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The prison/rehab/cap_pun Thread - If you double dare!


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let's keep arguments civil and high-thinking. Bring in sources, statistical data, and research to back your opinions please ^.^
Ok' date=' but they all have my fully hard cock in them. You sure you wanna' see that?[/quote']

:lol: I demand sources and research of said OR girls, because from jbot's own personal eyewitness accounts, it doesn't appear, statistically, that your fully hard cock is capable of being seen.

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I'll bite on this topic. I won't however go get statistics and all that because I am lazy, but will give my opinion. I was just talking to my friend this weekend and said I wish we had cruel and unusual punishment, so that people would actually be scared of committing crimes. People will spend time in jail because they can, but if they faced cruel punishment, such as losing a hand for stealing (maybe not that extreme for a 1st time offender), chances are pretty good they aren't going to steal again. Or at least I know I wouldn't.

I also think that if the death sentence has been handed down, it should be done in a VERY timely manner. If the prisoner is not gappealing the decision, and has admitted guilt, or been proven guilty without a shadow of a doubt, the death sentence should be done same day. There is no reason to let someone sit on death row, sucking up tax dollars, and taking up space in prisons that are already over crowded. Not to mention that the guys on death row have nothing to live for, so why not assault one of the CO's, or even kill them, because, what does it matter. Now on the flipside, if a death row inmate wants to take out a fellow death row inmate, well then he deserves a thank you, because he (or she for that matter) did something that the state couldn't.

I think that the legal system is flawed, and I hate seeing cases where plea bargains are offered just so that the judge or the DA can get a conviction. I think as motorcycle riders, a lot of people can agree with this. If a cager kills a fellow rider, they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but instead, they will take a plea bargain for involuntary, or reckless, or who knows. I know that car accidents are just that, accidents, but when people are texting, smoking, eating, drinking (coffee or alcohol), reading, playing with the radio, or any combination of two or all of these, they are being negligent, and in some cases people lose their life.

I know not all cases are as black and white as I mentioned, but this is just my opinion. We are all entitled to it, any nobody has to agree with me.

Edited by Goldie
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I may have watched "life behind bars," or whatever that show on Discovery is, one too many times, but I believe rehabilitation is possible in some cases.

the trouble is, you can't tell which cases those until after the person has been sentenced. Even so, i think the goal should be to rehabilitate those who can be rehabilitated.

not everyone is a murderer or a rapist, etc. There are a lot of people in jail serving 8 years for X offense. Most people hear that and think it's not that harsh of a punishment. 8 years? really? serve 30 days in jail, and then tell me 8 years isn't a harsh punishment.

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