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National Debt Road Trip


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Indian Chief 'Two Eagles' was asked by a white government

official, 'You have observed the white man for 95 years. You've seen

his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and

the damage he's done.'

The Chief nodded in agreement.

The official continued, 'Considering all these events, in your

opinion, where did the white man go wrong?'

The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then

calmly replied. 'When white man find land, Indians running it, no

taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water.

Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spends all day

hunting and fishing; all night having sex.'

Then the chief leaned back and smiled. 'Only white man dumb enough to

think he could improve system like that.'

:D j/k

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  JRMMiii said:
Ha! Kosmo wrote an Indian joke...

Indian (teepee) not Indian (curry)

LOL, Indian (teepee) not Indian (curry).. Now that is Funny..

I am more impressed with the fact that you actually have a sense of humor in a thread that bashes Obama..

Was starting to think that was your kryptonite, but I was wrong.

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  kreator said:
I am more impressed with the fact that you actually have a sense of humor in a thread that bashes Obama..

Was starting to think that was your kryptonite, but I was wrong.

I'm not an Obama lover so much as I was a McCain hater.

And humor ranks MUCH higher on my scale of important things than political debates on the interwebz. You haven't been on here long have you :p

I really don't sit and dwell on what people say here, I hope no one else does either... it's more of a critical thinking, educational time-killer for me than anything else. I learn things (people skills, current events, different perspectives) so regardless of whether you AGREE or DISAGREE with my opinion - it forces me to at least validate it or change it.

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  JRMMiii said:
:lol: I love how you use the word "theoretical"... like as in "time travel works, theoretically."

"Theoretically, you're not gay for having 3 cats."

I'm just busting balls you big cuddly Jew. Keep on keeping on - you rock that Vulcan like it's nobody's business.

Theoretical as in "if you didn't weigh so much" :-D I've never seen the needle over 100 indicated so I'm skeptical of the "gearing calculators"

I'm not gay for having 3 cats, I'm "secure in my masculinity" that's why I walk around with a gun


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