difference between the two. If that's all the Obama bashers have to bitch about, I think ya'll are doing pretty well. Not that Obama is perfect, but he's no where near the epic fail Bush was.

I see your point. So lets put it on the same level, if Bush (or any Republican for that matter) had won several awards that were undeserving, can you imagine the uproar it would have caused?

edit: Also, I should say that I could care less what party a person is from because I am more about what are you doing for me and the country. That is far more important to me than what party someone is

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I see your point. So lets put it on the same level, if Bush (or any Republican for that matter) had won several awards that were undeserving, can you imagine the uproar it would have caused?

edit: Also, I should say that I could care less what party a person is from because I am more about what are you doing for me and the country. That is far more important to me than what party someone is

That's a pretty big IF. :p

But, I'd feel the same way. How about we save the bitching and moan to stuff that actually has some substance? I wouldn't care if Bush won 7 Grammy's for reading a dramatic account of "The Pet Goat" - it's petty and trivial in the grand scheme of things.

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